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sling&stones jeans


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I am a Christian and many of the people at Sling & Stones are as well. Yep, we're a Christian company. . . i think Jesus wore veggie indigo back in the day. . . veggie dyed robes. . . o.g.

--- Original message by ilovespaz on Jun 3, 2006 10:38 PM

Isn't iron army christians too? Alot of Christians starting denim companies it seems..


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I am a Christian and many of the people at Sling & Stones are as well. Yep, we're a Christian company. . . i think Jesus wore veggie indigo back in the day. . . veggie dyed robes. . . o.g.

--- Original message by ilovespaz on Jun 3, 2006 10:38 PM

Isn't iron army christians too? Alot of Christians starting denim companies it seems..

--- Original message by poly800rock on Jun 5, 2006 08:59 AM

kind of like the jews and jewelry, maybe??

våran panel tycker att man ska koka pastan i två år

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i think it's really absurd to call yourself a Christian company, especially when it comes to clothes. All that will succeed in doing is alienating and turning people off. It kind of does for me. I'm all for Christians, but what purpose does it serve in making jeans? Especially when you are dealing with high end denim with gold rivets. Aren't Christians supposed to be meek? maybe i'm not in on the joke or something.

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i think it's really absurd to call yourself a Christian company, especially when it comes to clothes. All that will succeed in doing is alienating and turning people off. It kind of does for me. I'm all for Christians, but what purpose does it serve in making jeans? Especially when you are dealing with high end denim with gold rivets. Aren't Christians supposed to be meek? maybe i'm not in on the joke or something.

--- Original message by giantreptile on Jun 5, 2006 10:47 AM

in case you didn't notice, ilovespaz didn't bring up that sling&stones was a "christian" denim company. only when pressed by various SFers in this thread and in the gold stitching thread did he say he's a christian. the focus of the company seems to be much more on sustainability, unique materials, subtle styling cues, and on using the parable of david as metaphor for their own entry into the denim market. it's not like he's trying to evangelize the world by selling people expensive pants...

i was born and raised atheist, but after reading ilovespaz's posts on this board, i'd have no problem whatsoever buying a pair.

that said, a clothing company that's out there actively being a "christian clothing company," is ridiculous.

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the reason why i said that we were a christian company is because the main people here who have invested much of their time and money are christians, although we do have people here who are non-christian (one of whom is my very cute Japanese intern Hitomi)

Edun (also a fair trade company) is owned and operated by Ali Hewston and Bono whom both are Christian, They also print Rainer Rilke poems in the linings of their jackets and jeans, a christian existentialist poet from Germany.

Christian or non, as a clothing company we wanted to bring forth excellence in construction, fit, and fabric choices without sacrificing ecological sustainability and world wide social consciousness. :)

booty clap contest anyone?.......

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the reason why i said that we were a christian company is because the main people here who have invested much of their time and money are christians, although we do have people here who are non-christian (one of whom is my very cute Japanese intern Hitomi)

Edun (also a fair trade company) is owned and operated by Ali Hewston and Bono whom both are Christian, They also print Rainer Rilke poems in the linings of their jackets and jeans, a christian existentialist poet from Germany.

Christian or non, as a clothing company we wanted to bring forth excellence in construction, fit, and fabric choices without sacrificing ecological sustainability and world wide social consciousness. :)

--- Original message by ilovespaz on Jun 5, 2006 12:03 PM

and by doing so does that mean you hire criminals, prostitutes, and lepers? anyway, good luck, because it sounds like you have a good thing going so far.

as for Edun, it's sure hard to look past Bono's ego despite all of his philanthropy. this is coming from a guy who forgot his hat at home, so he had a cab deliver it to the airport, then fly in its own seat first class to Italy, and then had another cab deliver it to his hotel. total was something like $1700.

and as for christian existentialist, that's one mean oxymoron!

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Hey Spaz, how did you go from being a mechanical engineer, to heading up a denim company? I'm interested in hearing the story if you don't mind telling it.

--- Original message by Yet Fung on Jun 5, 2006 11:19 AM

I've been into premium denims and clothing since highschool, i've always had a fascination of Japanese street clothing because being from Seattle, we would always get Japanese exchange students who would wear these used dunks with vintage levi's redlines (pre 2000 before dunks were cool) and thought it was the most og stuff ever. So since then i've always had a fascination with Evisu's, Edwins, Japanese people and pop culture in general.

So after highschool i went to college focused on something that would pay me lots after graduating (which was engineering) so i could support my dirty habits of overpriced clothes and guinness. but My concentration was on sustainable energy and renewable resource and i also worked as an engineer for a year on energy conservation. Basically i turned into a tree hugger who was aware of ecological consequences from everday choices.

So in the end i was an asian kid wearing expensive jeans feeling guilty for forgetting to turn off the lights in my bedroom.

After doing a bunch of research on cotton production i found out that the current fashion industry was one of the most ecologically unsustainable industries, minus the oil industry, on this planet. .. for every pound of cotton grown you will find that 1/3 of a pound of pesticides and herbicides was used for its growth. (i could go on forever but i won't)

also, the socially consciousness was influenced from working in slums and orphanages in India... ..

so there you have it, sling & stones was birthed from the love of good clothes, the earth, and kids in india. (true story not a marketing ploy)

booty clap contest anyone?.......

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the reason why i said that we were a christian company is because the main people here who have invested much of their time and money are christians, although we do have people here who are non-christian (one of whom is my very cute Japanese intern Hitomi)

Edun (also a fair trade company) is owned and operated by Ali Hewston and Bono whom both are Christian, They also print Rainer Rilke poems in the linings of their jackets and jeans, a christian existentialist poet from Germany.

Christian or non, as a clothing company we wanted to bring forth excellence in construction, fit, and fabric choices without sacrificing ecological sustainability and world wide social consciousness. :)

--- Original message by ilovespaz on Jun 5, 2006 12:03 PM

and by doing so does that mean you hire criminals, prostitutes, and lepers? anyway, good luck, because it sounds like you have a good thing going so far.

as for Edun, it's sure hard to look past Bono's ego despite all of his philanthropy. this is coming from a guy who forgot his hat at home, so he had a cab deliver it to the airport, then fly in its own seat first class to Italy, and then had another cab deliver it to his hotel. total was something like $1700.

and as for christian existentialist, that's one mean oxymoron!

--- Original message by giantreptile on Jun 5, 2006 12:17 PM

haha :) i didn't know christian existentialist existed until i read about that dude...

booty clap contest anyone?.......

Edited by ilovespaz on Jun 5, 2006 at 12:47 PM

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glad to hear that seattle's coming up with some cool stuff e.g. Goods, Maiden Noir, slings and stones, etc...

the jeans look well constructed, but i'm not feeling that diesel-esque back pocket stitching piece on the back of the jeans. either way, good luck!

btw ilovespaz, did you grow up in seattle? go to uw?

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Guest Airjamie

Personally, a christian philosophy behind any clothing company, especially an admitted luxury brand such as slings and stones or iron army, makes me extremely uneasy. Using a company selling nearly $300 pairs of jeans to promote christian ideals seems almost.......counterproductive to me. I understand that the focus is moreso on the clothes than on the message, but doesnt it seem silly to try and convey the merits of philanthropy to someone spending enough on one pair of jeans to fund an entire classroom in a third world country for months? Not to mention that the whole idea of luxury clothing is somewhat anti-christian in-and-of itsself. Thats not to say that I myself am out there saving babies, but then I am an evil corporate minded capitalist bastard. I'm also in lawschool. And a satanist. So my views could be somewhat skewed. ...................... That being said your jeans are beautiful, and the nontraditional details are great. If a pair could be made in a skinny, tapered fit while still using selvedge I would be VERY interested

I am the black wizards.

Edited by Airjamie on Jun 6, 2006 at 06:42 PM

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  • 1 month later...

I met spaz at the Blue trade show in NYC. They're really cool dudes who seem earnest about delivering a killer product. Their veggie indigo organic cotton selvedge is looking good. The jewel like hardware is a bit too overstated for me, but I think it can work for many.

He mentioned the fabric is made by a family farm using their own looms...can't wait for the full skinny. FAMILY FARM?!

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The devils are having a reunion. Damn i wish I lived in seattle. I love the devils. I really loved Area 51 and the Hookers, though.

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so its been a while since i've been on here, mainly due to traveling waaay too much, we took the brand to bread and butter berlin and enk Blue the week after. Henry, thanks for stopping in and checking out or stuff, glad you like it sans the hardware. as for the mill, it is a family owned mill in okanaya and the certified organic supima they got from a family farm in nevada.

we were very particular in using our mill because when we first started a lot of the big name japanese mills forwarded us to their chinese factories, which we concluded that we could get 'japanese' made denim made in china shipped from japan for cheap... but we didn't and wanted to make sure that the mill we used was small and was actually made in japan, so small in fact that they only produce about 1 to 2 rolls of denim per day.

thanks for the heads up on the sneaker competition.

as for the pre release, our denim is currently in production and will be delivered soon, and hopefully after that we can make some units for some of you all to pick up. as for the superfuture denim, i have a list of about 32 people wanting it, and i need about a 100 to do this. . . maybe season 2? :)

and i totally missed the block party, band of horses was playing and wanted to catch them, i guess they were on letterman a week ago.. a lot of seattle bands on the come up lately.. pretty cool. . . anyway.. if you all have any more questions about the brand do ask :) i can go on forever about the exciting times at the tradeshows. . .



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