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Pure Blue Japan


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Okay, took some photos. I did the repairs with a darn stitch and darning thread, then used doubled up regular thread to attach patches on the inside and finally re-wove the darned area with regular thread into the patched area, which has held up well, but does nothing for the other areas that are falling apart. The left pockets were never used, so i don't understand why that took so much more damage than right one. The upper thighs stretched out sooo much and gather so awkwardly, i doubt even a 28 would have sufficed. Probably just time for me to buy another different pair... Anyway, happy with the fading i suppose, but wish i could have been a little more satisfied with these.





Front crotch repair:


Back crotch/ass repair:


The lonely back pocket that never got any use:


and some detailed fade shots:




and knit picking now, but...left pocket rip, which was rarely used:


Anyway, there you have it!

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Anyway, there you have it!

Shit dude thats intense.... what did you do in them??

but admittedly I have gone really easy on mine and the stitching is breaking all over the place, especially the pockets and I find the denim to be quite brittle. I got the back of them, near the yoke, caught on the latch of a door and it put a fairly significant hole in them. Something that I know would have done nothing to any other pair of jeans.

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hm.. that is unfortunate. i really dont wear my jeans very hard. my sams dont show much fading and i've had them for 5 months. I just sit in class all day and then go to work in brown chinos. boooring. maybe if im careful a pair of pbjs would do me good eh? :)

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tempted to get the 007s since the crotch of my 005s is about to give way...

but the thighs are too ill fitting... not sure of having swamp ass everyday in the summer is worth it...

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Does anyone know how 003s measure post wash? BiG only lists the pre wash... (also, will they get more of them in stock anyway? they're out right now and I'd need a 34)

By the way, would these be a good substitute for the 005? I'm interested in them because the 005s are too tight in the thigh for me but I love the quality.

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Shit dude thats intense.... what did you do in them??

Honestly, not much. Overall, they probably got a total of three months wear....which, in my opinion, and probably others, isn't that much...especially considering the cost. Like I said, I believe I didn't do anything to warrant such rapid and destructive wear to the denim, but either way, I'm going to have to retire them soon...most likely before the end of the month, as these insanely close to being unwearable. Oh well, chalking it up as a loss and an unfortunate bad taste in my mouth.

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Remember me from a few weeks ago? Yesterday, I sent the email to my dad (because I don't have a credit card to buy this stuff on my own : /) and just as expected, he wasn't too happy about it.

Well, I wrote him a big defense email.

I knew you'd say that...

For months, I've been researching different brands and types of dry denim jeans, looking at measurements, the quality of the denim, stiffness, and other things such as if they are selvage. A while back, I saw these and liked everything, from the fit, to the texture, to the color, and the pretty much indestructible quality of the denim.

Well, there's on thing I don't like: The price.

Anyway, I believe these jeans are worth it. The denim is very stiff and thick, meaning they will last a long, long, long time. They're even stiff enough to stand up on their own. Also, you know how my wallet ate the back pocket of my Levi's, right? That won't happen with these, because they won't rip very easily.

I compared measurements with my Levi's to find a good fit for me, and also left some space for me to grow into.

And best of all, they will fade very nicely. That's the point, really. Very durable jeans that will form to your body over time and fade to reveal who you are. A once-of-a-kind pair of jeans made just for you.

Now, for some examples.

Here's a pair that's brand new and barely worn:




http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p275/midnighthockey/DSC_0001.jpg (if you notice, the patch is untanned leather, which will tan and age over time. Very cool)

http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p275/midnighthockey/DSC_0016.jpg (just to show you a macro of the texture)

Here's a pair that's been worn for ten and a half months:



I hope that this will convince you just enough to let me buy these, but I'm not insane, and I'm not Paris Hilton.

You know that.


I really hope this does it, and if it does, you guy should be seeing me again soon.

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Does anyone know how 003s measure post wash? BiG only lists the pre wash... (also, will they get more of them in stock anyway? they're out right now and I'd need a 34)

By the way, would these be a good substitute for the 005? I'm interested in them because the 005s are too tight in the thigh for me but I love the quality.

003 and 005 uses the same denim, so shrinkage will be about the same. Just line up the prewash measurements of the 003 with those of the 005 and look at shrinkage. I believe the 003 is about 2 sizes larger than the 005 (aside from the waist).

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Well... a little trouble here.

My dad's still rejecting this, saying he's not going to allow me to buy $200 Japanese Levi's ripoffs.


Levi's ripoffs? More like Levi's upgrades if anything!

Oh well. I told him I'm not going to give up on this, and I'm going to argue my point as long as I need to.

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My current Levi's aren't holding up too well, though. And only 6 months. : /

Oh well. I guess I'll have to wait four years. Hopefully, this will all still be in style and PBJ will still be around making the 005's.

But in four years, I'm going to buy two pairs. One for me, and one for my dad. Hopefully then, he'll see why dry denim is so special.

Thanks for the support everyone.

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dude, maybe start small? hard to argue with the old man sometimes


i have to agree.i didnt bother arguing with my old man when i was a kid as i'll usually know what he will be saying.

ask somebody else your friends or somebody you know.you'll feel alot better that way

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