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ROY X CONE contest, 1.1.11 - 2.1.12

Paul T

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^ Oh, didn't see that.

Had to recheck his post coz I thought you altered it :P

Come'n pomata, more wear and more pics :)

Convincing argument: the waist won't be so snug if you start wearing it more!

here you are!


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What are all of these pixelated bits on Mr. 76?

he said im not allowed to post pics of him, so gotta pixel incase someone recognises his elbow or ear

looking hot pomata, must wear and post everyday, it would be rude not to (pot calling kettle black concept)

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Kayaks are coming along sweet. The feathers really set it off.

Lookin' good from here, bust those in Pomata!

Peterson makes a nice pipe there Katz. I like a pipe now and again, but could never really get into the zen mode with them. I do better with a see-gar.

Paul, your surroundings have that great vintage fade. Around here, we mostly have the artificially distressed, 'True Religion' style architecture. The new Seattle Public Library looks like it is in mid-collapse (and I wish it would go ahead and do it fully), and of course Paul Allens masturbation (I mean masterpiece) the EMP is a broken and burning guitar which you can only identify if you fly over it in a helicopter. Let's see, who has a helicopter? Oh yeah King 5 news, and Paul Allen. (sorry you have to share a name with this guy)

And awesome wash time with the kiddo, switch. Have you got a clothes line with the wooden clothespins?

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Victory! The popular protests have brought Pomata out of his hole! The people want the fall of Pomata's other pants, to be replaced by the ROYxCones!

Peterson makes a nice pipe there Katz. I like a pipe now and again, but could never really get into the zen mode with them. I do better with a see-gar.

I enjoy a cigar every now and again, but I got into the idea of a pipe because - and I know this sounds silly - I get annoyed have to deal with ash, and I don't like that I'm left with nothing at the end of my smoke. I like the artifact of a pipe, and the fact that I don't ash everywhere. I also just generally enjoy the ritual of a pipe - packing, lighting, tamping, ashing, lighting tamping, holding something warm.

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today my ROYs and i broke up a fist fight between two 15 year old girls

So science has now proven ROYs to be cat scratch resistant. (take that Filson, and your measely chainsaw resiliance)

ROYs with a very nice Fuente 858 candela.


Yes it is in fact green.

It seems all my ROY pictures make them look satiny. Which is strange as in person they are very much matte and hairy.

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Wow, you turn your back for a minute and there's just way too many amazing posts to start going into.... good work folks

Just thought I'd ask tho, anyone catch Paul on bbc 6 (music) this morning?

whats that about? please enlighten me,really courius.

is Paul starting a second career on the radio?

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wow, this is gonna look amazing in a couple of years. i wished mine crocked in the way that yours do! repped!

Couple of years?? ;) I'm looking forward to wearing these for a solid year, and then occasionally after that. I have a pair or two in the closet patiently waiting, and I'm sure something else from ROY or Rising Sun will be enticing me as the year goes on...

Coming along great, robbie!

I feel like we're missing updates from about half the people in the contest...

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Couple of years?? ;) I'm looking forward to wearing these for a solid year, and then occasionally after that. I have a pair or two in the closet patiently waiting, and I'm sure something else from ROY or Rising Sun will be enticing me as the year goes on...

Coming along great, robbie!

I feel like we're missing updates from about half the people in the contest...

If he introduces the cut into his normal line, I will definitely be buying another pair. I won't be wearing them straight away though. I have Denime XX's, a pair of Warehouse and a half worn pair of Lee1930 101b to get through first.

I am also definitely keeping an eye on Rising Sun....there is almost too much good denim being produced these days.

Oh and @ PaulT: congrats on the new book. It looks great. I hope you gave Syd Barrett his due!:D

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Couple of years?? ;) I'm looking forward to wearing these for a solid year, and then occasionally after that. I have a pair or two in the closet patiently waiting, and I'm sure something else from ROY or Rising Sun will be enticing me as the year goes on...

Coming along great, robbie!

I feel like we're missing updates from about half the people in the contest...

i second that. one year is enough.....

plenty of great posts here. nothing much here to share, i went to the bikes store to learn that mine was delayed until april..... sigh


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Coming along great, robbie!

I feel like we're missing updates from about half the people in the contest...


I agree it feels like its been a while since I've seen pics from some contestants.

Paul Trynka = celebrity author, leading to interviews on national radio. Hope it's all going well Mr T

had no idea he'd written other books, wow!

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Thanks for the BBC link. It starts at 2:16 for those of you who don't want to listen to two hours of questionable music. Great stuff, Paul!

While we're on the subject of radio, here are links to a couple of episodes of a nature radio show that my ROYs and I do once each month on the local public radio station.

Episode 1

Episode 2

I'll leave them up for a few days...

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5494775343_1ee1fecc7a_z.jpgGetting to know Dylan the English pointer, who is getting a bit on the chunky side.

That is crazy cute man.

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OK. Forgive me if this is self-indulgent, but I've been working up to this for nearly three years.

8 am. 3rd March. This is World Book Day. And it's also Paul T book day. After nearly three years' work my biography of David Bowie is finally out.

I'm bleary-eyed. A water main burst down the street - I was up at 4pm pumping water out of my basement so that the entire frikkin thing isn't water-damaged. Still, at this time in the morning everyone else is crushed into the trains, no seats, and looks pretty bleary-eyed too.


Now, the good news. Just around from where I'm headed they make some of the best coffees in London. Milano blend, all arabica.


And it's a beautiful walk thru SoHo, which at this moment is quiet and clean.


Destination: BBC Boradcasting House. this place was built in the late 20s, I think at one time that decorative transmitter actually worked, - it's kind of iconic for many Brits, Winston Churchill, the Beatles, every Prime Minister will have walked thru those doors to do radio interviews. And now it's me, teehee.


In the morning I went into a side building where the music stations have moved. First show, Sean Keaveny. A nice, funny, relaxed, witty dude. We had a quick semi-surreal chat about various subjects while the first Bowie record was playing and I explained the bizarre notion of 30 people wearing a one-off pair of jeans for a year and documenting the experience. Hence his "resplendent in Denim" intro.


Up to this point I hadn't actually seen the book. It looked pretty good, Sean loved the few chapters he'd read - which I need to know, this is the first point this thing I've been working on goes into the big, wide world. Following that was about an hour and a half of interviews with various other stations down the line (including 20 minutes where a presenter didn't turn up and I was sitting on my own in this room. I appreciated the rest.


After this it was a walk back thru town to see my mates from MOJO, my old mag. These are people I first worked with around 1996… a big part of my life, but I haven't spoken to them since May because MOJO's new owner have launched a copyright grab - so I had to boycott the mag and work for some of their rivals. Painful. Today I found the asshole who was instituting this move has been booted sideway - so now seems a good time to bury the hatchet. Hence this was a great day for another reason.

So… after celebratory truffle pasta, home, more pumping out of the basement, and fast forward to the evening.

Again, back thru Soho . With the nipper. Now it's getting going.


And so was the launch party. Book companies, sadly, don't do launch parties these days. But, incredibly, a few weeks ago, Levi's XX suggested hosting a party in Cinch. It seemed way to good to be true… but it was.

HEre I am, kinda shocked that this is all happening. And kinda shocked that I ever finished the damn book. Kinda tired, wondering how high the water was rising. And kinda blissful.


Because it was all so last-minute, there were a lot of people I didn't ask (i did that clichéd modern thing, simply posting on Facebook) but it was still pretty busy, lot of different people popping in over the two hours.



Three people who helped me with my book, from left bob solly, Jeff Dexter and Wayne Bardell. Bob Solly was keyboard player with David Jones, as Bowie then was, in 1964 or so - recorded his first song with Shel Talmy (Kinks and Who producer). Jeff Dexter was, first off, a leading mod, then a leading hippie - ran the UFO club. Way hipper than any of us will ever be. Wayne was a friend of David's from around 1964 - but then, once Bowie got into cocaine, he simply cold-shouldered his old mate. It was a lovely little vignette in the book. Wayne and Bob had both attended the same recording session in 1964 - and hadn't seen each other since.

Oh yeah, one factoid Id heard from Jeff Dexter earlier. Cinch, at 5 Newburgh Street, was once a shop called Vince. THis was run by John Stephens', London's first hip tailor - Picasso bought a pair of leather trousers in the shop, and the jazz singer George Melly once memorably noted that Vince was the kind of place where "even if you went in to buy a tie, they'd insist on measuring your inside leg." WInk, wink,.

i have to thank Carlos, Dan and everyone at Cinch. Incredibly kind of all of them

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THe launch wound up just before 9, and I headed with a couple of friends - including another old mate from MOJO - to a pub called the John Snow. Snow was the man who discovered how cholera was spread; the pub is sited near a water fountain which he proved was infected with the cholera bacillus. We chose the pub partly because my predecessor as editor of MOJO, MAt SNow, claims to be his ddescendant… it's also a Sam Smith pub - cheap beer. Yes!


(It was so packed inside, my lens couldn't' fit anyone in and by then we were pretty raddled. ).

Then off with my mate Carl for a Goan curry (same as Indian, but more fish).

The place is on Meard Street in Soho - one of my favourite streets. It's been a haunt for prostitutes for maybe 200 years though. On this street they specliase in ripping off punters, not sure what the technique is called, but the girl asks the nark for the cash upfront, £50 or whatever, then says she needs to go and buy a condom, or some other errand. She tells the client she works in one of these houses and to wait for her - and makes a big show of putting the money in the handbag, and the handbag thru the letter box, to show she's not run off with the dough. But of course she's palmed the money, and the handbag is worthless. So lots of these houses have got little notices outside telling people to beware of this scam. (I kinda like the idea that such a beautiful street is the home of such a sleazy scam).


mmm… fish thali


On the way to catch the last train home. A reminder that it's world book day. Worldbookday.jpg

And on the train home, which didn't go quite to my bit of London, I met a neighbour, in the music biz, who'd turned up at my launch, straight from some other party. Then disappeared to some video awards. We shared a cab back to Greenwich. Turned out he won anm award and got his own gold statuette. OK, some kind of resin, but h's still an award winner. ! It was fort producing a movie ocalled OIl City Confidential, which has received amazing reviews.

It was a good old, buzzing, full train with lots of loud boozed-up people, and Richard got lots of compliments for the size and weight of his phallic symbol. So a good day all round. Er, by now my hands aren't too steady


Today, Fri, was much the same. More radio, this time on the phone, more pumping out water from the basement and in between I saw some water board workers working on a leak up the hill. Finally they told me they'd fixed the leak - which we hoped, but didn't know, was the source of the water in my house. But by now I was running really late for another in-person interview back at the main Beeb building again.

I was on a Radio London show with Robert Elms - 'elmsy'. I arrived mid way thru the warmup Bowie record. The interview was a laugh, again.. tho I could tell he hadn't read the book!


Then around the corner for another remote interview, this time with a BBC local station, a fairly undistinguished interview until we got onto Bowie sexuality. Always fun seeing what you can get away with on the radio.

What's fun about this studio, where I'd been yesterday too, is you always get paparazzi hanging out in the hope that some celeb is being interviewed. This grey-haired dude followed me out thru the exit, then the paps started shouting "george! George!" The gray haired dude stops to chat… then even guys on the street start shouting "George"

I walked past one of the people shouting and said, "George who?"

He replied, "Er, I don't know".

So, here's George. Please tell me who he is…


Finally. Home. The water in the basement was caused by the leak up the hill. I bought some olives from my fave deli. lady t bought my fave beer and is making dinner. yesterday morning I delivered my last newspaper story on Bowie, I heard it's running tomorrow, so that means we've made three of the nationals inside a week. Next week I start calling people to sort out interviews, for a pitch for my next book, so we can feed my family for the next two or three years. But it's been a good week.


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Aw, yeah, Paul!! Super congratulations to you, sir! It looks like a wonderful couple of days, indeed.

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