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Some digital outakes. I used the Nikon D50 + 50mm f1.8 to double check the meter readings. Anyways, these were it.



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definitely feel dumb posting after that series but heres a kinda cool shot i took. Its of the John Steinbeck memorial statue located at the John Steinbeck library. Sadly, the library is barely operational and its lawn has become home for many vagrants. He was/is Salinas/MOnterey's most beloved son.


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^^ really like the mood and lighting in the first shot, I just wished there wasn't so much lens flare and the blacks definitely need to be blacker.

Not a real fan of the rest:

2. Alien-looking shadow is interesting, but why the figure placement? Why the setting of the picture, why the skateboard? I think you might be on to something that needs to be better developed.

3. Don't like the figure placement with half of him cut off. Too much sky. I think if you would've exposed for longer than then burned the bright part of the sky, then you'd have more detail and a better image

4. Cool shallow DOF, but rule of third?

5. Waste of space

6. I think you could've done a lot better arranging the wires in the frame that would've made it more interesting

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my birthday a couple months ago with my family


then my birthday with a few friends


3200 if anyone was wondering what it looks like. fun to play around with, but grainy as fuck.

Delta 3200 is one of my favorites.. its super grainy, but it definitely could be worse. and you have such freedom taking photos in low light. i love it lol the grain is kinda cool actually, if you know its going to be there.

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yea, it's fine for snapshots, and really fun just to shoot around with during the winter when you're stuck inside. the grain is actually a lot better than pushing something like an 800 or 1000~ I guess it just still always gives the low-fi grainy tone and feeling when a lot of the time the memory of the events for me is exactly the opposite. I could shoot digital if i wanted smoother pictures...i just don't really shoot digital much.

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^^ really like the mood and lighting in the first shot, I just wished there wasn't so much lens flare and the blacks definitely need to be blacker.

Not a real fan of the rest:

2. Alien-looking shadow is interesting, but why the figure placement? Why the setting of the picture, why the skateboard? I think you might be on to something that needs to be better developed.

3. Don't like the figure placement with half of him cut off. Too much sky. I think if you would've exposed for longer than then burned the bright part of the sky, then you'd have more detail and a better image

4. Cool shallow DOF, but rule of third?

5. Waste of space

6. I think you could've done a lot better arranging the wires in the frame that would've made it more interesting

yeah to be honest im taking these pictures on a snapshot film camera. they are basically just snapshots of what i see. i should use an slr more but they arent pocketable.

oh and 5. shows the moon in the daytime which i really liked.

thanks for the crit though. much appreciated.

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technicolour: horrible bokeh in the second shot


1 and 2 are at least 1 stop underexposed. In 2 it seems like you are using a lens far to long to effectively capture that indoor scene. Exposure in 3 is spot-on, but it's not a terribly interesting picture.

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