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TO MONKEY FRESH I would like to add my own arguement against the D200 on someone starting out with DSLRs as all that versatility available on a pro-body can also equal a shorter battery life. I suggest D80, very long battery life.

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or there is a flood light on top of the building and he is using a on camera flash with a diffuser. Because there is no real shadow where the kid was standing. And the background where the kid is looking toward is light up, also with no shadow there. Therefore there couldn't be just using flashes.

mmhmm. Good observation. Judging by the shadows cast by the flood light on the building, it further confirms that there wasn't a flash fired in his hands but rather just the flood light. However, depending on the power of the flood light and the actual ambient light, a reflector could be used as well to bring light into the picture.

On camera flash? Maybe. But judging by the shadows cast by the wrinkles of the kid's shirt, it doesn't seem like the light is coming from camera level but rather maybe from the bottom up? This could be done with a flash set to really low power levels through a shoot-thru or a reflective umbrella aiming up at the boy.

Or we're both freaking off.

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Does anyone know any good noise reduction programs? Sorry I'm a post-processing noob

Yeah, noise can be a bitch.

If you don't have Photoshop, then you can go with Lightroom. Lightroom has a noise reduction slider in the Develop module.

What do you use to import your pictures? Do you just do it straight as a jpg onto your file, or do you use a certain program?

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like kunk said you kinda look like matty from n/t dino, but yeah, he has a sorta weird face, you look better (no homo). i hope you don't do your sister like him, or at least she has to be hot.

anyway, there was this bird who entered my living room a couples of days ago, it was the first time I wish I had a telezoom, or a constant large aperture, the pics would have been fine, here they're kinda wack.







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Ive been lurking around the forums, and usually in the denim section but i happened to look around and found this thread and fell in love with it lol

ive been thinking about getting into photography for a while, my dad got into it but he jumps around with hobbies between photography, reef tanks and koi ponds (the koi are his priority now we just had an amazing spawn, TONS of koi fry, the fry and the adult koi will def be one of my fav subjects =D)

after seeing some amazing pics you guys took im eager to start taking my own!

my dad currently uses a D70 with a 18-200 lense on it, i love playing around with it

just wondering, what do you seasoned photographers suggest as my first DSLR?

my dad told me to save up for a D200, and i was looking at the D80 also, but im really not sure what to get

what i really want to take pictures of are shoes hanging from telephone wires, i love seeing them, i think its such poetic justice

also, id love to do alot of nature scapes, my family does a good share of traveling

and ofcourse just ppl, i love what jamel shabazz did during the 70-80's id love to photograph street fashion and how it changes

didnt mean to write a book.. but id love to hear your suggestion :)

Grab a good point and shoot that gives you some control/has decent manual features. Go out, take pictures; experiment. Lurk photography forums. Read up on it. Talk to other photographers. If you still feel that "pull" to go out and shoot after a few months then invest in a SLR.

If the camera itself/equipment is your main "motivation" to shoot, so to speak, then you won't be pulling it out much, or you'll turn into one of those "gear heads" that obsess over the latest technology rather than their style/technique, etc. I'm not saying that you're like that, but i'm just sayin because you said that you just started getting interested in photography.

But, if you really feel like you'd like to start off with an SLR then like everyone said, the D80/Xti is a solid choice.

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freecat, first two pics make it look like it's actually part of the clothing. my first reaction wouldn't be to take a pic, but to make sure it didn't shit everywhere. i really like the pics nonetheless, especially the last one. i think it'd look even cooler if you cropped it so that only the top left quadrant was showing, with the door still in the pic.

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Yeah, noise can be a bitch.

If you don't have Photoshop, then you can go with Lightroom. Lightroom has a noise reduction slider in the Develop module.

What do you use to import your pictures? Do you just do it straight as a jpg onto your file, or do you use a certain program?

Thanks for the tip. I just downloaded Lightroom so I'll check it out

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freecat, first two pics make it look like it's actually part of the clothing. my first reaction wouldn't be to take a pic, but to make sure it didn't shit everywhere. i really like the pics nonetheless, especially the last one. i think it'd look even cooler if you cropped it so that only the top left quadrant was showing, with the door still in the pic.

thanks. yours are really great, i forgot to comment.

ahah, i didn't think at all about it shitting, but rather rushing in my room to take my xti, and shoot. I wanted to crop the last one too, since it looks empty, but I didn't save the original, only a 1275px version... I tried to play on the bird sight, or on a vision of a future movement by it on the framing, but I couldn't find a interesting result... i'm not really inspired tonight !!



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noise is a bitch


excuse the scratch, it was on the film and nothing could be done.



same shit. 35mm manual camera, developed and enlarged.

First 2 photos color tone and feel are great!

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