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video games ruined my life


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people complain about it, but its not SO bad, come on, 5 maps thats pretty good.

Sure the cod 4 maps could be free and people would be happy, but then they would not be paying... so, go figure.

On another note i played W@W for the first time in months today, its graphics are so lame its amazing, but was still fun to pretend like i was Hugo Stiglitz.

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I dont get the people who play this game. I'm not particularily good, i win a lot of FFA matches because i rush rush rush with the UMP. But every single game people think I'm hacking. One guy just laugh into the mic and said "theres no way anybody thinks that fast, fucking hacker" after watching the game winning kill cam. Just ridiculous.

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^ anyone play army of two? it looks kind of neat, but I don't really know anything about it.

was playing GW domination on skidrow, after killing 7 dudes on the way to the middle flag, I had a feeling this might be a good one.


its no record breaker, but probably my personal best.

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I liked the demo a lot. but it had problems. Its no where near as smooth as MW2.... But it also had so many good points its hard to say its bad.... it honestly was almost amazing... i just want to know if the final release on xbox is smoother.... just ideas... anyone who chimes in will get rep and glory for years.

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i thought about picking it up too but i think i'll pass now, beta's controls were a bit too wonky, as well as the character animations, it's very close in terms of playability and the vehicles are pretty dope, but something about it doesn't feel 'right'

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Nice one lowery.

Anyone want to recommend BFBC2 or tell me to pass, money is tight, but i want to play it, but looking for a good review from the peeps.

Anyone want to chime in?

Personally, I'm a big fan. I play on PS3 so I can't make any comments about 360. It's a totally different experience than COD so you have to take that into account when making the judgment. The physics are different, characters are a bit heavier, gravity plays a huge factor and some of the animations aren't as smooth, but I think that is made up for in gameplay. You can't beat the abundance of vehicles. The Single Player campaign is short, but definitely more entertaining than BC1 and makes more sense than MW2. Multiplayer will consume you if you let it and if you get some quality squads. Game types are limited (4), but the games themselves can last for 30minutes or more so it doesn't seem like you're playing the same maps over and over. I mentioned it before, but I think the classes are more rewarding than in MW2 and have a good deal of variability.

You can always rent it to give it a try if you're considering it? If anyone gets it for PS3 let me know cause I'm down to play.

Also, God of War III is out today. Anyone picking that up?

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aren't the classes pretty much dead-set? like if you're a medic you'll always have a heavy machine gun and something else, sniper will always have a rifle and a pistol, demo will always have C4/RPG and a submachine or whatever. like can you freely set up classes like in MW? didn't seem like there was a whole lot of freedom in that aspect in the beta, like you pick one set out of 4 possible options, unless there's a shitload of customization in those weapons

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This game really needs that map pack, shit it getting kind of repetitive. marathon+lightweight+spas has been pretty good for breaking up the monotony at least

BC2 seems like it's trying too hard to be something it's not. I know a lot of people liked the first one for its differences from halo, CoD, etc. (flying helicopters, squads, destructible environments), but from the demo at least the new game seems way too similar to MW2 without the polish. I prefer a halo (no sprint, no ADS, weapon spawns) style of shooter versus a CoD/BF one though so if you're into the opposite I'm sure it would at least be worth a rent.

Personally I'm waiting on the reach beta and for prices to go down on half.com for mass effect/bioshock 2 before copping anything new. 60 dollars is a lot

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the visuals in GOW3 are freakin ridiculous coupled with the fact that none of the images/scenes are prerendered = game of the year

and a homage to the current reigning GOTY


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lul, I'm playing ffas, there's this du called NuttyFox

He kept camping and coming up with mediocre scores. I kept running around and winning on 30-5s and stuff.

Every time I killed him, he called me a camper, even though he'd be the one camping. Pretty funny. He just sent me these voice messages

"you think you're fucking good because you're sitting there camping getting your little care packages in, harrier strikes and chopper gunners. But you daren't fucking prestige again, staying level 70 with all guns, you little shit cunt. You're nothing but a shit cheating fucker"

"You're a fucking mod controller cheating little fuck who's scared to prestige, you're not that good, trust me. You fucking shit cheating mod controller little cunt"

Funniest thing was, I'm using full auto weapons like the SCAR, ACR and burst weapons like the FAMAS.

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sometimes i'm accused of hacking because I pre-aim and start shooting at someone before they even turn the corner. They only have themselves to blame though for not using ninja pro since I can hear them on my headset.

AstroWolf I added you as a friend. hopefully we can play some BFBC2 later on

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I normally get hate from dus, but this guy just kept complaining and complaining in FFA, every time I got a kill, he'd complain, even if it wasn't on him.

I do have to say though, FFA is pretty fun. I went from 3.16 to 3.18 in the space of 90 minutes...and back down haha.

I'm quite suprised that I can run a circuit around the map and still get decent scores without getting shot in the back all the time (always happened to me when I started playing FFA). It's also good knowing that the win was all on me, plus the occasional booster hunt makes it even more fun.

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beast-ass bitch 3.16 wtf.

His accuracy is above 20% all the time too, dont even try and figure it out, lol.

On another note i picked up BFBC2 and think its amazing. The demo did it no justice, its so much smoother and colorful than i thought it even had a chance to be.

so much to do, so much action, so many ways to do things, and it has a hardcore mode... all in all, i have to say, its much more fun to me than MW2 ever way.... super good buy for those on the fence, lets rock!

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when you fight your way to a tank, fucking shit up, start to drive and blast shit up, and your turret gunner is covering you, you take a missle blast, get the fuck outta there, hop out as a enginer and FIX the tank, go back and kill the dude with the launcher, it feels AMAAAAAAZING. So many angles on how to do things, working together and rocking out.

Lots of snipers, but it works cause the maps are a joke how big they are. every class seems to really have a chance to thrive, and there are a ton of ways to approach almost any situation. Really fucking cool..

The graphics might not be as amazing as MW2, but they are as good as they need to be to not feel like its a old game and is def current Gen love.

Xbox sufu crew, cop it, lets rock!

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sounds like I might need to cop..

on a side note, encountered some boosters in a groundwar game for the first time today. it was on wastelands, and I was making my way around the edges of the map like usual, ambushing campers. suddenly I saw a friendly tactical insertion in the bush, and someone on my team gets whacked right next to it. I walk closer, dude pulls another flare, gets flanked again. by this time I'm hauling ass towards them, I knife the guy in the enemy team. the dude on my team starts running away, so I just follow him at a 1ft distance around the map until both leave the game.

he was also 10th prestige, fucking embarrasing

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