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not Telltale anymore, the team of 10 people all left their jobs to form a new studio called Campo Santo, This will be their first thing


But on a Telltale note, I was a bit disappointed to see Minecraft Story Mode didn't live up to expectations

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I do have a PS4-- I didn't realize Everybody's Gone to the Rapture was released anywhere other than computer. I have it on my Steam wishlist! 


I have a pretty decent PC. The graphics in The Long Dark look nice, I think-- I have it on max quality settings. It's stylized, so it's not hyper realistic or detailed but the colours are really gorgeous. 


I also recently bought The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, but I haven't played it yet. Same sort of feel, I think as Everyone's Gone to the Rapture?  

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Added fallout 4 on my steam account a couple hours ago, excited to play as I never really got into 3. Casual gaming thoughts, no man's sky is going to be spore 2. Lots of potential but essentially an empty shell. Firewatch will be decent but nothing more than a vanishing of ethan carter type game. 

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  On 11/7/2015 at 12:50 PM, Fycus said:

Added fallout 4 on my steam account a couple hours ago, excited to play as I never really got into 3. Casual gaming thoughts, no man's sky is going to be spore 2. Lots of potential but essentially an empty shell. Firewatch will be decent but nothing more than a vanishing of ethan carter type game. 


That looks kinda interesting, any similar games you would recommend? 

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Similar to Vanishing of Ethan Carter?

It's a "walking simulator". Other similar titles:

Gone Home




Everybody's Gone to the Rapture


The Stanley Parable

Dear Esther

The Witness

Some of these aren't out yet but some demo footage exists so you can explore the genre

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Out of those I absolutely loved 'Gone Home' (especially playing on horror tropes, it was super entertaining)-- Journey was so lovely, especially the part where you get to play with another user.


I can't wait to play Firewatch and have had The Stanley Parable on my list forever. 


I really, really didn't like Dear Esther. It felt so incredibly joyless and pretentious-- kind of like being followed around by an unemployed English major delivering endless flowery prose in a British accent. You also can't interact with ANYTHING. I kept trying trying to throw myself in the ocean.  

On the plus side the graphics were gorgeous, and I was impressed how intuitive heading down the proper path was. I never got lost from the intended route, but didn't feel like I was just on a track with only one option to move forward. 

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fallout 4 is a blast so far. Seems pretty light on story but I've had some pretty awesome spontaneous things happen and the gunplay is great. VATS is still way better than the FPS mode but im glad it was improved a bit. Can easily see squeezing 40+ hours out of this game...

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finally got mgs5, i'm 5 hours in and its not very fun so far? i loved the MGS story, especially in 2 and 4, all the criticism of it feeling like a movie never seemed like a negative to me. in 5's story i just don't find anything very interesting, it seems like it was written by a completely different team that doesnt understand what made the previous games compelling. the gameplay is ok, it feels similar to 4 in that it really discourages doing a stealth/nonlethal run which is my favourite way to play these games. a lot of the missions play in fairly empty areas and its really hard to guess how far the vision of other guards goes. fultoning everyone works, but that feels cheap. i get that you need to play very slowly and cautiously, but it's just not very fun to spend an hour on a mission just to get spotted and lose all progress. If this game had quicksave it would be a lot more enjoyable. i would give it a 6 or 7 so far maybe.


then again i also thought gta 5, human revolution, starcraft 2 were all mediocre. watched my brother play farcry 4 and witcher 3 and that seemed boring too.


who are these video game reviewers that are getting so enthusiastic about these games? all these AAA titles are really boring. its hard to find anything fun anymore. maybe i'm just getting too old for this?

Edited by ProfMonnitoff
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  On 11/21/2015 at 9:02 AM, ProfMonnitoff said:

finally got mgs5, i'm 5 hours in and its not very fun so far? i loved the MGS story, especially in 2 and 4, all the criticism of it feeling like a movie never seemed like a negative to me. in 5's story i just don't find anything very interesting, it seems like it was written by a completely different team that doesnt understand what made the previous games compelling. the gameplay is ok, it feels similar to 4 in that it really discourages doing a stealth/nonlethal run which is my favourite way to play these games. a lot of the missions play in fairly empty areas and its really hard to guess how far the vision of other guards goes. fultoning everyone works, but that feels cheap. i get that you need to play very slowly and cautiously, but it's just not very fun to spend an hour on a mission just to get spotted and lose all progress. If this game had quicksave it would be a lot more enjoyable. i would give it a 6 or 7 so far maybe.


then again i also thought gta 5, human revolution, starcraft 2 were all mediocre. watched my brother play farcry 4 and witcher 3 and that seemed boring too.


who are these video game reviewers that are getting so enthusiastic about these games? all these AAA titles are really boring. its hard to find anything fun anymore. maybe i'm just getting too old for this?


witcher 3 is really good. turn off subtitles, don't skip any dialog. 

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IMO the only game I enjoyed since getting a PS4 was Bloodborne. Atmosphere, combat, gameplay, difficulty curve were all excellent. Can't get into other hack and slash/button mash type games any more (like Shadow of Mordor).


I think that reviewers are just basically handing 9/10's to all AAA game titles nowadays. Halo 5 is a piece of shit but it's fairly highly rated.

MGSV is just okay. Once you beat the main story there's nothing to do, as hard as Konami is trying to push FOB infiltrations or MGO they both suck. 


Next year I may just get Dark Souls 3. Only game that's on my must-cop list so far. 

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Anyone played the new Fallout yet?


I really want to get it, but I had such a hard time trudging through Fallout 3. I'm curious how accessible the new one is to someone who hasn't really invested in the earlier games.

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Played another 5 hours of MGS5. Gave up on the story which is so much worse than any previous MGS but I'm warming up to the gameplay a bit as I get more familiar with the mechanics. Nonetheless doubt I'll play much longer or finish the game.


Most importantly, how the hell do you release a game that favors a slow approach where missions often take over an hour to complete, and then have no type of saving or checkpoints whatsoever. I was playing mission 5 (the second prisoner rescue mission), managed to sneak up the mountain into the camp and into the prison basement all without getting seen once, this took three day/night cycles and ages of marking everyone with the binoculars and figuring their patterns out. Then as I'm carrying the guy out of the prison I get that white flash of some guy spotting me from the other side of the map and all the sudden the mission is impossible to win.


Where does the game respawn me? At the foot of the mountain. 45 minutes of progress completely lost. Did nobody playtest this game and point out to the developers how much that sucks? If this isn't enjoyable to someone like me who wants to love this franchise and is willing to look past a lot of mistakes, how is any normal person having fun with this game?


I was willing to slog through MGS4 which had some really awful gameplay for most of the game, linear hallway type maps in a sneaking game, shit on-rails sections, difficulty curve was more of a zig zag, poorly thought out mechanics like pretty much unlimited money and unlimited ammo for all the tranq guns, but at least the story was fun.


This was probably my last AAA game ever or at least for a long time. I've been having lots of fun this year playing Earth Defense Force 2025 on PS3 and Virtual Console games on the Wii. All of these SNES/N64 games, or even PS2 games, have one or two absolutely perfect gameplay mechanics that make the basic interaction very fun, and then build a game around that. I wonder how that idea got lost in modern games.

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What blows my mind is how every professional reviewer said the game was perfect... I loved MGS4, and I literally hate MGS5. 



The gameplay is amazing but who cares when you don't know about the story... I had no clue why I was doing anything in the game and after each mission the only thing that seemed to progress was that I have completed more missions. Except who gives a shit when there's no tangible effect in terms of plot development, or talking with characters, etc...


Fuck that game!!!

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  On 11/22/2015 at 3:58 PM, btford said:

Anyone played the new Fallout yet?


I really want to get it, but I had such a hard time trudging through Fallout 3. I'm curious how accessible the new one is to someone who hasn't really invested in the earlier games.

u kan make house

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