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Durrty Dozen +2 offical threak


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Finally. I wasn't working and the weather held up, so I went to the Barbican to check the Japanese fashion show out.

As you can see, these things are awkward huge on me. Proper clown trousers. I'm still wearing them, though. In fact, we're going to Manchester to celebrate my birthday with bleep bloop music in a warehouse tomorrow, then next week Imma drag them round a few bits of London that you haven't seen yet ( that's the plan, anyway)

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OK few randoms from the past few days. Thursday dropped into the show at Black Rat under the arches in Shoreditch while I was waiting for Tweeds:


It was a group show & there were some great pieces from different artists :


Detail of a Brian adams douglas piece that was propped up against a wall.


Detail of a piece by Know Hope.


A Matt Small portrait


And some detail from another piece by Swoon ( not nearly as amazing as her solo show that we saw in Paris a couple weeks ago though )

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Then it was the weekend & we piled onto a train to Manchester to go see a huge electronic music event at The Warehouse project.

The actual place is insane, a cavernous dimly lit concrete space with loads of catacomb-ey areas full of deckchairs and bars and stuff, right underneath the main train station. Would have loved to get some decent pics, but it was way too dark in there.

This was the first band on in the main hall, but we split to watch Mount Kimbie in the smaller of the two room ( underwhelming )


Still. Tweeds snapped a couple of good ones later on though, so here's Theo Parrish getting skunked and mesmerizing the crowd:


And a couple of Caribou, who in my opinion are easily one of the most exciting live acts in the world right now.



Notable exception from pics is Four Tet, but he gets an honorable mention cos he played the best set I've ever heard from him ( & I've seen him play a whole bunch of times).

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Bonus pic!

We split about 4am & after 8 hours of fairly solid drinking, we got back to our hotel to find out that we weren't actually allowed to stay there cos our party was too big for the room we'd booked ( even though we had more beds than we needed)

Here's me quietly failing to persuade the manager to give us our money back & pose for a picture with his helpful minions so I could post it on gay chat forums the length and breadth of the interweb.


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Anyhow. After a little while we snuck back in and caught a couple hours sleep before waking up & realising we were all still completely wrecked.

I was up before anyone else so I snapped a couple pics while I was waiting. Here's what y'all been waiting for I guess:


Our boys got a battering last night, if my Chucks were anything to go by ... They were box fresh yesterday. Look at them now!!


Anyhow, battered, bruised & still entirely drunk we grabbed some breakfast on the way to the station, made our train just in time & headed back to London.


Fucking fantastic birthday.

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