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edc [everyday carry] shaved my wife


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  On 1/5/2012 at 5:58 AM, Tigerprawn said:

Such a bad cellphone pic but...


Maratac Mid Pilot

The Hill-side

Corter Fieldnotes cover

Tanner cardholder

County Comm Embassy Pen

Spyderco Dragonfly

Quark Mini123

Obbigood Key holder x House keys

Gerber Shard x Car key

Artist feather Key hook

Very nicee! All really good gear here. I really like that Obbigood Key holder. Considered getting one to silence my keys but eventually came to the conclusion that it might be unpractical for my uses. I only have 2 keys (house & car).

Where to find that Feather Key Hook?

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This is from last September:



  • Benchmade Mini Barrage 585
  • Nixon Passport Wallet
  • Leatherman Keymod
  • Wichard Key Retainer
  • Verbatim Tuff'nTiny
  • Plastic Whistle

And this is present:



  • Boker Keycom
  • Banana Republic Card Wallet
  • Leatherman Keymod
  • Innova Key Retainer
  • Verbatim Tuff'nTiny
  • Zebra F301 Compact

Edited by velopang
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Need to kop a knife...been without one for over a year and a half ever since I had to ditch it at the airport.

Any recommendations on knives that are ambidextrous, folding and not too big (around 3" blade max)

I have bro deals on sog, kershaw, spyderco so price is no object from one of those companies. THanks!

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  On 2/15/2011 at 6:34 AM, kenthenoob said:


wallet with bm tactical pen inside


vict bantam





Ow, very impressed with a wallet. It has a connector for keychain? Where can I getr one?
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yeah, i love the look of a keyhook but it just isn't practical or secure enough. mine fell off twice (once on a bus, luckily i noticed) and haven't used it since. the first time happened exactly like tigerprawn - got caught in a bench and broke/bent open the o-ring.

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Just added a Sharpie stainless steel pen. I like that it doesn't bleed and has a nice amount of friction when writing and sketching. Also makes for a nice improvised kubaton. Did stress tests on the dojo bag and it holds up well to strikes. (No I am not a mall ninja, I actually study both Kali and Aikido). I don't like ballpoints as they slide too easily. If only the Embassy pen from County Comm had a felt tip refill!

Just re-added the Fenix E01 that I use on occasion and I really don't need a super bright light. Also added my trusty Mini-Grip in non-threatening cyan ;)

I seem to be reorganizing every few weeks trying different combos. The keyset and wallet are always a constant though. I removed the Wichard link cuz it was too bulky for the set. This way I can carry my keys in my jean's coin pocket.


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  On 1/16/2012 at 8:37 PM, chris_n said:

most you bros don't even know what i'm talking abut that's cool tho

No, not cool though. Everyone should at least know what your talking about so we can steer people away from that design.

I believe this is the style keyhook chris_n was using:


Sorry for your loss. I hope all your keys can be easily replaced!

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my sanremnu G710



Edited by Дени� Бакеренко
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Basically what I carry everyday:


Saddleback Leather billfold and iPhone sleeve

Work keys

Work mobile

Surefire e1b (or e2dL depending)

Benchmade pen

Pentel pencil

Shure es315 earbuds

Custom Emerson CQC-14

iPhone4 used to take pic.

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i've got the stainless steel embassy pen that people were talking about last page. i love heavy feeling things because it gives them a tangible feeling of quality, but the ss embassy pen just feels too heavy for edc. it weighs 108 grams, and for comparison the iphone 4 weighs 138. the balance also initially feels odd in your hand when you first pick it up and start writing, although after writing for a couple of minutes it feels a lot nicer. for this reason though i'd say it's not the best for edc. go with the ti or aluminium one.

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This has been a long time in the making.

  • Hollows Leather Key Fob with Titanium Peanut Lighter, Tweezers, TT-Chopper Pocket Tool and car key on a McGizmo Mini Clip.
  • Victorinox Deluxe Tinker
  • Rotring 600
  • Pilot Birdy
  • Pervburger Droid Bionic
  • Small Card Case
  • LaCie XtremKey
  • Al Mar Payara
  • Golden Wheel Lift Arm Lighter
  • Quark MiNi 123 Satin Titanium
  • SRM 704
  • Apolis Handkerchief

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