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worst streetstyle


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  Pavlov said:
There was one good pic in there, w/ the cropped pants fair isle leggings and mountain boots.

right ... but kixsf already did that nexxxt-level status with his birkenstocks.

ain't seein' no japan only 'stockz

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  Vampyrvargfesten said:

perfect example of all clothes, no steez

not gonna make judgements about sexuality, but i mean they got shoppin bags instead of beezies in their handz

what the fuck?

gq sent a photo bro out to japan and only came up with these shots of goofy-ass tweens with prissy backpacks? lame


what do you hold when you go shopping

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Pretty sure that Sydney Streetstyle is trying to be Hel-Looks.

Except Hel-Looks are Fins who are infinitely better at self-styling than Aussies.

(well, at least the ones she finds)

Also, hommedeguerre/21arrondisiment moved to NYC.

I believe he lived in Paris a while back - which is part of the français obsession.

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  variegate said:

Also, hommedeguerre/21arrondisiment moved to NYC.

I believe he lived in Paris a while back - which is part of the français obsession.

"So what do you do?"

"Oh you know, just a fashion blogger and general coolhunter." :rolleyes:

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  Servo2000 said:
are the fins really into hand-me-downs? It seems like half the people on hel looks are wearing "my grandmothers this-and-this" and "my aunts that-and-that." always found that sort of interesting.

My friend from Helsinki, Tuomo, situates the prevalence of hand-me-down and vintage/recycled clothing in a sustainability framework. It's very popular for Finns to appear eco-conscious so they consume a lot of/unceasingly talk about their environmentally sustainable choices, like wearing hand-me-down and shopping second hand, among other things. UFF is a chain store that sells used/"recycled" clothing, and their prices are rising with the growing popularity of environmentally-conscious fashion. I think Hel Looks just demonstrates one facet of a popular consumer movement in which clothes play a part.

I think a lot of us wear hand-me-down/vintage/surplus etc. in our everyday getup, we just aren't so compelled to talk about it with fashion bloggers because clothing has not entered our sustainability discourse on a broad scale.

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From the latest round of Hel Looks updates:

"Normally I buy second hand only, but now I've given myself permission to buy organic cotton, too."

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  haploid said:

Fuckin hipstahs. They try so hard just to say they dont try at all. On a side note, for some reason all of those girls had weird kneecaps to me :confused:

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  Phrost3 said:

The belt totally ruined it. Or, probably the choice and combination of colors. This would have worked out fine, I believe, if the necktie and the belt were to be disregarded. I also cannot exactly point out but there is something wrong with this long-sleeved shirt.

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