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Ooe yofukuten world tour 2009-2010


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"How time flies….

After 4,366 free beers, 488 new friends, 44 shirt graphics, 37 drunk hobos, 22 parking tickets, 18 exhibition parties, and 2 locations…we’re celebrating our anniversary this Thursday!

This month marks 1 year residence in our OT/CT location, and 4 years total of slinging goods. We’ve combined our monthly exhibition with our annual sale this Thursday, October 8th from 7pm – 10pm.

In addition to the usual stocked fridge of PBRs, we’re serving up fresh Voodoo Donuts [mostly Blazer Blunts of course] and will have a Cascadian-themed photo booth on hand to document the mayhem.

Dun Diggy and myself will be spinning records the whole night…him exceptionally well, and me….just pretending like I know what I’m doing.

The exhibition this month is a collection of canvas prints I’ve curated from some of my favorite Cascadian lanscapes originally depicted on vintage linen postcards. The imagery and color are amazing, and for this show I’ve enlarged the originals and printed them on canvas, replicating the original linen-texture of these forgotten artifacts.

Thanks to everyone who’s been along for the ride the past few years….we couldn’t have survived without all of you!

Hope to see everyone this Thursday…."

-Sammy H'Woods

So this is what'll be going down tomorrow evening. If anyone in the area can make it please swing through and say hello. We would love to party with you.

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It begins with last Saturday. Exactly a week ago I got the keys to my new studio on 18th and Hawthorne. THis happens to be the second time I have lived in this building. I liked the location so much that I just had to move back.


see look... I put this sticker up over a year ago. My friend Nick Depaula is the senior writer and cd for Sole Collector... for this reason I decided he wasnt allowed.


Went into work. Sam came in halfway though the day with his latest pick up. Vintage seismograph... hahaha. He is now using it as an end table in his home


Skip the rest of Saturday. it was low key. Here is what we ate for dinner. Brendon made some chili


Sunday morning. Went into work and hung out with the fam and Katie. Here is a pic of some whipped creme i was working on for the cocoa


After workin at the cafe... I hit up Freddies for some one stop shopping *farmer concept


Snackin on the groceries at the new spot


Brings us to Monday. Woke up at 11 and biked into downtown to grab some foodz before heading into Hecklewood. We had a long week ahead of us...

Had to get Thai Sky of course.


Got some logs in for the anniversary party. THey smell amazing. Motley just had to check em out...


I spent the rest of Monday moving boxes into the new spot...

more updates coming...

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Tuesday was pretty chill. Spent most of the day hanging out with Katie, my exgirlfriend. I hate her and I love her... c'est la Vis

Went into Nicolas, our favorite Lebanese joint in the city... so good.


we always smoke too much and order too much.. hahaha. So predictable


note... no jeans in this pic... scrapped em after lunch while we biked around.

Went to an Army Surplus store... really wanted this vintgae fish tail parka


Went into the shop on Wednesday to do some merchendising before the show on Thursday.

Some dope Pendleton pillows we made, hill side and some Merrell boots from way in the way back. Looks nice dont you think?


THe fall Dunderdon stuff I ordered finally arrived too! Love the waxed canvas jackets...


After work we went off to our weekly poker game.


got bluffed out of a huge pot... serves me right for bluffing the pants off everyone week in and week out.

went home and wallowed in my own self pity...

Thursday was a long day...

started off by dropping off a few 3six X TG canvas totes at Local35... great shop on Hawthorne in SE pdx..,


always good merchandising in that place. Justin, the owner does good work.

Went into the shop and helped Mark put the photo back drop together.


Filled the fridge with FREE PBR (always at Hwoods)


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^its starting to go... Mr Haga is gonna repair...

Went and picked up a bunch of doughnuts from Voo Doo on 3rd and Ankeny in NW.... amazing, obscure, creative, weird portland style fried deliciousness.


Chillin at the party... Not many pics from here... I was too pre occupied to snap pics.


pics from the photobooth. note *not wearing Ooe's


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Friday night.

Hung out with my friends last night to have taco night and booze it up

some homies caught in the act of BB twittering... dorks


The spread


oddly enough, it was the only time the blackberries outnumbered the iphones


guess which one is mine...

the next 3 or 4 hours were a blur of booze until we made it to the carts. Of course we had to throw down on some Belgium Frites w satay sauce and pesto mayo



watched the daily show and chilled with brendon til 3 AM then passed the fuck out.

Woke up this morning, hit up my parents cafe and threw this quick lil brekky together before heading into the shop where I am writing this right now while watching the Oregon vs UCLA game


*btw, sorry I had a ton of other pics I was gonna update here but my media card went kapootz this week thus I only had the pics I had put up on twitter. WOMP WOMP

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easy sunday updates. *note my bb camera skills were not on point whatsoever..

Went to Por Que No? on Hawthorne in SE for some delicious Mexican food.

Mexican Cokes of course


These girl could not be sitting any closer to her boyfriend if she tried.


Ended up with my nephew's Wii...Took 11 different kinds of controllers the actual Wii itself and no games. EPIC FAIL. Gotta get some Mario Kart....


A good friend of mine, Quentin stopped by after Dinner.

He is french... but still I love the guy, He is one of the homies I skate with on the regs and he is realer then real (even though he is an old man) and still throws down with the best of em

Other then his main gig over at Nike SB, he has a nice lil side hustle called Monsieur T. Its pretty fresh. He also contributes to club mumble pretty regularly. Check it if you are interested...


Anyways, he just stopped by to chop it up and spill the beans on his latest adventure to Japan.

I would like to point out that in this picture... You can tell Quentin is French because he wearing Palidium boots. I mean it just makes so much sense... Why would he wear Red Wings?

He told me he is wearing them to support French economy back home. I told him to shuv it and go eat some frog legs.


Best part of the night

He gave me some Japanese Kit Kats.


cheers til next time!

ps.. if anyone wants to see a bunch more of the photo booth pics you can check them out here at my boy Matt O'Briens shit.


he also recently shot some crazy fucking ICP fans standing outside a concert a month ago... these are really crazy. Check out the pregnant chick smoking... yeeeesh.


anyways yeah... Matt O'Brien... He is buildng his Photobooth empire hahah

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he also recently shot some crazy fucking ICP fans standing outside a concert a month ago... these are really crazy. Check out the pregnant chick smoking... yeeeesh.


anyways yeah... Matt O'Brien... He is buildng his Photobooth empire hahah

whats crazy is that theres 2 different pregnant women smoking on the same page! fucking icp fans

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Today was pretty chill. Had a nice breakfast up the street form my house.

Started the day off with the NY times and a cup of Stumptown


Local Wild Mushroom scramble. Chantrelle and Lobster mushrooms, bacon, smoked Gouda and green onions.


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Went to Target to pick up a few things for my studio... way impulse shopping. I hate this place


Went and had some Pho at my favorite spot in PDX.... so good and warming... THe weather has been crazy.


Afterwards, Brendon and I went down to Francis May to check out the Pendleton X Opening Ceremony.


Then I went up to Red Square Cafe to meet up with my boy Tyler for a special delivery...


took a pic of the vertical falling while waiting...


had a quick snack before Poker time.


and Poker TIme. Peep this Bad Apples original. Dave from Hello Minor is the man... check out his site. www.hellominor.com


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Woke up this morning to a nice lil surprise in the mail. Someone is gonna be real excited their proxy pickup arrived at my door. Just in time to fill their "Inventory" needs.


This is what I look like most of the week bking around running various errends and commuting to work and play...etc *excuse whatever shit that is on the mirror.. idk



Went into the shop and sent out a ton of emails and did some promo work for an upcoming event we'll be having at the Ace hotel here in portland OR.


and the event...


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