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You know what's awesome? When guys actually enjoy the break and have fun on it, it totally fucks up the psyche of the girl who initiated it. I have seen it happen so many times. She wasnt going to take them back, but its more like they're upset that the guy is having 100x more fun.

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my now ex-girlfriend who i broke up with just a little over a month ago (we had broken up before, which she initiated) has added my ex-ex girlfriend (of a year or so), a girl i dated for a few months before that one and my first serious girlfriend from my senior year in high school (way back in 2004) all to facebook. i am really amazed as to how she found out their names, and even more amazed (freaked out?) that she added them. she would have known the name of my girlfriend prior to her, but i am especially weirded out about how she found the high school one (who isn't on my friends list at all, none of them are actually). what's the deal here - is she just going to message them all and say 'yo, what's up with ____ being a fucking dick' or what (i wasn't, but this girl is nuts)?

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What could the real life results be? This handful of chicks is going to tell every other woman on the planet that you suck? Don't give them chicks a second thought. If they're that hung up on you that's their problem, not yours.

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alright, so everyone's advice has been true, she did want to break up and she thought that it would be less painful for me if we went on break first

So.. what do you guy's think is the best way to move forward from a long (over 2 years) and serious relationship? I don't know what the fuck I can do to get my mind off her...

I do everything I can to keep myself busy such as exercise, movies, friends, concerts, and etc.


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there's nothing you can do, all you can do is wait it out. some people might say 'fuck bitches' or something, and that is either a) going to make you feel worse or B) make you feel temporarily better, and then you are gonna just go back to thinking of her anyway (sup forgetting sarah marshall). you're doing the right thing, keeping busy, but there's really no 'escape' from dwelling on shit. if you can go on a trip, i'd suggest it - preferably somewhere you have never been before. either way, you just need time and eventually she will fade away. it fucking sucks, but we've all gone through it.

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yo the only problem with going on a trip is when you come home shit's just right back in your face. unless you meet mila kunis and fall in love on that trip, and write a musical for her that gets produced and win her heart and are jason segal. then it works really well, actually.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Okay so when I moved away from my home town, I left some unfinished business. Just those girls that there was a connection with, there was definitely something there, and they just never played out due to whatever circumstances had arisen at the time.

One of these was a super cute redhead girl, who's grown up a bit and at some point in histroy exploded from a cute girl to a sexy woman - great legs, curves in all the right places...the whole she-bang. (We'll call her "L" for our purposes here today.) L started messaging me on facebook recently, and the more we talked the more it became plain that the connection we had in High School was stronger on her end than it was on mine; in short, she was crazy about me and just didn't have the guts to come out and tell me. Our conversation progresses and L tells me in no uncertain terms that she wants to requite our unrequited love. It's her birthday in two weeks, and she wants me to come out on the Saturday to celebrate, and more or less be her birthday gift.

Under normal circumstances this would be a no-brainer but there are other factors to consider. Not the least of these is the fact that she has a boyfriend. I confronted her about this fact and she assured me that they were in a very comfortable "open" relationship and that her boyfriend didn't care so long as he didn't know. This is weird as fuck but at the same time this girl is like bordering on full-blown 10 status (or as another friend put it "she looks like a girl you'd see on tumblr!") and I don't think I could let this stand in the way. What DOES stand in the way is the fact that she's celebrating her birthday in Mississauga, which to the uninitiated is kindof like the threshold of hell, and far as fuck from my dwelling in Toronto.

At the same time, I've started talking to another ex-highschool sortof-beau-that-never-really-panned-out. This one panned out a lot more than the redhead, but it was still never seen through to the end. (We'll call this one C.) C has also grown up a lot, and she shed her end of highschool/beginning of university cherubic chub and traded it in for legs that go for days and overall hot blonde-ness in general. She's informed me that in 2 weeks she'll be in Toronto for a conference (she lives in Ottawa at the moment) and her employer is putting her up in a hotel for the weekend free of charge. She's also informed me that when she's not at the conference she'll be all by her lonesome pent up in her empty hotel room, looking for something to do.

L's birthday and C's evening in the hotel land on the same evening. Neither of these girls live within a distance where any kind of real emotional connection matters, so ultimately either one will be a purely hedonistic "remember when" type fling. The redhead is hotter by at least one order of magnitude and is a redhead (which is always intriguing) and given that I've never gone farther than a conversation with her she has mystique going for her as well. But she's definitely got baggage and I have to go to the land of square-toed-shoes to see her, and might end up crashing with her at a friend's place. The blonde is someone I spent some time with in a relationship and as a result the mystery isn't really there, but she's basically a 10 minute bike ride away and has a hotel room to herself.

What to do?!

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pick up the blonde and take her to the party. fuck both of them. this will work obviously.

man, I've had a handful of girls from school message me saying they used to like me a lot and how I grew up and all that shit. with varying degrees of attractiveness / intensity, not a bunch of 10's that wanna fuck me this weekend but still a surprising amount of them look a lot better now. This is probably true for a lot of dudes dudes on fb I'm assuming?

but since I went to school overseas they're scattered wherever the fuck. I need to step up my 'lemme see your pussy though' internet game man

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spend the evening with C, then go meet up with L later

I'm thinking this is probably my best option, though even I am wrestling a bit with the fact that I'll feel pretty gross about myself.

pick up the blonde and take her to the party. fuck both of them. this will work obviously.

Man, this would be ideal. I'm 99% sure I could convince the redhead, but the blonde would be a haaaarrrd sell.

Also, you and I have literally the exact same rep.

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not a bunch of 10's that wanna fuck me this weekend but still a surprising amount of them look a lot better now. This is probably true for a lot of dudes dudes on fb I'm assuming?

lol no. They either had multiple kids or just look straight up skanky now.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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