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denime xx type & 66xx type 2 year contest


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hold off on that wash for another week markus, ima sending you some dope soap soon.

funny, my jeans thread popped on the side of the hip too, but it wasn't the stitching's fault, i snagged the fuck out of it on a piece of wood. 5 minute repair job. repaired front left pocket opening, another 5 minutes. wash #12 yesterday(kirk's coco castille soap), hot machine dry. starting to get fades on the sides of the knees from this weeks abuse...

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not sure if Denime ore take5 will take responsebility for this.first we need to know how many pairs are affected.my pair is allright apart from the small repairs i mentioned before,if its not going any further its ok for me.

Atzecs pair is out of order,the pics are enough evidence for a major failure,t5 or denime should replace it without any question incl. shipping.

gardenerfan,if you read this-what is t5 doing about this?

inactivity isnt good advertising but caring for customers is.

Just note this post. Personally I think replacement is impossible. I believe that Take 5 is able to provide repair service. If anyone needs assistance, please pm me.

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"After a short discussion with Benny before the Chinese New Year, we suggest that the judgement can be done by the Lightning Magazine. Benny will further explore the possibility of having the judgement by the new management of Denime.

Concerning the prizes, we will inform you asap.



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new camera, these are the pics that will be on the t5 forum: natural light, around noon this sunday morning.

66xx contest, 3+ months, 12 washes



testing out the macro. coin pocket is getting the business!


the stitching was coming a bit loose so i reinforced it with BiG thread. the yellow is denime's original reinforcement bartack.


hopefully these will turn out ok. like almost nice said. i need practice. this is a quality camera, so im well on the way to sufu-quality pics.:o

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opeth won the denime contest on mynudies, so props from him means a lot.

markus is a good friend, so his words of encouragement don't mean shit!;)

i had to buy a car last night(chrysler cirrus, POS), and this camera(for cheap from a fiend) so that took all my postage$$$. so i'll send the package in a day or two. but i do have some samurai evo pics in the evo thread, so up yours.

dr. house's jeans look damn good for a few months. i'm worried...

on another note i e-mailed t5 about the type of cotton denime uses for the xx denim. this is the reply:

Dear Sir,

Nice to see your mail!

I also don’t have the answer as DENIME has not mentioned before.

Best regards,


TAKE 5 Company.

i guess the jury is still out on this one. whatever it is, it's primo shit.

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oh no motherfucker, you've sent me a LOT of greatshit, so i'ma do you proper when you get it. i'll put bronner's in, and some extra shit. i love giving suprises even more than getting them. just promise you'll rock the t shirt. you'll love it to be sure.

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