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super (or not) roommate : your experience/Fuck dumb fucking roommates that don't do..


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one of my roommates before i dipped from pratt claimed to be an orthodox wiccan. she also claimed to be drug free and not smoke cigarettes however she stole my medication and a pack of cigarettes from me. maybe she was going to sell my shit but i doubt it because she was fucking out of her mind. she also wore so much damn eyeliner it looked like she dipped her face in an oil slick everyday.

im done bitching now because i dont even live with her anymore.

fuck that cunt though seriously, she threatened to kill me in my sleep though i never slept and all she did was sleep.

what do you do that causes you to get shit from everyone

your mom socked you and shit

read some shit before about you going to set some chicks bed on fire because she said some lies about you

why do the people in your life suck

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my roommate freshman year was a player for the hockey club and kept all his gear in our room. the room smelled so rancid, i couldn't decide which easier to bear : breathing through my nose and smelling that stench or breathing through my mouth and somehow feeling nasty knowing i was orally ingesting his fumes.

also, one night i came back late and he was with a girl in bed. i paid no attention and slipped into bed.. only to find a severed mannequin head. i was too tired to make a deal out of it. i woke-up the next morning, and it was gone. we never spoke of it.

my advice is by any means possible, room with someone you know

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My roomate and housemates do not keep the kitchen clean enough for my liking. I am the only one to clean the bathroom, kitchen, vacuum, mop, etc. They take out the trash, but only when I bring up the fact that we have 4 or 5 bags of trash sitting in our fucking living area. This is something that would be easily avoided by me taking out the trash when it's full, but I'm sick of doing all the housework so I let it be until it makes me too mad and I have to nag. But I'm sure I do something(s) that pisses them off too, so I don't worry about it too much. My roommate also eats a lot of everyone else's food, but his family doesn't have much money, so we all kind of let it slide.

I'm moving out this summer, hoping to find one person to split an apartment with. Someone who will do their godamn dishes (its not tough to rinse out your bowl and put it in the dishwasher, lazy fucks!), not leave food wrappers on the counter, helps to take out the trash and wipe down the stove top every once in a while.

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freecat would be a good roomate. is the nicest doood ever.

thanks man that's nice to hear

i think i'm actually a good flatmate. i am a very clean person who doesn't mind cleaning stuff and tidying, comprehensive, like sharing if the favour is returned, can cook. my room barely smell, and i don't listen to my music loudly at all. i spend most of my time away from home anyway.

the only thing is that i receive a lot of packages and that usually conveyors ring the intercom very early !

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^ Actually from that description you do sound like a good flatmate. I think the package thing is endemic of most sufu members, I always warn potential flatmates that they'll have to be willing to let the postman in frequently.

I'm currently living alone because I could not find a flatmate who satisfied my requirements for cleanliness/tidiness.

The flatmate I used to have was great; always tidy, very quiet, nice guy. Unfortunately he moved back to New York.

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my roomate back in college was addicted to wow. We had to roach bomb the place after another housemate of mine brought roaches into the apartment through his computer case. We had all decided to have a tour of LA that night so that the apartment would be empty to b gassed. But my roomate would not leave so me and 2 other housemates left. We come back about 3 hours later, and theres a towel shoved btwn the door and the floor of my room.. I open it and see my roomate on the computer, playing wow, windows open, with a wet towel over his face and my swimming goggles on.

i hav never played WoW since...

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woah, those are some crazy stories. it makes me feel lucky to know that my only roomate pet peeve is him leaving recently washed knives to dry blade up. when I reach in there to get coffee spoons I'm always afraid i'm going to get cut or something.

oh yeah, and he goes into the bathroom with shoes on. why would you bring outside filth into a pristine, white bathroom? :(

Do you guys ever tell your roomates that whatever they're doing bothers you? I would go apeshit if someone didn't wash dishes or did gross shit.

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Update to my current situation:

I checked my email at work today, I got a facebook message from my roommate. She skipped town to go to her boyfriends a few days ago, and I had no idea, haha. I've been staying at my gf's house everynight but I come home around 11 each morning, leave the house around 1 or 2, so I assumed she was just sleeping everyday. Turns out she wasnt even here! haha. Goes to show what kind of routine she keeps.

SHe said she was sorry and asked if I was still mad. I just brushed it off and texted her back, there's only 4 more weeks of this. I already told my other guy I can't live with him, and I told my gf I'm moving in for a lil bit...

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Jesus fucking christ I have bitched so fucking much in this thread.

All of that shit was pretty much forgotten now. It's so easy to get over stuff. No more drama. I live alone exclusively now.

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cam'ron: "oh i wish i would touch that shitty shit"

Complex: Well, where there any memorable ones?

DMX: Yeah, there was one that took a shit and didn’t wipe her fucking ass, man. I remember that bitch. She had a big ass, too.

Complex: Wait, she took a shit before or after?

DMX: Yo, peep it. I was tired on tour, so I chose my girls, like, “All right, come with me.†She got in the bed. So, like I’m walking up, I’m just smelling shit! Straight shit! Know what I’m saying? I guess she heard me moving around or something, so she just jumped in the bed. So, I’m there just waiting, just sleeping. I wake up, I’m like, “Yo, the shit smell up the whole fucking room!†I go in the bathroom to take a piss, and see big ass logs of shit. Like four of them big logs of shit. But I noticed there was no toilet tissue in there.

Complex: Interesting. Maybe she…

DMX: Nah, there was shit. Paper’s supposed to be the last thing in toilet. Paper goes on top of the shit. So I saw shit and no paper.

shit happens

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i have a pretty good understanding with my roomie. he's the type of kid that has gotten everything in his life served on a silver platter. in other words, he's never had a job and has no clue how to clean up for himself. the good part is, his family is pretty loaded, and every 2-3 weeks his mom brings us at least $200 worth in groceries. our food cabinet and fridge are hooked the fuck up. the only downside is that most of the food is unhealthy (microwaveable)... our unspoken understanding is that i keep the apartment clean, and i get to eat anything and everything. theres so much food that he couldnt finish by himself anyway. im a pretty organized person anyway, so i dont mind cleaning at all.

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In collage (art school) I had a roommate who called himself Sebastian THOUGH that was not his real name and there came a point in our rooming together when I would come home from class everyday and he would be sitting in the room not having left all day drinking 40's and watching faces of death SOUNDS like a lot of you guys on this site would like ol' seabass maybe he's even on these boards ANYWAY I didn't care about the drinking and watching children get devoured by crocodiles but moved out when I came home and found the 40 bottles smashed on our floor

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my roomate and I are pretty good. we go through 3 and 4 month phases where one of will be busy and not have time to clean, so the other one does it. We share milk and butter, sometimes soda.

I remember my freshman year of college, i had the worst roomates ever. it was 4 of us in one big room, one kid would fall asleep to porn every night and the other would be hammered 5 nights a week.

the next year was terrible, i lived 3 guys in a 2 bedroom. they went through my stuff, never cleaned, tried to physically fight, ate my food, really ganged up on me (i'm not confrontational at all, i dont care if you can beat me up, just let me be). They would have huge parties thurs-sunday, it was a nice apartment in downtown boston too, so we got the cops called a lot. i went home a lot that year and stayed with my current roomate a lot, she's the best.

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oh yeah since we're talking about awful roommates --

junior year was the first year i had to move in with strangers, a bunch of younger kids who were still in that "wooo college" phase. even tho they were wack kids, at first things were okay, we mostly kept to ourselves and didnt bother each other.

then the kids started taking advantage of the fact that we were suite and started throwing parties. it all started with walking outside in the morning and seeing some fat, hairy butt crack posted up on an air bed in the living room...this continued to get worse and worse.

one time, some kid threw up in the sink and stuffed it down the hole in the sink that is closest to you, you know, the one that is designed to keep the sink from overflowing. so the sink smelled like puke for the rest of the semester and there was nothing that could be done about it.

the icing on the cake, however, they threw a wack-kid blowout party, like 35 people stuffed in the suite. not surpisingly, the toilet got clogged. not only did it get clogged, but some moron decided to fill the whole bowl with toilet paper, and then some fucking simple motherfucker took a shit on the paper layer! un-fucking-believable. it smelled like the bathroom at penn station after a bum took a dump in the sink.

we called the maintence guy to unclog to toilet, who actually screamed when he walked into the stall, and proceeded to rip the door off the stall because he was so angry he had to clean up after these animals. so we had to poop with no door for the rest of the semester.


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I lived in sub-human brofest conditions for a couple years in college.

Wasn't a fraternity, but probably might as well have been.

The house was basically falling apart, but looked nice from the outside. We had wall to wall carpeting that was almost ALWAYS soaking, sopping wet with beer.

Smelled like a highway truck stop from Thursday to Sunday. There was puke in the toilet every other time you used it and never a clean dish in the house.

We had something like 12 million channels and a TV the size of billboard, which suprisingly never got broken, the only other things that worked were a microwave and a toaster that functioned until someone fried someone else's cell phone. Our refrigerator barely worked, the dishwasher leaked soapy water and the no one ever touched the stove.

One guy would watch soft core porn on the TV like it was a soap opera. Every single day at 10:30 he would camp out on the couch with a bowl of microwaveable mac and cheese and a liter of A&W. No one dared come out of their room during that time.

One roommate played country music so loud that our black neighbors threw a brick in his upstairs window. That is a fond memory actually.

Two of the kids played halo 34 hours a day, and would yell obscenties at each other from upstairs to downstairs during "epic" matches. Once an Asian kid who surprisingly hated video games couldn't stand it anymore, so he got up at like 2AM to punch one of the gamers in the mouth. Not much halo after that.

An indie kid lived in the basement and he always had the best weed. He hated loud parties though and once poured a bucket of cold water on some drunk weeping girl to get her to be quiet.

One roommate chewed tobacco and left dip cups all over the house until one guy stepped in the shit from a cup spilled outside his door. He gathered all the cups and poured the goodness in the other guys bed.

An athlete had a pyscho bimbo girlfriend who was easily the hottest, but most obnoxious, girl in our class. Off-season he would get so drunk he couldn't speak or walk, and one time when he pissed his pants out at a bar, she came home and smashed a bottle over his head for no apparent reason.

College brotastic for sure and I could never live like that now or ever again, but it was the most disgusting, fun, hedonous time of my life.

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both of my roommate smells. this one smells worse:


like natural oils so every 2 days he washes his body and hair with conditioner only in his <4 min showers.

doesn't brush his teeth before he sleeps (i find that gross)

will continue later.

haha. i can't believe you posted Anh. kid is so weird.

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My current roommates are great but next year I will probably be moving into a house of 8, 7 of us guys and 1 girl (she just told us she's moving in with us..., didn't really give us a choice).

Unfortunately there's too much fuck-stupid mod mentality that runs through the group so the house that everyone ended up "liking" (even though most of the people only saw 2) was run down, shitty, and the worst part, has one tiny room inside the basement that's the worst room ever. It's honestly just a closet, with one tiny window.

So, stories to come, next year...

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one of my housemates was super metro. I dont know how many people on sufu do this, but he used to shape his eyebrows. Not pluck. Shape. You would this with all this metrosexuality he had going on he would be a clean guy. But no, he was one of the dirtiest mother fuckers out of all of us. He would shape his eyebrows using his teal colored eyebrow shaper with silver words that spelled out twinkle and just leave the hair where it fell. One day, I got fed up and trimmed my pubes with his twinkle.....

my pubes looked like a jagged furry mountain.

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