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Fake Jeans


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There are fakes. Just look at the thread titled fake 1937 repros. How to tell authenticity depends on each style of levis, but some basic things to look for are on that 1937 thread. Are there any pictures of the jeans you bought online? If so post them on here and we could possible help you out. Do you know what type of lvc 501s they were? 1901,1947s, etc.

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THey look legit to me. Not selvage jeans, though.

ANd sorry, yes I only just noticed you said they were LVC. I'm pretty certain they aren't, to my knowledge, LVC never produced this size, nor of this vintage. . AS the followingposter says, these look like conventional STF.

Edited by Paul T on Jan 10, 2006 at 09:33 AM

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ok cool, yeh i paid about 10 for the jeans and 20 to ship to australia which is good price. So they are normal shrink to fit, from before 1968 cause thats when the 501xx stopped. Would they be raw still? or selvedge?

can i get some LVC online, prob 1947 ones, in a 44 anywhere?!?! if so, post the url.

thanks guys!


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they won't be selvage, unless they've made from early on which they don't look like they are.

if you take a picture of the outside seam, that'll show whether its selvage or not, but it doesen't seem like it.

I don't think the 1947 repros went up to 44 unfortunately, but you could try the 1955 repros, they generally have a looser cut and so may work out for you.


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that isn't selvage. that is just the end of the roll of denim. it is possibly called chainstitching? i'm not sure but i know it isn't selvage. it isn't lvc and you can't tell if it is stf unless you see the tag or accompanying paperwork, but the denim looks like it is either normal denim or stf denim that has been washed.

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Assuming STF, the different white serging on the outseam would put the jean somewhere in the mid to late eighties.

After the redline was abolished circa 83, the selvage was serged with the same gold thread to match the chainstitch. Around a year later the gold thread was replaced with white.

Most STF of this kind were produced 83-86.

A picture of the leather-like patch would help - do you have one? I'd guess that you have a mid eighties 501, but there's no real telling without seeing some tags.

Edited by jdavis on Jan 15, 2006 at 09:36 PM

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The second photo looks very different, but I would be pretty certain just from your first pix that these jeans are what we said before, 80s Shrink To Fits - definitely not LVC, not selvage, but jeans that were almost certainly made in the US and should age pretty nicely. And if you paid $30 or so you got a decent deal, so I would quit worrying and start wearing the things!

Edited by Paul T on Jan 16, 2006 at 03:34 AM

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that isn't selvage. that is just the end of the roll of denim. it is possibly called chainstitching? i'm not sure but i know it isn't selvage. it isn't lvc and you can't tell if it is stf unless you see the tag or accompanying paperwork, but the denim looks like it is either normal denim or stf denim that has been washed.

--- Original message by obsessis on Jan 15, 2006 08:01 PM

its call overlock stitch
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