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why shoes in house? whywhywhy </discharge>

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yeah. i sometimes see people go barefoot on the street, like on concrete and shit...i think ive seen pics of sienna miller and amy winehouse doin it. How they can go on for more than 5 mins is beyond me. that shit must hurt like hell.

i remember when i was a little kid visiting my family in mexico i would never wear shoes anywhere. it would be raining, i would be stepping on glass and shit, didnt matter. but then it was a double edged sword cause i was always pissed that i kept cutting my feet all teh time.

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when i grew up i always had to take off my shoes, just the basic respect, so i do it to all houses these days, except at partys. Sometimes i feel confused when others don't take of their shoes. btw i'm as white as they come..



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when i grew up i always had to take off my shoes, just the basic respect, so i do it to all houses these days, except at partys. Sometimes i feel confused when others don't take of their shoes. btw i'm as white as they come..

This. I've never considered it an "asian" thing or any other, very very few people I know don't take them off.

One too many times I've seen the pile of shoes become the unfortunate stomach contents dumping ground for CWG's at parties though, so I that was my reasoning for sometimes just keeping them on.

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yes - shoes off when inside the house.

and what's even worse is seeing people in their BEDS with shoes on... WTF?!?

one thing though - if you don't wear shoes inside the house, you need to take public WAYWT pics, or risk being ridiculed for your lack of properly coordinated footwear.

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yup, my mom makes everyone take their shoes off before they walk in.

it prbly is a cultural thing tho.

i am glad i could add such an informative post to this thread. :)

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yeah. i sometimes see people go barefoot on the street, like on concrete and shit...i think ive seen pics of sienna miller and amy winehouse doin it. How they can go on for more than 5 mins is beyond me. that shit must hurt like hell.

It's really not uncomfortable at all. I used to do it a whole lot. Not so much, anymore.

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what the fuck? it's cuz you asians eat off the floor isint it? why else would you care about wearing shoes in the house?

Yeah, I don't want anyone to fuck up the tatami mats off of which I eat rice and caucasian pussy every day. Also, I wouldn't have any place to practice kung fu, calligraphy, flower arranging, or a clean area to raise panda bears if we got it dirty.

No, actually its just grimey.

I found that a lot of white friends seem to think its dirty to walk around only in your socks inside....but thats because their houses are already dirty from wearing shoes inside before and they can't imagine how it would have been if everyone always took them off. Its like a vicious cycle or something.

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wow, this is a suprise to me.

My parents have always strictly told me to not walk with socks in side the house because it is 'boers', which you could translate to peasantlike.

Maybe it's different in Europe?

Most of the people I grew up around it was the same, and I have to admit that the only friends where I did have to take of my shoes were a bit less well to do, so to say.

But yeah, if you have others for cleaning the floors anyway, it's not like it gets very dirty there, and you just walk on your floor, so what does it matter? Also maybe if they had carpet instead of marble floors it would be different?

Putting my feet on the couch, sitting on the floor or stuff like that would also have been frowned upon.

Maybe it's also that my I'm more from the country side and you don't have as much 'city dirt', but more 'natural dirt'? I would certainly rather deal with mud then some strangers piss or puke.

At my own place now I do take of my shoes, cause I do have to clean my own floors, ahah:p. But I don't even wear the same pants I have used for sitting on public benches and transport cause I think it's gross.

It's very interesting though to see such different etiquette.

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wow, this is a suprise to me.

My parents have always strictly told me to not walk with socks in side the house because it is 'boers', which you could translate to peasantlike.

Maybe it's different in Europe?

Most of the people I grew up around it was the same, and I have to admit that the only friends where I did have to take of my shoes were a bit less well to do, so to say.

But yeah, if you have others for cleaning the floors anyway, it's not like it gets very dirty there, and you just walk on your floor, so what does it matter? Also maybe if they had carpet instead of marble floors it would be different?

Putting my feet on the couch, sitting on the floor or stuff like that would also have been frowned upon.

Maybe it's also that my I'm more from the country side and you don't have as much 'city dirt', but more 'natural dirt'? I would certainly rather deal with mud then some strangers piss or puke.

At my own place now I do take of my shoes, cause I do have to clean my own floors, ahah:p. But I don't even wear the same pants I have used for sitting on public benches and transport cause I think it's gross.

It's very interesting though to see such different etiquette.

ive chilled with some austrian aristocracy and theyre all sock in house wearin ass niggas so dont worry about being labeled with this dutch or scandinavian sounding word that ive never seen before

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