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i go to ess pretty regularly, definitely more female stuff which my friend buys a lot of, but the mens stuff is pretty cool too (although a lot of interesting pieces have sold out). the winding pant which is basically a "<" shaped pant fits fucking awesome, but is too big for me. a few long coats and knits too. a lot of their pieces are made in super limited runs, depending on how much fabric they can get. sometimes they only have enough to make 2 or 3 pieces total, and there was this one jacket where the buttons were the most expensive part of it.

they have some pretty nice mens shoes though, pretty unique toebox shape.

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interesting that they are extremely low profile.. but they actually have been quite active showing their works in galleries like ngv, good on them, also, i think at some stage they did collab with EM too.

lmff 2010 march



Shinobi Japanese Beer Garden

Beer Deluxe, Federation Square, Melbourne

Hoshika Oshimi and Tatsuyoshi Kabata from ESS (Experimental Surreal style) Laboratory join with Beer Deluxe to create Disfigurement of Purity. Held in the outdoor Shinobi Japanese Secret Beer Garden the exhibition features experimental pieces that explore the tension between couture and surrealism. Featuring experimental pieces crafted with rust based dyes, latex, paper and moss, the disfigurement and embellished works push aesthetic boundaries in typical ESS Laboratory style.

Image Credit: Image courtesy of ESS

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They used to stock at EM, Milly Sleeping in Carlton and Verve Boutique in the city (not sure where else), and the collaborations are mostly certain pieces in a specific fabric request.

After their flagship store opened they pulled out from all their stockists I think. Hoshika and her husband aren't as often in the store anymore as she had given birth a couple months ago, but when they're in it's always interesting to have a chat about their pieces. They're always surprised at the super old stock my friend has, because we've gone there to repair some pieces before, which they're always happy to accomodate at their studio upstairs. Suprisingly they don't stock in Japan cos apparently it's too hard to find stockists there.

Always, always hyping this label here, good that people have finally taken notice! :D

It's really a shame they don't have much mens stuff (under the ESS Guerilla label name) but I guess they haven't found a significant enough market for the penis-equipped. The "circle" concept knit top fenrost posted above with the curving sleeves actually came with a matching set of dramatically curving pants and they were sooo comfy like some next level pyjamas but didn't really suit me.

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Apologies for my absence of late, way too much going on in the real world unfortunately.

i have a question. i recently bought a number of items off another users, 3 pairs of jeans and 2 jumpers, nothing of particular value, but after 44 days only one pair of jeans has turned up. I initially made a paypal claim because i couldn't get in contact with the user but am now in contact with him and was wondering where the accountability for this lies. In my mind he should refund me for all of the items that didn't arrive as well as the postage i paid, but he is talking of going 50/50 on costs because i didn't pay to have the package insured??

Its really not a whole lot of money but i was just wondering what the precedent on this sort of issue is.

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hello mates.. i'll be travelling to Melboune next month... just had read about 20-30 pages of this thread.. I gathered that the most happening places are City and South yarra.. could someone kindly list out the shop name and the address here.. sorry I gave up reading this thread.... Flex

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I was wondering where you had gone Jack, hows things?

I think you should subtract the price of the jeans, and he should refund you the rest IMO.

Did he offer insurance on the postage?

things have most definitely been better but thats ok. thanks for missing me :)

he didn't offer insurance, i just made an offer and he said that worked for him....

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@ flex,

hello, you may want check out shopping destination/place to visit, recommended by some of the fellow melbournes here at the shopping guide, or check out federation square or that's melb.

anyway, so, i got a call from Eastern Market to check out the new CCP male footwear delivery today.

rubber dipped sneaks in black, grey, white in kangaroo;

derbies in black, grey, white. in kangaroo leather, and

spiral zip boots in scarred/sanded in black.

sizing ranges from 7-8-9-10.

the derbies are different from darklands, lazzari and atelier's - wider toe shapes, with metal at the sole.

Anyway, grey derbies is seriously sick, one of a kind.

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