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Hi guyths! Sorry I've been MIA as of late. Things been crazy for the past week or two. Was such a pleasure to finally meet Sam (50 lions) and Adam (Ivans) last week during RAFW. I feel extremely short when I stand next to these guys lulz.

Speaking of belts I really need a new one... had my eye on a simple all black KKA one last year but I think I'm gonna save up for some grandma/ccp now. Its one of those items that you only need one of... problem is I cant stop fkn copping shit that I dont need i.e. shoes

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Thats odd the silver hardware ive handled can be bent - not easily but it can.

Perhaps its different from what i have handled

mine is a little bit different. more curves.

for some reasons, i myself dont like wearing belt, but i love belts, well at least i used to collect them heaps, that's once upon a time.

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ahah.. reason i asked was because labels that are discussed in sz are immediately labeled as goth ninjas. i was starting to ponder if the term are coined by the community itself, and if there are particular criteria of a designer label should be associated as that.

that being said, alot of the labels, in my eyes are not befitted to be called as goths or ninjas, like jil sanders, raf simons, ph, etc and then a more artisan labels like marvie lab, m.a+, luc, layer-0, ccp,.. i don't particularly see alot of darkness/aggression/ even hardly any emotions as a whole in terms of aesthetics, (at least for me). : \

so I assume is over priced = goth ninjas?

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By no means was I trying to be offensive, I could have probably put my words better.

I should have said I have moved away from brands like MA+, Julius, Rick Owens, Obscur and Odyn Vovk. I still love their aesthetics and respect the wearers, but my personal style seems to be evolving away from them at the moment. Probably due to the lack of money but I wont get into that :P

Brands I quite like at the moment are collection 1 V&V, Farah Vintage, Baracuta, I am also liking some of the TOJ stuff and some of the older A77. What I wear clothes wise I guess I don't really fit in the Melbourne thread any more, but I still really dig the styles discussed here.

Once again, didn't mean goth-ninja in a bad way, just easier to generalise :/

edit: I also guess it comes with being quite young and also having to fit in at university, even now that I am not wearing my darker pieces I am still getting a lot of odd looks, that's Australia for you though :P As I get a bit older (20's) there is a good chance I will buy back into some of these designers.

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To be honest when I initially attracted to Julius, I did see them as "goth ninja". especially this pic. MAybe it was only the feeling Horikawa tried to convey in some runways. But obviously I did not get that feeling at all at least for me in terms of aestethics or when I wear them

While we are on the topic, perhaps I could say obscur is about vampirism?

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on the other hand i've found myself moving away from "gothninja" as i get older. i'd previously always set myself a limit that i can't be wearing that kinda stuff once i hit ~25 or so, cos to me the aesthetic looks best on young, skinny dudes. another factor is the large number of melbourne 'fashionistas" who have caught on to the aesthetic without knowing or appreciating the original labels the look comes from, the meaning behind it, the workmanship involved etc and just imitating their way around it with ripoffs like the many local label clones. did not want to be associated with that crowd anymore.

like eversuns, i still appreciate the look for people who can pull it off well, and i admittedly do go back into it once in a while when it seems appropriate.

the EM/povera stuff I can still get behind fully though, older people look even better in it than younger ones. Not quite baller enough to drop that kinda cash considering how often I'd get to wear it due to work (ie pretty much never).

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I doubt anyone took offense, Rob's query was out of genuine curiosity, while I thought that SF thread was interesting because it had Faust and Fuuma posting.

Edit: Interesting edit, not trolling but what do you mean by having to fit in at university?

I guess it isn't really about having to fit in, but I guess I feel more approachable by other people when I am not decked out in all black, with a leather and my rick owens combat boots. Now that I am playing around with colour, not to say goth ninja doesn't incorporate colours, i feel people's attitude towards me is warmer, if that makes sense?

But once again I think it comes down to evolution of personal style at different stages of your life.

I mean I can recall signing up here when I was 17 and thinking American Apparel was the be all and end all, how wrong I was :D

on the other hand i'd found myself moving away from "gothninja" as i got older. i'd previously had always set myself a limit that i can't wear that kinda stuff once i hit ~25 or so, cos to me the aesthetic looks best on young, skinny dudes. another factor is the large number of melbourne 'fashionistas" who have caught on to the aesthetic without knowing or appreciating the original labels the look comes from, the meaning behind it, the workmanship involved etc and just imitating their way around it with ripoffs like the many local label clones. did not want to be associated with that crowd anymore.

like eversuns, i still appreciate the look for people who can pull it off well, and i admittedly do go back into it once in a while when it seems appropriate.

the EM/povera stuff I can still get behind fully though, older people look even better in it than younger ones. Not quite baller enough to drop that kinda cash considering how often I'd get to wear it due to work (ie pretty much never).

cosign on all of this.

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Saw sooo many ninjas last week outside of the Friedrich Gray show. I was so tempted to go up to one of them and go "Style Zeitgeist?". I saw one dude was literally wearing just a massive draped black cloth over his body... ridiculous.

Lately I find myself wearing baggier clothes/silhouette more and more - which sucks coz then I can hardly wear my avantindietro boots.

As much as I love my 'ninja' clothes, I can't seem to wear them everyday... I always go back to that basic qlo tee, drop crotch trousers, comfy pair of sneaks/boots combo.

It's still so damn hot in Sydney so I've been rocking my RO sneaks everyday this week. Screw the haters ;p

Some chick in the city came up to me the other day and went "hey, you dress like you're about to go on a plane, they look so comfy - but done stylishly" lulz.

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on the other hand i'd found myself moving away from "gothninja" as i got older. i'd previously had always set myself a limit that i can't wear that kinda stuff once i hit ~25 or so, cos to me the aesthetic looks best on young, skinny dudes.

the EM/povera stuff I can still get behind fully though, older people look even better in it than younger ones. Not quite baller enough to drop that kinda cash considering how often I'd get to wear it due to work (ie pretty much never).

This two sentence, I am relating it very much

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I guess it isn't really about having to fit in, but I guess I feel more approachable by other people when I am not decked out in all black, with a leather and my rick owens combat boots. Now that I am playing around with colour, not to say goth ninja doesn't incorporate colours, i feel people's attitude towards me is warmer, if that makes sense?

But once again I think it comes down to evolution of personal style at different stages of your life.

I mean I can recall signing up here when I was 17 and thinking American Apparel was the be all and end all, how wrong I was :D

I can see where you're coming from, when you're dropped into a large student population dressing 'neutral' while maintaining great taste via color/detail serves to provide less abstraction/distraction in forming a network - getting people to see you as more approachable instead of the potential problems when you stick to one aesthetic.

Not that I think its not genuine, I guess if one were to declare that they are a goth ninja, and will die dressed as one, you'd only attract people of a similar mindset in social situations, and that's not necessarily ideal.

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I can see where you're coming from, when you're dropped into a large student population dressing 'neutral' while maintaining great taste via color/detail serves to provide less abstraction/distraction in forming a network - getting people to see you as more approachable instead of the potential problems when you stick to one aesthetic.

Not that I think its not genuine, I guess if one were to declare that they are a goth ninja, and will die dressed as one, you'd only attract people of a similar mindset in social situations, and that's not necessarily ideal.

Networking plays a large role in university life. The ones with broader networks tend to do better when it's time to graduate and start your career.

I am liking all of the varying opinions :)

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Haha eversuns I understand where you're coming from about the uni part since I go to Curtin. I guess I would be categorized as one of those 'goth-ninjas', though I don't wear that much drape. I tried to dress to more conventional clothing so you wouldn't have to deal with stares and get along with people...but I realized after awhile I didn't feel alive in that clothing. I would rather deal with looks of wtf than to not wear the clothes I enjoy being in. I mean, we buy clothes because we enjoy wearing them right?

Everyone goes through style changes, but out of all the ones I've been into, I haven't felt as much affinity with it than with the 'goth ninja'. I really hate that term because I have no relation to goths or...ninjas. Terrible name.

edit: Just read that the SF thread posted up earlier. Cheers, very interesting read.

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