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Haha eversuns I understand where you're coming from about the uni part since I go to Curtin. I guess I would be categorized as one of those 'goth-ninjas', though I don't wear that much drape. I tried to dress to more conventional clothing so you wouldn't have to deal with stares and get along with people...but I realized after awhile I didn't feel alive in that clothing. I would rather deal with looks of wtf than to not wear the clothes I enjoy being in. I mean, we buy clothes because we enjoy wearing them right?

Everyone goes through style changes, but out of all the ones I've been into, I haven't felt as much affinity with it than with the 'goth ninja'. I really hate that term because I have no relation to goths or...ninjas. Terrible name.

edit: Just read that the SF thread posted up earlier. Cheers, very interesting read.

You got to Curtin too? What do you study. I wonder if I have seen you before.

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Agh damn pand that's shit.

I'm doing commerce doing accounting and IS.

planning to do either CA or CPA? I'm presuming you're still into your first year so I suggest you plan out what modules you want to do in uni now so that you make study life easier.

Edit: btw anyone who has used FJ, when your item is "queued for shipping" how long does stuff normally take to get sent out?

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planning to do either CA or CPA? I'm presuming you're still into your first year so I suggest you plan out what modules you want to do in uni now so that you make study life easier.

Edit: btw anyone who has used FJ, when your item is "queued for shipping" how long does stuff normally take to get sent out?

Going to do a CA. I'm assuming your an accountant? Do you mean check my course is qualified? Or something else?

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This is the melbourne thread guys should most likely take it to the perth thread :x

You guys looking forward to the paris shows? Looking forward to seeing the new obscur showroom/collection. Richard is really happy with the collection thus far

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Going to do a CA. I'm assuming your an accountant? Do you mean check my course is qualified? Or something else?

Not an accountant yet since I've yet to obtain my PR (still in the process) I find that if you plan what order of modules you take to maximize CA qualifications it'll make your study life easier in that you won't waste semesters due to course prerequisites and availability of modules (some subjects have more classes during either semester) and you'll find that your workload won't fuck you in the ass. It's achievable with planning. Sorry just projecting things I wish I did onto you I guess :D

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Had a weird day today,

Went to Canberra for the first time, just to get my msian passport renewed (stupid new policy) this morning and then came back at evening.

Was at the embassy most of the time in the morning, (really terrible service got to say..) then head to the city during lunch. The city are really clean, and spacious, not alot of cars.. Then head to a big mall, canberra center or something? Then I noticed alot of people seem to be sitting by themselves at food courts... maybe it's just me, but people seemed to be really quiet there... Was bored, went to Borders and accidentally fell asleep!! and I woke up like 3:30 ish, surprised no one woke me up! And then, all of the sudden I felt like I was in ghost town, the whole mall was so empty...

Ran outside, whole street was very empty as well, then saw 4-5 ppl queuing up at the taxi stand, and all of them are going to airport! .

A real wtf moment for me

Oh, and all the taxis are all in white too, it makes this city, no offense, even creepier .

Sigh, love melbourne still.

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If you fell asleep in Sydney I would steal your shoes. And possibly your pants.

actually funny you said that, i was wearing ccps indeed... : \

luc landslide scarf

ccp sada shirt

ccp nicht blazer

ccp nicht slim pants

ccp cuba derbies

very much like waywt.. : \ but ah well, really was wearing these whole day




and on my way home : \




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lulz, canberra...

shouldn't go to EM, too tempting. never thought much of any MA+ pieces but really really liked the long one button cotton jersey coat with back strap, fit me quite well in the 44 too. I'd feel like a chump for buying something so simple and light for nearly 2K though...

liked the soft wallet as well but too $$$ at over 600. gloves were unlined, very very light and construction felt too rough to me with the extra large thumb holes that felt like they'd been cut out haphazardly with a pair of scissors haha.

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EM still got 1 LUC coming, not sure what to expect, but there's bound to have something amazing nevertheless.

would like to hear some thoughts on the m.a+ shoes, I thought they were perfect-boring at first, but in person, they were really perfect-perfect. ><

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shouldn't go to EM, too tempting. never thought much of any MA+ pieces but really really liked the long one button cotton jersey coat with back strap, fit me quite well in the 44 too. I'd feel like a chump for buying something so simple and light for nearly 2K though...

liked the soft wallet as well but too $$$ at over 600. gloves were unlined, very very light and construction felt too rough to me with the extra large thumb holes that felt like they'd been cut out haphazardly with a pair of scissors haha.

yeah, really liked the long coat as well, but D, din't you have like... 4-5 coats already? your a coat man I see

Too bad no notu jofu to experience.

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always had a soft spot for long coats. :o currently only have the sissy p high collar and a diet butcher tri-seasoner so wouldn't mind having another, didn't really have much time for trying on pieces yesterday as I had to head off to meet some friends for dinner. wondering what size you tried Rob, the 44 fit me well sans the shoulders which were a tad dropped.

I was surprised, I really quite liked the shoes too. never liked the toe shape in pics and not big on reverse leather, however the MA+ footwear won me over in person. good thing they don't have the derbies in 41. ;) which ones are you considering copping?

have to say after handling and trying some pieces I'm still not a fan of the aviators or leather blazers in the least. did want to try on the cross-cut leather shirt but didn't have time to change out of my business shirt lulz.

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