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all bought in nagoya last week.

NDC boots

Redmoon belt

Eternal 811

good stuff, how does that belt work? I can figure it out looking at the picture... and too bad the 811's are not 29... nice boots too...

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Those boots were the last pair. I can't even remember the name of the store. I was so lost in a daze at all the stores there. I can't even imagine what Tokyo/Osaka must be like. They were 85,000 yen.

Ayn, there's no way I could wear 29 in 811's. I couldn't even pull the 30's up. The 31's were VERY snug and took a lot of pulling to button. These are tagged 2 sizes larger. I normally wear a size 30, therefore, size 32 in the 811's would be perfect.

The belt looks like this....


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while we're looking at supreme purchases, i might as well post this:


the gf picked that up for me this afternoon... I think she picked up that same grey beanie for me as well... but no pic...

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