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WAYWT shit talking thread


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Cats are a really bad example of an 'innocent' animal, as they're one of the few species along with humans that will kill for fun rather than necessity and abandon it's kill.

Also the law in this country is completely retarded in that legally you can shoot a harmless puppy on your property but cats are allowed to roam free, shit on your gravel and maim/kill the local birds/squirrels/frogs etc.

Cat owners are going to a special hell usually reserved for evil genocidal dictators.

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  diamonds said:
1) kittens are fucking innocent, people are not

2) kittens are fucking cute, people are not

3) fuck you. neg rep.


  Double D said:
Cats are a really bad example of an 'innocent' animal, as they're one of the few species along with humans that will kill for fun rather than necessity and abandon it's kill.

Also the law in this country is completely retarded in that legally you can shoot a harmless puppy on your property but cats are allowed to roam free, shit on your gravel and maim/kill the local birds/squirrels/frogs etc.

Cat owners are going to a special hell usually reserved for evil genocidal dictators.

But does a cat kill so that he can blow his load?

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  appleisblack said:


Ann Dem skull necklace

UC deconstruct skull t

UC 3/4 hem jump pants

Boemos zip ups

crotch is insane


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  sean_ said:
dude, i'm 6'2 185 and um, i don't believe you.
  joey_formal said:
mantits is more like 5'2" 185
  fndmybetterhalf said:
im 5'10" and 170 and i dont got them titties. unless your titties weigh a shit ton...tnen im sure you got some other problems you need to figure out.

all this being said, i'm 6'1" and 165 and i'm pretty sure if i wore a shirt like that i would have the appearnace of not only some boobs, but a super intense gut

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  fndmybetterhalf said:
im 5'10" and 170 and i dont got them titties. unless your titties weigh a shit ton...tnen im sure you got some other problems you need to figure out.
  Clopek said:
all this being said, i'm 6'1" and 165 and i'm pretty sure if i wore a shirt like that i would have the appearnace of not only some boobs, but a super intense gut

His nips are pretty puffy, usually a sign of gyno (male boobs), which happens with guys at a higher body fat % (unless he has it genetically)..but the rest of his body comp kinda proves its not just the shirt.

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  fearitself said:
so how can I improve or what is wrong with my fit?

The proportion between the jeans and the t-shirt is off, try a smaller t-shirt, or baggier jeans- preferably a smaller t-shirt because you look to be extremely tall and looser fitting jeans would worsen the situation. I really don't like those nikes, but thats more personal preference. The whole look in general seems halfhearted- you have the clothes, but not the attitude.

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  Hella Hyphy said:
The proportion between the jeans and the t-shirt is off, try a smaller t-shirt, or baggier jeans- preferably a smaller t-shirt because you look to be extremely tall and looser fitting jeans would worsen the situation. I really don't like those nikes, but thats more personal preference. The whole look in general seems halfhearted- you have the clothes, but not the attitude.

understandable, the jeans are way to tight in the waist. So I am selling them, I didnt wear them I was trying them on. They didnt fit, so if anyone wants to buy them they are in my sig. Only tried them on. I understand about the tshirt being too big. I got some smaller tee shirts that I am going to start wearing. And I persoanlly like the nikes so, thanks for the advice.

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  fearitself said:
understandable, the jeans are way to tight in the waist. So I am selling them, I didnt wear them I was trying them on. They didnt fit, so if anyone wants to buy them they are in my sig. Only tried them on. I understand about the tshirt being too big. I got some smaller tee shirts that I am going to start wearing. And I persoanlly like the nikes so, thanks for the advice.

I think it's more of dressing according to your body type. You're obviously slender and tall. You wear tapered jeans, atleast I hope so. Then you ruin it with an oversized t-shirt that doesn't fit at all with the jeans. Like Hella advised you should make it an effort to match. A more fitting t-shirt or instead baggier jeans (Which probably would look stupid on your frame). I'd honestly just stick with your slender tapered jeans and size down on that shirt. Might also want to try folding the bottom of your jeans up, see if that looks better. I know sometimes jeans do look better with them cuffed up rather than stacked.

Your jeans also appeared to be sitting very high on you, I can't tell really but you might want to let them sag a bit.

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  goldengloves said:
Dems sum Dior jawnz? Yo, u jus 1 tall mufucka fealme? Git rid of dem nikes for sum slimmer jawns, sag dem jeanz and get sum beter t's. Nahmean?

are your diors still for sale? once I sell mine I was planning on buying the ones you had up for sale?

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I wanna buy ur thom swags but I keep spending all my money on Jil Sanderz at 70% off.

Sale time is bad time to be selling things.

I always check your threads though, since we're almost the same size.

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