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WAYWT shit talking thread


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why exactly are you on sufu? sure as hell doesnt look like the clothes

I came here cause I like raw denim, and I post the occasional waywt to get some feedback and try to improve a little bit.

Yes, the camera is terrible, but I don't see how it's so bad

Pendleton, Samurai, Docs

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fndmybetterhalf gives me a weekly +rep, he really likes my posts

u and fndmybetterhalf are 2 of my fave waywt posters. i know it's shameful but i kinna riff on you guys' style a bit. keep posting, fuck the haters!

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i fucking hate waywt and all its stylin'-multilayerin'-fashion foward posters for making that monochrome layering bullshit goth-anything im so fashionable look so hot and trendy.


not that its even a horrible fit, because, aside from sufus standards, its really not. if i think objectively about it its better than 95% of the people that surround me on a day to day basis.. that aside it still annoys the shit out of me seeing stuff like this page after page and day after day


too much of a good thing is definitely, unmistakably, undeniably a bad thing.

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