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WAYWT shit talking thread


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brother, have you been to le baron recently? i went on a saturday night - got there at midnight and stayed until 0400 - i saw cats in ball caps, jeans, t shirts, etc, etc.. i don't know what you are basing your impression of le baron tokyo on but perhaps you should go and see it for yourself. shit is not that serious. in fact i have yet to come across a club in the city that would actually turn anyone away for what i wore (granted there must be a million plus and i would actually like to go to a place where a jacket/suit is required so let me know if you have any idea about ANYTHING to do with present day tokyo). get at me, kid

Dude it was a joke playing on cheesy racial stereotypes not a treatise on a club scene I don't know shit about and don't intend to. Don't be too serious in this thread you'll kill the mood. You outfit wasn't cool and people made snappy comments, welcome to middle school. I had jackson five stickers on my orange lunchbox awhile ago and I'm still smarting so I have to get out all this hatred, Freud told me so.

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Dude it was a joke playing on cheesy racial stereotypes not a treatise on a club scene I don't know shit about and don't intend to. Don't be too serious in this thread you'll kill the mood. You outfit wasn't cool and people made snappy comments, welcome to middle school. I had jackson five stickers on my orange lunchbox awhile ago and I'm still smarting so I have to get out all this hatred, Freud told me so.

really isn't that serious, just passing the idle time at work. but, i was serious about some recommendations for more upscale joint where a suit is required. so do get at me if you know.

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really isn't that serious, just passing the idle time at work. but, i was serious about some recommendations for more upscale joint where a suit is required. so do get at me if you know.

go to ATOM.


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Homie needs to hit up MUSE.

Best to rock the off-the-rack Macy's suit blazer with Levi's 501 stone-wash jeans and Kenneth cole square-toed shoes mannnnn...

Add the blackberry buckle clip for extra B.L.I.N.G.

The honeyz moan everytime da B.A.N.K.E.R.S. rock that BB-click wheel.


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Homie needs to hit up MUSE.

Best to rock the off-the-rack Macy's suit blazer with Levi's 501 stone-wash jeans and Kenneth cole square-toed shoes mannnnn...

Add the blackberry buckle clip for extra B.L.I.N.G.

The honeyz moan everytime da B.A.N.K.E.R.S. rock that BB-click wheel.


done muse...next - too many spots in this city

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Ok boss I'll remember the Buck Dunk Es Bees next time... Thanks, superfuture, for buying all my streetwear so that I can spend quadruple digits on an outfit that looks like I spent double digits on it.

Ill second this sentiment.

If you're gonna spend literal thousands of dollars on an outfit that is such a blatant example of being "dressed by the internets", you better at least make it look good

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Ill second this sentiment.

If you're gonna spend literal thousands of dollars on an outfit that is such a blatant example of being "dressed by the internets", you better at least make it look good

Okay so, correct me if I'm wrong; But, there's a certain 'way' of wearing what he's wearing? I never knew only wearing a t-shirt with a CCP fencing jacket was some kind of offense.

Leather jacket, tee, belt, jeans, bag....What in the world is wrong with it? Despite the fact that most here find something wrong in the price of clothing compared to how he's wearing it....

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done muse...next - too many spots in this city

Wigga, U understand how serious this IS!??!

While you be takin the Keikyu-line to get yo Nanpa on, I be revin' up the G4 from Milan to bump-n-grind at the Hills club. Shieeetz.

Get dat' wack Yokosuka-chou shit outta here!

Best recognize a B.A.L.L.A.

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Wigga, U understand how serious this IS!??!

While you be takin the Keikyu-line to get yo Nanpa on, I be revin' up the G4 from Milan to bump-n-grind at the Hills club. Shieeetz.

Get dat' wack Yokosuka-chou shit outta here!

Best recognize a B.A.L.L.A.

wtf are you talking about B.A.lla

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goldengloves, i think it was a statement more about the nature of the poster's fits overall...spends literally thousands to look really forgettable.

Whats truly revealing are the supermarket links in his sig. Its all barely worn expensive streetwear; Supreme, tons of 300 dollar Dunks, Silas, Neighborhood, Fragment, etc. Its obvious he just jumps in headfirst into whatever new trend he sees on the internet, and goes in full speed ahead with his purchasing power in tow.

There are a number of these kinds of guys on this forum. No sense of identity, no personal style, no real aesthetic vision. Just money, brand beasting, and internet reccomendations. And it clearly shows in the fits.

They never looked right in Dunks, and they dont look right in Carpe Diems. Will Lanvins fill the void in their fashion desires?

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sorry sean_, but im not diggin the 10 year old little girl with a beard steez. you just look downright fuckin crazy.


"oh yea, my pants look funny cuz theyre pulled up about 10 times higher than i normally wear them, because im not wearing underwear


this explanation makes things a bit better. sag them down a bit and it'll look better

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datz a good fit from sean but he needs a duck backpack

why is uparmoured catching so much shit just cause he's ballin. you know y'all sound like jealous bitches because if u had the money you'd spend it on looking mediocre too.

that being said its retarded that theres so many posts commenting on his fit which isnt even bad compared to ones from noobs that are so much fucking worse.

.that is all

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Wigga, U understand how serious this IS!??!

While you be takin the Keikyu-line to get yo Nanpa on, I be revin' up the G4 from Milan to bump-n-grind at the Hills club. Shieeetz.

Get dat' wack Yokosuka-chou shit outta here!

Best recognize a B.A.L.L.A.

I think it's pretty amazing djrajio keeps using the B.A.L.L.A. stuff. He needs to throw that in EVERYTHING he posts..

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wtf are you talking about B.A.lla


Dear stereotypical white-causian male trying to build street-cred,

Can you comprehend the severity of your accusations?

While you have to take the weekly last train out of the South Pennisula of Yokohama to meet the female variety that typically congregate in the lesser-Tokyo areas, I have a G4 gulfstream jet that I fly regularly from Milan, Italy to the members only Roppongi Hills club to meet women of much higher physical attractiveness and social standing.


Your stereotypical Yokosuka-chou US Naval background is not welcome in the more elite subsects of Tokyo urban-society.

Please recognize a man of much higher authority and wealth than yourself!

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Dear stereotypical white-causian male trying to build street-cred,

Can you comprehend the severity of your accusations?

While you have to take the weekly last train out of the South Pennisula of Yokohama to meet the female variety that typically congregate in the lesser-Tokyo areas, I have a G4 gulfstream jet that I fly regularly from Milan, Italy to the members only Roppongi Hills club to meet women of much higher physical attractiveness and social standing.


Your stereotypical Yokosuka-chou US Naval background is not welcome in the more elite subsects of Tokyo urban-society.

Please recognize a man of much higher authority and wealth than yourself!

best post in this thread so far

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Dear stereotypical white-causian male trying to build street-cred,

Can you comprehend the severity of your accusations?

While you have to take the weekly last train out of the South Pennisula of Yokohama to meet the female variety that typically congregate in the lesser-Tokyo areas, I have a G4 gulfstream jet that I fly regularly from Milan, Italy to the members only Roppongi Hills club to meet women of much higher physical attractiveness and social standing.


Your stereotypical Yokosuka-chou US Naval background is not welcome in the more elite subsects of Tokyo urban-society.

Please recognize a man of much higher authority and wealth than yourself!

quite the ham, rajio

at least you remember i'm in the military and live in yokosuka - i'm not sure i gave too much thought to where you reside or what you do

*i would love to hear how i fall into the stereotypical 'yokosuka-chuo US naval background'

anyway, your post was humorous - i can give credit where what little credit is due

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i don't know which is lower on the social food chain. military grunts or english teachers (who reside in japan). either or i don't really go out of my way to associate with either.

anyway i doubt i'll ever share a taxi with soudune, but it will suffice to say that even though he is taller than rajio and i, that he would sit in the front with the driver.

either you get this or you don't....

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Whats truly revealing are the supermarket links in his sig. Its all barely worn expensive streetwear; Supreme, tons of 300 dollar Dunks, Silas, Neighborhood, Fragment, etc. Its obvious he just jumps in headfirst into whatever new trend he sees on the internet, and goes in full speed ahead with his purchasing power in tow.

There are a number of these kinds of guys on this forum. No sense of identity, no personal style, no real aesthetic vision. Just money, brand beasting, and internet reccomendations. And it clearly shows in the fits.

They never looked right in Dunks, and they dont look right in Carpe Diems. Will Lanvins fill the void in their fashion desires?

i can't rep but this is some quality ownage right here

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