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WAYWT shit talking thread


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this looks pretty good. Gotta get some good chinos again.

Whoever said they were BDUs is retarded.

Yeah I wore vans once or twice but they sucked and I threw em in a river.

And failed my class? I wouldnt even let the dude in my class mixing Visvim and WTAPS like that.

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wrong thread again

Suntory time wrote:

"what were you trying to achieve jack? did you miss your classes in "dress like a covert-ops guy with swagger 101" ran by milspex? his classes started in '05 yo. or was it just wear as much wtaps as possible and slouch dem bdus."

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that danger fit is on point. he's been one of my favorite waywt posters as of late

i wanted to +rep fit that solely because i wear my shirts with folding lines in them too. WE DUN GIVE A FUCK

also, the pants are fine. the slim pants + slightly oversized boxy top = hot fiyah. most people make the mistake of wearing shirts that are too small and their proportions look totally fucked (just like our friend jack, up there)

so, in summary: i'm right, you're wrong. danger is money

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i agree porportions are good to keep in mind.

the tee is a jap exclusive so it fits a little shorter than im used to. my w)taps purchased in the US are longer.also i wore an undershirt was too small

but fk it, it was lazy sunday. only time for comfort, no time for porportions and brand harmony.

milspex, I suggest getting a pair of visvim chinos, best quality for the price.

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this is true and useful.


Once, after finishing up a meal, I had noticed that the girl seated next to me barely touched her dish, so I wanted to suggest getting a doggybag or "dabao" but instead of saying "dabao" I mistakenly said "daibao?" -- which I guess in that context meant that her stomach appeared really full. Needless to say she turned red and felt embarrassed around the lazy susan. she musta had an eating disorder. but I digress.

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