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WAYWT shit talking thread


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1. i hate when people tak their pics in a public bathroom....no better place to take a pic? and he's no even using the mirror........just setting up your camera and using the bathroom..wtf?

2. he's dressed like a Polish college physics TA...no likey

I dont even why he bothers obfuscating his face when he's been posting pics with his face clearly for months.

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1. i hate when people tak their pics in a public bathroom....no better place to take a pic? and he's no even using the mirror........just setting up your camera and using the bathroom..wtf?

2. he's dressed like a Polish college physics TA...no likey

1. Damn son I didn't think of that. IT kind of sets up this whole mood for his waywt's, like how dilapadated buildings and industrial style scenery compliments CD's waywts. It's like he takes it before going to his TA job in the physics department.


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1) Your ideas are heavily influenced by American conservative’s misconceptions that run rampant in a publication like the National review. That you consciously acknowledge it or not is irrelevant. Your deluded notions of a “democrat” conspiracy to fuck things up is a fine example of paranoia AND lack of knowledge of the European environment (you could have been born in Brussels for all I care, doesn’t change that). You seek to classify positions on immigration and governmental planning along the grid of analysis of a bipolar American system and this simply doesn’t apply here. Oh and aside from your brothers in arm on the extreme right, even someone like Sarkozy isn’t pushing for such strong immigration changes inasmuch as he is exploiting vague notions of fear of the other to present his own persona as the panacea to deliver the panicked population from its partly imaginary problem. The socialist aren’t that heavy either when you carefully look at it, although they did exploit the same fears to a lesser degree and with even vaguer affirmations. These policies are, contrary to what you would believe, low on entitlements and various “democrat” actions and high on hot air. Oh and Sarko is the child of immigrants, same as a lot of those banlieues people. He has the advantage to be white though.


You're talking yourself into circles, you angry, insecure, pretentious knob of a little man. Your only defense is to simply say "you're wrong because you're american and you couldn't possibly understand" and then INSIST that i'm a nationalist or an ultra-right or some kind. This is because you're a devout leftist (probably compensating), and you see any attack on any leftist faction as an attack on the comfort mechinism that you use to better understand the world around you. Well, I'm not a nationalist, you pretentious idiot. Your weak retort thrives on personal attacks and next to no substantial information minus namedropping and little else. Talk about "half-truths."

You have the very US vs THEM attitude that you claim blinds american "conservatives" to issues of european class and society.

Watch it, if you keep beating on that keyboard so angrily your stubby little fingers might fall off.

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2) Post WW2 France knew a great rise in prosperity for a good 30 yrs (les trente glorieuses) following WW2, with unemployment average under 2% and constantly rising GDP. Your quote “Many of these immigrants, whether or not they were imported as a workforce, refugees, or simply "plain old immigrants" were consciously placed into an economic system that could not support them or give them work after the re-manning of france's workforce after ww2. This fact might not have been intentional at the time, and the imported workforce was obviously an act of desperation.” Is simply total bullshit, these immigrants were a welcome addition to a constantly rising economy and the system did indeed support them without any major problem for at least three decades. Even now, with the slowed down but still functional economy, there are many fields where there is a shortage of workers, the problem being about the lack of formal training and possibilities afforded to the people of the banlieues. This may ties in with what is happening to African-Americans but has nothing to do with an influx of immigrants. So let’s supposed there is a job problem in the US, would you say African-americans are a problem because they’re mmigrants? WTF

I don't know if you noticed, but your argument didn't disprove anything that I said minus insisting that the french economy either didn't need the imported workforce but imported them anyway? France maintained its economic growith by importing these workers. Get it?

You're just sloganeering and loopholing here. It's a known fact that france imported workers to replenish its workforce. Oh, and Third World immigrants WERE NOT a welcome addition to your economy. You don't have to google for long before you find information quite the contrary.

Here you go!:

"This decrease in immigration continued until the mid-1950s when, after a poor start, the French government's attempts to recruit an immigrant workforce, began to bear fruit. Some immigrants during the late 1950s and 1960s, in fact, entered the country illegally and were `regularized' ex post facto by a government happy to see the labour shortage improve and foreign workers occupy low-paid jobs that French nationals were reluctant to accept.

In the immediate postwar years the French government recognised the need for immigrants to assist France's economic reconstruction and to offset France's old enemy, la dénatalité française (low population growth). Although there were different opinions as to the nature of France's immigration policy, it was agreed by most that European immigrants were preferable to Africans or Asians. Although no ethnic quotas were specified in the French government ordinance of 2 November 1945 (the basis of France's postwar immigration policy), the newly-established Office National d'Immigration (ONI) only opened recruitment offices in Italy. The problem for ONI was that Italians, and other Europeans with the exceptions of Spaniards and the Portuguese, weren't particularly interested in settling in France. During les trente glorieuses France's foreign population doubled from 1.7 million in 1946 to 3.4 million in 1975. (Hollifield 1994: 147)

Initially French politicians and planners had aimed at meeting France's need for labour by encouraging "culturally compatible" immigrants (i.e. European) to settle in preference to those from the Third World. However, growing levels of prosperity in Europe meant that far fewer Italians, Spaniards, Portugese etc. were attraced to France. The shortfall was met instead by migrants from France's colonies or former colonies in North and Sub-Saharan Africa."


3) The citizens of the banlieues aren’t, for the most part, immigrants anyway but French citizens born and bred on French soil. To keep things in perspective France isn’t crashing under the weight of its immigrants, as they compose between 5.5% and 8% of its population, with +-35% of them being from neighbouring European countries (whiteys). Once again, think LA riots, would you say the African-American population in the USA is mainly made of immigrants? What do they have to do to be considered Americans?

Thius is just stupid. You're about as transparent as tracing-paper. Many of these people don't speak french. Come up with a better word for them and I'll use it. Note: I'm not going to type out "french people who don't speak french and have no inherent french cultural identity with which to bond but are still french because they're born in france-people."

4) You wouldn’t know political science if it bit you on the ass! Your feeble analysis of a leftist elite conspiracy aimed at creating poverty to create programs professing to be fighting that very poverty and generate some power for themselves out of this vicious circle simply doesn’t stand to reality. Governments have alternated in France after WW2 and the socialist had no way to pursue a unified policy over such a long period. They’ve been in constant redefinition with the fall of modernist certainties and thus altered their programs accordingly with very few constants. You’re falling in the comforting populist trap of wanting to blame complex social problems on a shadowy, power grabbing elite that leaves the poor, defenceless and naïve population in the cold. However standards of living have been constantly rising in France after WW2, many have shared in the wealth (have north african immigrants, puuma?) and the fragmented nature of the representative system coupled with the divide of authority between the prime minister and president have, overall, allowed many ideas to be discussed in the open and various approaches and point of view to be heard and implemented, often with great support from the population.

Google: Bolshevik Revolution and Central Banking. Did you know that Kuhn Loeb and Co., a central bank (banks, fuuma, are elite capitalists!) based out of new york funded the entire Bolshevik Revolution? Did you know that Kuhn Loeb financed the soviets during the cold war? Did you know that OUR CENTRAL BANKS have financed many leftist parties and revolutions all over the world? Tell me, fuuma, why?

Only the elite choosing to masquarade as right wing are capable of conspiring for a common goal? The elite masquarading as left are simply looking out for the proletariate and societies bottom rungs, hoping to advance their standards of living to stimulate a free-market economy so that they won't need them anymore. Right. You do not know shit about history or political science.

A) There’s more dough and more people share in it than before WW2. (but you just said that your economy was waning)

B) Its been said about previous immigration waves (the Italians are this, the Polish are this) and after a few generations there’s no specific and insurmountable problem. (Actually, european immigrants we're preffered and encouraged)

C) Not all political elites strive for the same goals, although they may share some goals related to the attainment of a perennial continuation of their political legacy. (Yeah, that's what I said)

D) A large % of French immigrants are from former colonies anyway and came (and were welcomed) there out of cultural affinity, post-colonial history has its logical consequences that are hard to ignore. (I'm sure that, as a LAST RESORT, they were so very welcomed. You're jumping sides left and right, pun intended.)

6) I don’t need to put words in your mouth, I know where the ideas you profess have originated even though you are yourself unaware of it. In this case the observer knows more about the subject than the subject itself. At least you understood the sheer idiocy of associating multiculturalism with France and stayed silent on what was the main point of the post I was commenting on and that I entirely debunked.

Is this guy for real? Apparently Fuuma has the ability to read minds, as well. Anything that seemingly (to fuuma) opposes his pre-concieved ideals must be the result of paranoia or brainwashing. The next step is to catagorize the opposition into a catagory, in your case everyone else is a White Nationalist, Gaulist, or some fringe right wing hoohaw. There are a lot of people like you, and they behave exactly like the poeple that you claim to hate by making blind assumptions about their credibility and the origin of their beliefs. Grow up, you ugly little hypocrite.

PS: see I can integrate persona attacks into my text too, fun innit?

Persona attacks? Or personal attacks? All you've provided here is a makeshift persona so I'll assume you wouldn't want to out yourself and just acknowledge that you meant personal. You didn't get any real personal attacks until your defense was mounted on an entirely personal attack in my direction. It's the first sign of somebody who feels backed into a corner, I didn't even oppose you on much of anything initally. You felt threatened. Also, you point fingers and label me this or that while bulking up your flimsy argument with oxymorons that must have just flew over your ugly hair and straight into the internets.

PS- This is tiring for the thread readers who don't care about this crap. You'll respond with some convoluted, nasty, ill-conceived retort and I won't respond.

Contrary to your primary driving force as a as a human being in search for credibilty and self-esteem (as we can see from the plethora of long-winded, utterly pretentious and flakey posts that you inflict upon Sufu)... You're not smart.

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Because you look like you're wearing one of these:


I don't think it's that bad a fit for what it's meant to be. Honestly, that tank is meant to look that way. It's a long drapey, oversized tank that fits like a lampshade. Not my favorite, but from what I saw on the site it's supposed to look that way.

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