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WAYWT shit talking thread


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Wait, can we get back to the how do you know you're gay discussion? Cause I wanna know if I can still change my mind about loving dick. Kthnx.

It's entirely genetic. To think that society could somehow otherwise have an impact on an individual's sexual orientation is downright ludicrous.


"[sigmund] Freud thought a distant, emotionally cold father might prevent a boy from identifying with dad and steer him to homosexuality.
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Of course I am, better than a shitty theocracy as regressive as the Talibans. I'm against the hardcore cultural assimilation though and a slew of other Chinese initiatives but, unless the population really wants to get out I see no reason why they shouldn't stay, especially considering Tibet has been a part of China for a couple hundred yrs, the whole revolt now being more about putting back in place a backward theocratic monarchy.

Somehow I don't think Tenzin Gyatso would recreate the old brutal theocracy if they gave Tibet back its independence.

Jayrock: Sigmund Freud was a fucking moron and has been disproven on so many things it's astounding.

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I have heard of the study Hali, and the suggestion it made was that the mother's body would develop antibodies to a male fetus which would become successively stronger and somehow affect the fetus' sexuality

link here: http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-wellbeing/health-news/antibodies-in-womb-create-gay-men-405672.html

That is a similar study. Although the one I'm thinking of predates that.

They also make the distinction of the boys being raised away from their elder brothers.

On the other hand, I'll be damned if I listen to anyone from Brock University.

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It's entirely genetic. To think that society could somehow otherwise have an impact on an individual's sexual orientation is downright ludicrous

I guess I'll have to keep playing pretend on superfuture then.

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for those who may be getting lost in my irony, i wasn't referencing freud to back my stance insomuch as i was using it to mimic the objections to my original statement

Poor analog.

Supposing anyone is going to get lost in your irony is amusing.

PS: I love your negreps, if I ever meet you I am going to bust up your face.


For real.

Like, punching, me to you.

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for those who may be getting lost in my irony, i wasn't referencing freud to back my stance insomuch as i was using it to mimic the objections to my original statement

Final conclusion?


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how do you explain dudes who started straight then go gay?

It's not uncommon. And from the ones I know of, they knew they were gay when they were dating girls in high school, etc.

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It's not uncommon. And from the ones I know of, they knew they were gay when they were dating girls in high school, etc.

My friend pretended that he was gay for a little while so that he could get into art school.

Now he's just a fag.

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Most of the gay dudes I know all knew they were gay. They just felt like maybe if they tried being straight they wouldn't be gay. For family, or social reasons.

This is by no means a proper sample. I've talked about this with like, three people tops.

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this convo is going on forever... I was hoping it'd be gone by now, not like I matter but anyway... the topic of sexuality can go on for ages. There are no set in stone "causes" so it's kind of a waste of energy to think of it this way. some people like blondes, some people are attracted to muscles, some people attracted to men, women, whatever... it's just a preference. I guess it's just social stigma that makes people feel that it's some type of disorder that needs to be proved or disproved.

homosexuality, bisexuality, whatever... it's all been around for ages and has gone through so many phases of being socially acceptable or not on many levels. centuries ago not only homosexualitywas not only common but it was even trivial, ss things like incest were also completely acceptable during these times. by this century, humans have become much more sexually inhibited because as time goes on and people "advance" intellectually, so does the insatiable aspect of our human nature that needs to make sense of things and to be able to define everything, because it brings us peace of mind... but in my opinion, some things just are what they are.

the human mind is so complex and everyone is unique and our genetic makeup (personality, sexuality, morality, etc) is pre-determined before we are even born. circumstances and experiences through life help to mold us into who we will ultimately be but some things remain constant despite that.

people may not realize they are gay until the opportunity presents itself but it doesn't mean they have changed their mind, but rather that they hadn't yet tapped into (no pun) that aspect of themselves. also, sexuality is not all about just sex... people are attracted to their mates for more than just sex, so there are so many factors that come into play when hypothesizing about such a subjective and deeply complex topic. the only thing I think it can all be best chalked up to is that people are how they are and there is no formula or definition for love or attraction.

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i don't buy the 'can't get pussy so i'm goin gay' theory...i'm sure Elton John could've pulled any bitch he wanted in his heyday. Likewise with Leslie Cheung...but i think with the latter it had something to do with the disillusionment of the vapid and status driven mindset of HK females he was probably around a lot (ie the entertainment industry). He once made a comment along the lines of the only female worth a damn in that whole circuit was Maggie Cheung.

denise richards in wild things was the shit

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i don't buy the 'can't get pussy so i'm goin gay' theory...i'm sure Elton John could've pulled any bitch he wanted in his heyday. Likewise with Leslie Cheung...but i think with the latter it had something to do with the disillusionment of the vapid and status driven mindset of HK females he was probably around a lot (ie the entertainment industry). He once made a comment along the lines of the only female worth a damn in that whole circuit was Maggie Cheung.

denise richards in wild things was the shit

On the subject, I have a massive crush on Denise Ho (HOCC). I think she's so fucking hot, though I might not think so if she weren't gay.

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you serious?

i've seen her in person a couple times she is TINY. I liked her better back in around 06 when she had a bit more feminine image going. these days its a bit much for me...come to think of it i cant think of any hk pop stars i really find that attractive. The Japanese ones are better looking but i dont know any of their names, just see their faces up in the local paper...

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