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shit you hate


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fucking HATE this bitch at my office. thank christ she's only a temporary post, covers vacations and shit. Bitch is fucking 60 years old and one level senior to me, acts like she runs the goddamn company

I gave her a completely simple, brainless request yesterday which she took with a scoff, and acted (as she always does) as though such tasks are completely beneath her. A client needed $25k cash and we couldn't do the shit so we had to call head office and blah blah blah.

She comes back to me an hour later and says "tell your client head office can onnly spare $10,000 US." Like...nono, we need $25k, Canadian. She gives me a death stare and says "you requested US dollars."

no, you fucking idiot, i didn't. I said $25k cash. Not "however much USD you can spare." So please, follow up. She leaves my office.

Today I get an urgent phone call from the client asking why no one has called him. I tell him I'm not really sure and go approach her to discuss it. She sits at her desk and makes me stand there for like 2 minutes before finally acknowledging me, and doesn't say anything but looks at me with these "can i help you?" impatient eyes. I'm like yeah, so what happened with that cash withdrawal.

"I told you the amount they had, and you said he would go pick it up."



i sent her a written request again today and she had the fuckign audacity to tell me that the reason it wasn't done is because "she complied with the request for $10k USD and was given no further instructions."

fucking christ I could get fired over how hard i'm gonna snap on this chick

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I swear I have to have posted this before, and other business owners will know what I'm talking about, but business property tax. Fuck that bullshit 1,000 times over. Say I buy a stapler for my business, I pay sales tax on that stapler. Now I'm supposed to assess the value of that stapler for the next 5 years and pay MORE tax on the same stapler I already paid sales tax on? Fuck that. But it helped me earn a profit? I paid income tax, so that's covered as well. It costs the taxing agency 20% more than they even collect just to operate. FUCK THIS SHIT ON A WHOLE OTHER LEVEL.

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I tossed my name in the hat for the Ebbetts group buy in supershopper and just measured for my fitted size.

Apparently their smallest size is still too big for my head. Don't know if I want to get one if the wind will just blow it off my head every few minutes.


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I hate it when my wife watches a movie that we own on BluRay on basic cable. The other day I walked into the living room and she's watching The Departed in a shitty picture quality and edited for content. It's all "Scew you" and "Go work your mother!" I'm like, why are you watching this on cable? We have that shit in 1080, woman. She's like, it's okay, I'm not really watching it anyway, it's just on in the background. By now I'm kind of in the mood to watch this movie with her so on the commercial break I go to put the bluray on and she's like, hey what are you doing, I was watching that. I'm like I thought you just had it on in the background but yeah you can keep watching it but just without the commercials and without the language edited out and in HD picture quality. She goes, no just leave it on what's the difference? I calmly tell her that I JUST EXPLAINED THE GODDAMN DIFFERENCE! Big fucking fight for the rest of the day.

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  Mr HaGa said:
I hate it when my wife watches a movie that we own on BluRay on basic cable. The other day I walked into the living room and she's watching The Departed in a shitty picture quality and edited for content. It's all "Scew you" and "Go work your mother!" I'm like, why are you watching this on cable? We have that shit in 1080, woman. She's like, it's okay, I'm not really watching it anyway, it's just on in the background. By now I'm kind of in the mood to watch this movie with her so on the commercial break I go to put the bluray on and she's like, hey what are you doing, I was watching that. I'm like I thought you just had it on in the background but yeah you can keep watching it but just without the commercials and without the language edited out and in HD picture quality. She goes, no just leave it on what's the difference? I calmly tell her that I JUST EXPLAINED THE GODDAMN DIFFERENCE! Big fucking fight for the rest of the day.

your wife sounds like an idiot :(

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But no she's good people, smarter than me probably (not rly), overcame some seriously tough shit in her life. And she's the mother of my son...

It's just after 7 years we start to piss each other off and get on each other's nerves more and more with seemingly insignificant shit like that.

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let an old friend stay at my place for a week he takes ridiculously long hot showers, leaves my tv on all night, leaves doors wide open. cant even use a damn bowl when eating my bag of pistachios just builds a little mound on my coffee table. dont ask for a place to stay then treat it like a hotel. also, when going to sporting events with people that just want to bullshit the whole time, seriously try and take in some of the game, fuck.

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Working my balls off to get my final year eng. presentation finished - 2am library sessions, being too stressed to sleep etc. Then getting the flu the weekend before the pres and having to apply for an extension.

Then feeling guilty as fuck for being weak and having to apply for extension.

If this happened to anybody else I'd totally understand... can never judge myself the way I judge others. fuck

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