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shit you hate


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so i've started at this new place where we're being taught film and tv-production (pardon my english, especially my grammar).

tried graduating gymnasium 3 times - the danish equavalant to highschool/college-sumshit - but to no avail, obiviously i'm too school for school. i'd like to claim myself as autodidadact. i'm still of the social type, no worries.

anyways, i've always loved creativity and the freedom as an artist, too bad denmark isn't an ultra liberal country. it's full of assholes, it seems. and it's too fucking cold. but we get paid a lot of money for going to school, so it's all good.

ANYWAYS, i sent in my application and spoke with them at the interview while full of angst and luckily i had the privelege of being recognized and let into the school. there's two in total in this country and it's like half out of 80 applicants. mind you, all these fuckers have something in their trunk, be it university, experience in the industry, graduations and shit.

me? i just have my life experience, which is, so to say, unrecognizable to the naked eye, unless you look very close ofcourse.

my point is i hate the place. i just wanna finish this shit and do career or something. these lazy ass arrogant freeballing assholes pet my head, talk down to me and use me as a magic 8 ball. cavemen, that's what i call them! it's as if everywhere i go, they have nothing else to talk about, but me. this is the case for most of the people there, but of course not all of them. there's some pretty cute photography chicks at the other side. and a few nice pot heads as well.

i am so underestimated, and it hurts so much. it's been like this my whole life. my door number at the dorm is 112 and guess what, my roommate is a fat snoring pig, so so long to well slept nights and bodily freedom. i've actually been driven neurotic by lesbians and gangbang selffucking deamons. the teachers don't understand me either, they talk about reality and my condition etc. goddamn it. i'm an ARTIST.

been to the doctor, talked with psychologists (MIND YOU I NEED SLEEP) and these fuckers still wont get off my dick.

tell you guys, when i make it as a balla, i'm gonna make them all lick my boots.

besides that, as a person, i am actually the opposte of what you just read.


edit: listen to this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eq-lC1Uvmcg&feature=autoplay&list=FLshyxL9Gi896G8FPpI09xsA&lf=BFa&playnext=8

thanks to the playa who linked me to this in supercultures what are you listening at

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good luck making it as a B.A.L.L.A. if you failed high school 3 times

i don't think you realized how much life is gonna fuck you in the ass if you keep deluding yourself thinking you're an underestimated artist, funds and freedom and friends and clothes as you put it is only cool when you're < 25, the only thing that matters is living well

complaining is not gonna solve anything, putting work in will

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word this is what i need to hear sometimes

edit: problem is that it feels like they're excluding me on purpose and to be honest, i have no idea what it is going on.

either it is because i don't need to know, or theyre trying to get rid of me. i think i'm gonna play safe and keep to myself as much as possible

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so the OF/Supreme hype has hit full swing in my town. These same fucking kids that couldn't shut the fuck up about Diamond Supply Co 2 weeks ago (and it was Crooks and Castles before that) are posturing like they've been wearing Supreme forever. I actually hear pods of them shouting things like "burn the school down" or whatever bullshit OF tagline is easiest for them to remember. I really should just print bootleg box logo and golf wang tee shirts and make as much money as quickly as possible. I don't know if I've ever been so hyped to see something come to an end as I am with this.

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so i thought this was a thread to vent it, but seems i've been catching a lot og shit, no wonder since i threw a lot. my rant post was simply a stream of consciousness or whatever.

so let me explain, i'm actually very happy and very lucky to attend this school, but - AND THIS IS THE TRUTH - most of the people there act as total douches towards me, judging me on my appearance rather than what i say, and it's killing my motivation. i'm a really cool guy and i've always been a good party starter (!)

since i started there i've become more and more bipolar and manic because there are so many diffrent views of me. the problem is that i think of myself as very skilled and talented but i get excluded by everyone else because of my work experience and it's makiing it much harder for me to learn since noone listens to me. understand?

i just gotta finish this and start doing career in the business or sumshit

i hope this cleared it up a bit

i'm trying to grow an epeen folks, not lose it!! :(

edit: been on 1 week of vacation so i'm trying to build up some positive ego to come back to

also read


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when people that are living paycheck to paycheck tell me all about it, every fucking second I see them...like shit's dire and the apocalypse is upon them, and then I see them post about going out to eat or buying a tee shirt or some other trinket.

First, I don't wanna hear you talk about money...shit's tacky. Don't ever discuss how much money you have or don't have, or are in need of, etc. I never would, it's trashy as fuck.

Second, prioritize motherfucker. If your debit card gets declined for $25, then you probably shouldn't be out shopping in the first place.

tl:dr - I hate broke 30k millionaires

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