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shit you hate


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Self-service check out in the supermarket.

Useful for those buying haemorrhoid cream and Star Trek cereal, otherwise "UNEXPECTED ITEM IN BAGGING AREA UNEXPECTED ITEM IN BAGGING AREA" oh no, not again, i just put my wallet down for a second SHUT UP!!

Actually, you can be sure that if you were trying to make embarrassing purchases on the sly, the machine would start flashing and beeping and announce "ERROR - PLEASE AWAIT CUSTOMER SERVICE OPERATIVE"

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i dont hate fat people, but i hate seeing them doing things to make me think "oh, thats why youre fat"

ex) waiting on the elevator to go to class on the third floor. its the third floor, take the motherfucking stairs.

also, when they sit their fat asses on the escalator instead of walking up them and taking advantage of the fact that if you use them as stairs, theyll get you to where youre going a hell of a lot faster. seinfeld had a bit similar to this, and it rings so true with me. bitch, this is a 1 abreast escalator, i cannot pass a thin person on this thing, much less you, and youre about to make me late for my class on the 8th floor because you need time to just stand and drink your coca-cola, oh hey youre getting off on the fourth floor now? sweet, go fuck yourself

once i went to five guys to get a burger at 11am when they opened. besides one 400 pound lady i was the only customer in there at such a ridiculous hour for cheeseburgers, only difference was i hadnt gone to bed yet. this lady was not a haggard nocturnal fuck like myself but rather a put together person about to start her day

and on a different note, people (mostly girls in my experience) complaining about something whilst simultaneously not trying to do anything to fix whatever theyre whining about. youre freezing you say? zip up the goddamn hoodie youre wearing. oh right, but you dont want to hide your cute shirt and cleavage.. that makes sense. oh wait, what? youd rather take a cab for 10 blocks because you cant have your shoes killing your feet? STOP FUCKING BUYING UNCOMFORTABLE SHOES. why the FUCK should i have to fork over a couple dollars, to go hardly any distance at all, on a nice night, because you insist on wearing uncomfortable, ugly fucking footwear?

jesus christ

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Allergies, allergies, fucking allergies. Nose running like a faucet, burning itch that runs from my nasal cavity up into my eyes. Sneezing 10-20 times in a row. Want to fucking reach into my sinus cavity and just rip everything out. FUCK!

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how my obligations aren't spread out evenly. i just spent a week home in nyc and barely got half the things i want to do done, and now i'm back in the ri/mass area with next to nothing to do for at least a week. wtf

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  dino might! said:

and on a different note, people (mostly girls in my experience) complaining about something whilst simultaneously not trying to do anything to fix whatever theyre whining about. youre freezing you say? zip up the goddamn hoodie youre wearing. oh right, but you dont want to hide your cute shirt and cleavage.. that makes sense. oh wait, what? youd rather take a cab for 10 blocks because you cant have your shoes killing your feet? STOP FUCKING BUYING UNCOMFORTABLE SHOES. why the FUCK should i have to fork over a couple dollars, to go hardly any distance at all, on a nice night, because you insist on wearing uncomfortable, ugly fucking footwear?

jesus christ

I... I think I love you.

I hate the loud-ass crowd in Beatles Rock Band.

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  samsikle said:
having to get out of my warm warm bed on cold cold mornings.

dealing with this right now...:(

update on my day>>>

mothafuckas at the dmv fucking closing driving tests at 2PM even though the office closes at 3.30PM???

howthefudgeamisupposedtoknowthissss? there were no signs to this effect and it's not on your website.

10am-2pm are not reasonable hours, bureaucratic dipshits, especially when you take an hour for lunch.

and if i show up at 2.03, you're going to be dickholes enough to not let me take this shit?

i'm bout to pop some caps up in this joint like blaow blaow.


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fuck it....

-Studies started yesterday and will run till first week of April without any holiday besides one week Christmas/New Year shit. Studying from 9am to 6pm everyday + preperation for the next days + weekly report.

Due to this I will be broke till first week of April because no chance to work.

-following semester will start in second week of April, fuck YeAh!

-WTF? it started snowing in October?????

-Next important attestation this thursday, no pass - no work - I can start over again next year

-Next important exam this friday

-new Rammstein album is fucking lame

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My brother stole my bank card and about £400 from my account last month.

I called him out on it, but he denies it, even though his friends vouch that he was in certain places at certain times that match the statements.

Bit of a pain since he's started university now and I don't have easy access to him.

Ungrateful little shit still owes me £3400 too.

The only solace I have is knowing that he's currently £300 or so in debt with his bank.

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Nikon "super coolscan 90000 ED" The fuck kind of a name for a film scanner is that? Oh yeah, and how it doesnt fucking work right.

How the girl that checked out the good scanner (Imacon) didnt show up... but the computer wont let me log in so I still cant use it.


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  Tabris said:
My brother stole my bank card and about £400 from my account last month.

I called him out on it, but he denies it, even though his friends vouch that he was in certain places at certain times that match the statements.

Bit of a pain since he's started university now and I don't have easy access to him.

Ungrateful little shit still owes me £3400 too.

The only solace I have is knowing that he's currently £300 or so in debt with his bank.

shut your account, start a new one and tell him if he pulls some bullshit again you'll suffocate him in his sleep.

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  dino might! said:
i dont hate fat people, but i hate seeing them doing things to make me think "oh, thats why youre fat"

ex) waiting on the elevator to go to class on the third floor. its the third floor, take the motherfucking stairs.

also, when they sit their fat asses on the escalator instead of walking up them and taking advantage of the fact that if you use them as stairs, theyll get you to where youre going a hell of a lot faster. seinfeld had a bit similar to this, and it rings so true with me. bitch, this is a 1 abreast escalator, i cannot pass a thin person on this thing, much less you, and youre about to make me late for my class on the 8th floor because you need time to just stand and drink your coca-cola, oh hey youre getting off on the fourth floor now? sweet, go fuck yourself

once i went to five guys to get a burger at 11am when they opened. besides one 400 pound lady i was the only customer in there at such a ridiculous hour for cheeseburgers, only difference was i hadnt gone to bed yet. this lady was not a haggard nocturnal fuck like myself but rather a put together person about to start her day

jesus christ

and on a different note, people (mostly girls in my experience) complaining about something whilst simultaneously not trying to do anything to fix whatever theyre whining about. youre freezing you say? zip up the goddamn hoodie youre wearing. oh right, but you dont want to hide your cute shirt and cleavage.. that makes sense. oh wait, what? youd rather take a cab for 10 blocks because you cant have your shoes killing your feet? STOP FUCKING BUYING UNCOMFORTABLE SHOES. why the FUCK should i have to fork over a couple dollars, to go hardly any distance at all, on a nice night, because you insist on wearing uncomfortable, ugly fucking footwear?

I hate this shit too. I work valet at a hotel by a movie theater and I watch people slow down and clog shit up to drop their fat girlfriends/wives/family off infront because they cant walk their asses there from the parking spot. Other day at the grocery store these two 300 plus bitches made a big deal about the scooters not being charged and just sat there and waited.

I love looking in fat peoples' carts at the store too. Always filled with trash. aint no fruit in there, just frozen foods and diet soda.

Fuck, everyone is gonna be diabetic soon.

plus rep for going to five guys after not sleeping.

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  Tabris said:
My brother stole my bank card and about £400 from my account last month.

Ungrateful little shit still owes me £3400 too.

Ayo, are you for fucking real!!?? Stop being such a bitch. Fuck his ass up raw.Yo I would leave a mark on that ma fucka that he would carry for the rest of his life. You gotta humiliate that piece of shit. Find out what he cares about the most and shatter it. Fuck is wrong with you son!!

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