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yeah the worst is when your chillin listening to a song on your noise cancelling earphones or whatever blocks the sounds completely out, and someone comes up to you and starts talking to you. i hate having to take my earphones out every two seconds to talk to someone or to ask them to repeat their question.

Even worse, is when people see you put your headphones back on after their first question....but they carry on talking!!

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get the yearly suscription. a few dollars per month. but if you download a LOT it's totally worth it. otherwise be patient or use something else.

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when my mom says incredibly stupid things in public and doesn't realize what she is doing


last night my family is visiting with my uncle and his adopted chinese daughter. everything is going fine and people are having fun. until after dinner my uncle goes inside to get cake, my mom then says, " Leah (the chinese daughter) you're not going to have any cake, right? Because you're asian and asians don't eat cake." She then proceeded to not understand why that statement is racist. facepalm.jpg

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Zangief in SF4. Fucking cheep as fuck, way overpowered and complete bullshit you cant counter his grabs. ultra is way overpowered, throws are way overpowered. that spin attack is way too cheep.

come on CAPCOM, frieking patch this shit

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