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It's convenient. Right now though, I would definitely check out smaller parks.

I am mostly interested in the music performances that come to Yoyogi on Sundays, any other place that you can recommend for such an experience?

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fuck, that's a brilliant idea - let's talk about TOKYO itself.

parks are a good subject. the gang and i have been spending the weekends in yoyogi for the past few weeks. the weather is shit during the week then seems to clear up on the weekends just so people can get to the park. sunday's are the best but we were in yoyogi yesterday (saturday) and it was happening as well. all sorts of people out. really easy to meet people. generally a great time.

ueno is another good one, although not nearly as much grassy area, so not so good for lounging around on a blanket and kicking the ball about.

i have heard that shinjuku central park is nice but haven't made it their myself. right now i'm looking for some really nice, well groomed and flat grass to play bocce on - can anyone recommend?

also, what other parks do you cats frequent?

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Guest jmatsu

scitsilyts vbmenu_register("postmenu_", true);



join date: Mar 2008

location: sendai

cow town


you mean HIS nonsense. anyway the usual this time. a noob outta sendai getting stupid

chalking things up to me being a "noob" only reinforces the fact that your life revolves around an internet forum. now dont twist that up and miscomprehend it like you did with my other comments...i did NOT say that you enjoy spending time on an internet forum. i said your life fucking REVOLVES AROUND IT. your serious lack of understanding (of both my comments and the english language) also implies that whatever job you do doesn't carry the highest standards.

lastly, i dont think i need to even remind you of this...but next time you shack yourself up in your tiny apartment, reading/making countless posts on sufu, imagining that you have real relationships with the poeple on the other end of the digital connection, remind yourself that your presense in japan (or perhaps in the world) has little to no effect on anyone around you. the moment you leave japan, not the girls, nor the club owners, nor your co-workers are going to give a shit about where you went or why you left. the only thing they are going to give a shit about is your replacement...because you, simply, are replaceable. before getting heated and coming up with some textbook, internet response, think that over for an hour.

thanks for the pm, you fuckin fairy. you're still dumb.

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there were may polls done years ago, but the recent data was procured by the offices of tokyowalker. anyway it's more of an innate japanese thing. we just know this.
can you give me a 3 line summary of what happened in the past two pages?

Bitches and gaijin from Sendai are ugly and stupid.

Being an english teacher in Japan, all else equal, still sucks cock.

djrajio is still a B.A.L.L.A.

p.s. Everybody knows the best bitches come from Fukuoka....

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goodbye, japan. 3 wks disappeared like nothing.

to plot my stay on the range...i spent ~8k. don't know how helpful that is, since that includes a little shopping. but nothing b.a.l.l.a. like others.

or i spent ~8k & didn't do anything balla :(

conbini b mad expensive

wow...I was thinking around 4-5.....damn. Looks like i'll have to sell some shiat

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like i implied, don't take my #s as the standard.

i spent time in family's home for most of the 3 wks, so hotel (3 bills/night) only for 3 nights in tokyo. also took shinkansen to and from tokyo (this was $$, but worth it).

besides tokyo, also visited osaka, kyoto, nara, suzuka, ise, yokkaichi-city, et al...gas money (~$5.00/gal), or $ for however you plan on trekking.

& i splurged on food. no restrictions, no regrets. from mad cow to countless stops for shu cream & salted caramel softserv at mini stop.

sounds like you're traveling alone, so what you've got earmarked may be good if shopping is not a big priority.

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like i implied, don't take my #s as the standard.

i spent time in family's home for most of the 3 wks, so hotel (3 bills/night) only for 3 nights in tokyo. also took shinkansen to and from tokyo (this was $$, but worth it).

besides tokyo, also visited osaka, kyoto, nara, suzuka, ise, yokkaichi-city, et al...gas money (~$5.00/gal), or $ for however you plan on trekking.

& i splurged on food. no restrictions, no regrets. from mad cow to countless stops for shu cream & salted caramel softserv at mini stop.

sounds like you're traveling alone, so what you've got earmarked may be good if shopping is not a big priority.

where did you stay in Ise?

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day trip...visited mikimoto pearl island, ise shrine, and thoroughly enjoyed munching all along oharai machi & okage yokocho. 2nd time. i despise tourist traps, but worth it.

why you splurge on food when you can splurge on the cluthes.

priorities require straightening out.

yes, priorities were straight, until i spent to my fiscal demise.

japan food is too good 2 resist. cluthing now 2nd place for me. happy enough with uniqlo.

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Guest jmatsu
what is tokyo like around xmas/new year? worth visiting or not? i want to go back but right now i be poor (trip ended up @ $4k for 8 days and i didn't do anything balla either :()

kinda boring (i assume) unless you have a girl or lady friend.

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day trip...visited mikimoto pearl island, ise shrine, and thoroughly enjoyed munching all along oharai machi & okage yokocho. 2nd time. i despise tourist traps, but worth it.

yes, priorities were straight, until i spent to my fiscal demise.

japan food is too good 2 resist. cluthing now 2nd place for me. happy enough with uniqlo.

dude that ain't *djrajio's word*.

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Haha, so... I went to Gaspanic in Shibuya, I think every black dude in Tokyo must have been there :P


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おまえ◆黒人(特に男性)が親しみを込めて呼び掛けとして使う。黒人の発音に合わせて nigger のつづりが変化したもの。他人種が使うと軽蔑の意味に取られかねないので、使用は避けるべきである。

・What's happening, nigga? : おまえ元気か?


・"Who's that girl?" "She's my nigga." : 「あの女誰だよ?」「あいつは俺のダチさ。」

hood nigga

〈俗〉低所得者層地域{てい しょとく しゃ そう ちいき}[ゲットー]の黒人{こくじん}◆nigga という表現は、黒人以外の人種が使うと侮辱的に取られることが多いので、使用は避けるべきである。

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ボール製造職人{せいぞう しょくにん}、ボール製造装置{せいぞう そうち}、球状{きゅうじょう}にくりぬくための道具{どうぐ}




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服装倒錯者{ふくそう とうさくしゃ}、異性の衣類を身に着けたがる人、異性の服装をする人◆【略】PORNO / porno


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Hit up a couple of clubs for the first time on the weekend. Went to Wedge which was cool. Small and not many people there, but great sound system.

Then went to Loop on Sunday. Shit it was good!!! Pretty much all Japanese there, really hot ladies, really easy to work some magic. Got a few sneaky kisses on the dance floor and a few numbers. Would recommend that place, nice and intimate.

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it probably wasn't sneaky, just so you know.

Most times I've been at the club there's always a foreigner with a skanky japanese girl and they're the only people like, bumping and grinding and shit and making out and it's really obvious and funny as shit. Me and some of my friends start making a big deal out of it and pointing them out, and the guy thinks were giving him props when we're laughing at him. Then we try to get them to do more stupid shit and don't leave them alone until they go to a different part of the room or leave.

It's fun.

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Honestly, I won't hate a guy thats getting play if they both average. It just levels the playing field and makes less competition for me. To be honest, getting a number doesn't mean anything, nor does making-out/kisses with a girl at a club. You do this, you're shooting PAR. Hell you can take a girl home and the whole nine years you're STILL SHOOTING PAR. But show me a man that can grab a 9/10 and produce two solid dates, interest, romance, etc. and I'LL SHOW U A B.A.L.L.A.

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it probably wasn't sneaky, just so you know.

Never said I was a whitey. But I know what your saying.

For the record, it was discete, Loop has a very dark dance floor and they were sneaky.

Honestly, I won't hate a guy thats getting play if they both average. It just levels the playing field and makes less competition for me. To be honest, getting a number doesn't mean anything, nor does making-out/kisses with a girl at a club. You do this, you're shooting PAR. Hell you can take a girl home and the whole nine years you're STILL SHOOTING PAR. But show me a man that can grab a 9/10 and produce two solid dates, interest, romance, etc. and I'LL SHOW U A B.A.L.L.A.

Really? For me the numbers and getting the first date it the hard but, it's all down hill from there. But I aint no B.A.L.L.A.

Do you mean 'the whole nine yards'?

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