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Yeah, it's Rainmeter that I added to and modded a bit. To-Do list for instance, correlates to my actual calendar and includes the To-do's I have listed for that day. Basic Enigma skinning with a bit of changes for everything except for the clock/date which are a modded Dark Rainmeter skin.

Music display is CD Art Display, CleariX skin iirc.

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yea, i've held out for a while. that thing was like $1000+ in it's hay day. now, there's just so many other things i need before i upgrade my screen and i'd have to get something equally expensive to get one better than it. it works fine and it's not dead yet. i didn't trust LCDs for the longest time for photo/color work. and i also like games...

even though CRT is dead, it's still hard to find an LCD that can do what the top CRTs could do. creative work AND game.

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^ lol i feel you rob. i had my CRT for god knows how long. just recently upgraded to a 20" widescreen samsung. i recommend checking craigslist and overstock.com..especially the latter. you can get ridiculous deals on factory refurb stuff

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yea, i've done a little research, but i'm really picky. i need an IPS panel but with very little lag.

NECs are really good. there's a planar i've looked at that uses the same panel as NECs but doesn't have the polarizer to reduce backlight bleed.


Dell and HP sell 24" IPS screens based off the same panel, but like 4 out of 5 of them come with a red to green horizontal color shift and i can only find them online, so it'd just be a gamble.

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