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The Dark Knight

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  ImRatherUnique said:
yo the joker looked like brittany murphy when he had the nurse get-up on.

and anybody else see this?:


this nigga?...wow

savor tdk b/c im not sure how much we can hope for with that guy bein our classic criminal.

So is this the same as when my friend tried to convince that an article he read in The Onion was legitimate?

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some of the scenes in IMAX look amazing (intro, any skyline scenes, or the building blowing up)

but other than that i dont think it'd be super-noticable

it's way better that superman was on IMAX though

one question about the film , that guy who knew that Bruce Wayne was batman (former employee)

why did the joker want him killed?

to make sure that he didnt give away his true identity so that he could continue hunting batman??

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^ Good question.. I was under the impression that Joker lives for chaos, and having someone snitch would ruin his "fun." It also served as a tool for him to conduct another social experiment, to test Gotham's citizens if they truly had a dark side to murder someone innocent, etc..

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  skiniks said:
he brought to life what the joker was meant to be, not some gimmicky prankster like from some of the comics in the 80s and the movies prior to this. i really don't agree that another actor could have fit the role nearly as well.

I agreed that Ledger brought Joker to life on the silver screen. But some gimmicky prankster frrom comics in the 80s? I think you meant the 60s and 70s. You must have missed The Dark Knight Returns, Killing Jokes and Arkham Asylum. All published from the 80s. In fact, Nolan created this version based on those ground breaking renditions of the Joker.

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someone explain to me what happened at the end, why were people getting evacuated on boats and why was there so much traffic?

i didnt really fully/hear understand jokers threat that he made on TV

secondly I liked the feel of this movie alot better than the first. The mystical/secret society angle of the first didn't suit Gotham as well imo. Plus not every scene was in dark rain this time.

how did the sonar worked, seemed really far fetched and out of nowhere?

Why did scarecrow even have a cameo in this?

ps see it in IMAX it's worth it

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ps this was a really enjoyable movie, well worth the money to just sit back and watch this for nearly 3 hours

very few movies keep me engrossed all the way through but this one did

i kind of just want to see jokers scenes again perhaps not the whole film. I think it was with great scenes but some weak transitions between them

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Great film... Heath Ledger owned the screen! Definitely a very interesting villain... Christian Bale's probably the best Batman so far... but I honestly thought it was too long... they could have edited out a lot...

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  eastcoastrider27 said:
Are you guys talking about the Scarecrow when you say "Sandman"?

Unless I missed something, Sandman was not in this movie. Sandman is a Marvel character. Batman is DC Comics.

lol i get them shits mixed up by accident

i meant scarecrow

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my verdict (yes, i know you most likely don't agree):

christian bale: not his best, still liked him in swing kids. (more or less a joke)

maggie gyllenhaal: said it before, but she is not qualified to play a hot chick role. (xpost from supertrash) she looked like a middle-aged miss piggie with a hangover.

heath ledger: fucking great performance. that said, i believe a good amount of credit should go to the director, producers and writers as well. heath was just part of the equation... also would've like to see him get more action-fighting-blah with batman, though.

two-face: how fucking fake can that be. i'm no comic book reader... but wasn't his face disfigured from ACID and not FIRE? either way, aaron eckhart did a good job acting freaky.

was it just me or did the batmotorcycle seem slow compared to the batmobile?

yeah. worth the money, but didn't exactly meet the hype.

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  operationjake said:

yeah. worth the money, but didn't exactly meet the hype.

my thoughts exactly. movie blogs and the sort hailed this movie "a cinematic revolution", which i believe is a bit over-the-top illustration of fanboy-ism.

kinda curious as to who they would select as the villian for batman3

i got my vote on catwoman.

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as dark as some of the characters/the movie was, i wish it was even more violent and graphic(like showing the joker slice peoples' mouths)...woulda liked to see more blood especially on the batman's hands(put him through even more guilt)...

movie was great though...length was on point and didnt feel dragged on, cast was superb(best of any superhero movie of recent times), and the mood/setting was great...

while harvey dent's character was played nicely, i wasn't totally convinced of the transformation from harvey dent to two face...

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  operationjake said:
my verdict (yes, i know you most likely don't agree):

christian bale: not his best, still liked him in swing kids. (more or less a joke)

maggie gyllenhaal: said it before, but she is not qualified to play a hot chick role. (xpost from supertrash) she looked like a middle-aged miss piggie with a hangover.

heath ledger: fucking great performance. that said, i believe a good amount of credit should go to the director, producers and writers as well. heath was just part of the equation... also would've like to see him get more action-fighting-blah with batman, though.

two-face: how fucking fake can that be. i'm no comic book reader... but wasn't his face disfigured from ACID and not FIRE? either way, aaron eckhart did a good job acting freaky.

was it just me or did the batmotorcycle seem slow compared to the batmobile?

yeah. worth the money, but didn't exactly meet the hype.

Maggie G: Looks like massive water retention for her.

2 Face: Yup comics he was burnt by acid not fire but Nolan was given creative licence. In Batman Begins, Ra's is Bat's tutor. Not so in comics

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