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those god damn filipinos.


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Pan de sal with cheez wizz or any tube/jar of cheese spread is fking amazing for breakfast. Hell even Lady's Choice mayonnaise is yum with it.

pandesal w cocojam is the truth

also w that sharp kraftfoods white cheese

god, i haven't had pan de sal in fucking ages

jersey is swarming with good (and not so good) pandesal

if i hear of any decent bakeries in philly i will def give you a heads up diddly

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tastier than pahtbingsoo kakigori or the vietnamese and thai counterparts imo

jackfruit + ube + coconut + red bean = :o :o :o :o

occasional leche flan is also nice

vietnamese call it che thai whic is bascially translated to thai dessert

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somethign interesting, have you ever ate um wut is it called durian? like for us it tastes good but for white people or non asians they say it smell like shit, it was named the worst smelling fruit ever

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somethign interesting, have you ever ate um wut is it called durian? like for us it tastes good but for white people or non asians they say it smell like shit, it was named the worst smelling fruit ever

durian is the bomb

cant vouch for the non asians though

or "inferiors" as i like to call them :mad:


just kidding i love everyone

but i would say people i know who've tried it hate durian, ethnicity notwithstanding

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hella yea i fukin agree with you, i member when i was in hanoi, and it was a brunch and there was some whites and french eating durian, and one of them said, cant beleive these gooks can eat this shit. no wonder we dominated their ass. well i dont give a shit cuz durian is good LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

anyway i would rep you almond crush but ive repped too much for the past 24 hours tomorrow tomorrow

just kidding like almondcrush too, i like all races and that there is a good and bad in each race and that we are all equal

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somethign interesting, have you ever ate um wut is it called durian? like for us it tastes good but for white people or non asians they say it smell like shit, it was named the worst smelling fruit ever

I'm Asian and eewwww I dispise durian. It is nasty time. :(

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2 weeks of dirty icecream, sari sari stores, bootleg games, bootleg clothes, bootleg bootlegs, olongapo hookers, and all that jazz.

$20 will go a long long long way. :P

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Anybody know the place in Chinatown here in NYC that sells taho? Went there once and couldn't go back.

yo i know exactly where this place is. i go there regularly to get a couple tubs worth for my parents when i go back home to jersey

its on mott street

peep this link


i usually stop there then around the corner to Mei Lai Wah to pick up some siopao before i head to jersey..

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do tell kind sir

its on third avenue and 11th(?) its a corner store you see alot of magazines in the window..only thing ithey wanted 10 bucks for it..ugh. i knew i shouldve bought some on this last trip..oh well..someones gotta be going to the PI soon, ill just ask for a pasalubong:cool:

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how often does she go? my mom just went past march. brought back a bunch of candies. what i really wanted was a handmade "balisong",but i dont think you can sneak that pass customs..:rolleyes:

eh my mom is going to philippines again next week

she always asks if i want anything and i want to say a pair of APCs or something, but that just seems weird

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oh yeah thats sad, just like those filipino drama movies. rich kid the family yelling at the maid and abusing them "i told you sunny side up,not scrambled!!!" *slaps maid*


my mom told me that our maid married a yakuza

she still asks about me, even though i remember being pretty mean to her

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sounds like a good friend.

i want to find my friend kris locsin.... im pretty sure hes back there... he was the guy that i skated with almost every day in highschool, introduced me to good hip hop, showed me how to roll a proper blunt, and gave me my first acid.
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I had a ya-ya (nanny) who eventually became a beautician (cosmetologist). She'd still occassionally come by and she'd still bring me presents on birthdays. Don't really remember how I treated her, though.

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i had 'helpers' growing up too, but we didn't treat them like shit. in fact one of 'em is bedridden now and my mom and i take care of her. explaining how she's 'related' to me to american/non-FilAm people is so embarrassing. i feel like such an asshole by association.

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