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the "ask an asian" thread.


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i went to eat at a Korean BBQ yesterday.

what is bulgogi

Bulgogi is the korean word for "the intestines of a white man"

Srsly, though. It's delicious, that's what it is.

If you ate there didn't you SEE bulgogi, in which case you should have a decent idea of what it is...

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Guest jmatsu
I dont like boba give me a nice glass of ice cold Suntory Oolong instead.

i took my bitch's sister to have some of that boba pearl tea shit for the 1st time.

she didn't find the actual taste totally disgusting (was just like "what's the fuckin point??"), but like many, found the big ass straw concept annoying. like when you wanna just drink your drink the bobaz just come up the straw whenever they feel like it whether you ready for them or not. that's rude!

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Guest jmatsu
How can the Taiwanese people get rid of boba? they started that shit! It might not be as popular but when I was back in Taipei 3 years ago kids were still sippin that milk tea boba.

how/why was that shit even started?

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I ask the same question...

Boba is one of those things I find highly irritating about being an ABC. It's like, when you're 10, your mom goes "oh shit boba is finally in America 15 years after it was invented in the fuckin bumfucks of Taiwan" and so she takes you to have some, and you as a 10 year old kid goes coooool sooooooo good, and become addicted to it. 10 years later if you're still drinking that shit, you MUST be confused.

Don't get me wrong though, I never knock the milk tea. I have nothing against the tea, in fact I love it. But if once in the fuckin blue moon , I order a fuckin mango smoothie, don't ask if I fucking want boba in it. Leave that shit to other confused ABCs.

Fuckin America.

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What are you defining as conservative? I live on the east coast but for the most part asians are on that Christian influence tip. They might be fucking, drinking, smoking weed, and aborting that mixed race fetus before their rich grandma finds out about it but when it comes to vote they are going to toe the conservative line almost all the time. Plus asians aren't busting asses to get to med school so they can get taxed 40% once they start making some bank.

Plus this whole argument is moot because we all know asians don't fucking vote anyway, which is why I know me and my kid will never taste the savory flavor of free government cheese.

lot of azn I know are on that rich-white people tip but can still speak Chinese and shit because they are only 2nd gen. 3rd and 4th gen are already in like top 5% of the nation so I never see them

^ now those are the azn ppl i know.

I hang w/ the middle class azn and the mixed white azns that are more azn than white - rare pokemon

Oh by the way,

in Taiwan, no one drinks boba anymore. They just started to try to push out "boba strips". When it finally arrives in America 3 years from today, please don't consume it. It's actually worse than normal boba.

Asking an asian: do you guys actually like boba, or is it because your mom told you to like it?

I like boba, sometimes w/out pearls

The 'non-conservative' asians go to Starbucks. Ask cutebutdeadly

I never go to starbucks

cept to buy giftcards for people bday I don't care about

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I like boba, sometimes w/out pearls

I never go to starbucks

cept to buy giftcards for people bday I don't care about

boba is the fucking pearl. goddamn you so ABC.

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Guest jmatsu
im afraid i DIDNT see what bulgogi is...it was at the bottom of the menu on the wall. i just saw the word and didnt know what it is

u got it all wrong. bulgogi is the stuff between cutebutdeadly's legs.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 5 weeks later...
u got it all wrong. bulgogi is the stuff between cutebutdeadly's legs.

back from the dead to celebrate jmatsu.

pourin one for the absent j a p m a s t a h

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  • 11 months later...

so i had dim sum with this chinadoll. she from hk.

we had the regular stuff which included blackbean spareribs.

she literally ate the bones and shit. the ethnicity i rep eats bones (mainly fish/sea and land animal cartilage for various specific dishes), but not from no pork ribs.

is this typical of chinas?

also i am stereotyping (but thats just how i do), but goddmanfuckit! taiwan people are the most difficult people to deal with as far as biz goes imo. so fucking cheap and they don't understand the simple give and take concept. for them it's take and take. fuck them. never do biz with a chinaman from taiwan.

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so i had dim sum with this chinadoll. she from hk.

we had the regular stuff which included blackbean spareribs.

she literally ate the bones and shit. the ethnicity i rep eats bones (mainly fish/sea and land animal cartilage for various specific dishes), but not from no pork ribs.

is this typical of chinas?

also i am stereotyping (but thats just how i do), but goddmanfuckit! taiwan people are the most difficult people to deal with as far as biz goes imo. so fucking cheap and they don't understand the simple give and take concept. for them it's take and take. fuck them. never do biz with a chinaman from taiwan.

Cartilage and Marrow? yes... actually eating the bone? no... that broad u smashing is nuts...

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so i had dim sum with this chinadoll. she from hk.

we had the regular stuff which included blackbean spareribs.

she literally ate the bones and shit. the ethnicity i rep eats bones (mainly fish/sea and land animal cartilage for various specific dishes), but not from no pork ribs.

is this typical of chinas?

also i am stereotyping (but thats just how i do), but goddmanfuckit! taiwan people are the most difficult people to deal with as far as biz goes imo. so fucking cheap and they don't understand the simple give and take concept. for them it's take and take. fuck them. never do biz with a chinaman from taiwan.

umm if shes eatin the cartilage thats cool, i do that shit too cause its crunchy and awesome

but the actual bone thats kinda fucked dude.. not typical at all

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