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the weird thing about your assessment is that the criticism of Paul T's boat style cuffs didn't seem to be based on looking at it.

not you per se, just the usual oh that dude is from superdenim and it sucks.

I for one thought it was a nice example of a look that has been blindly dismissed by people who found the denim thing through the forums.

stacks, high water hems, double cuffs, short cuffs, long cuffs, all of these can be done well.

Paul T that reminds me of guys coming back from london in the 90s having been to duffer of saint george, with their evisu or leepros.

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oh right. cos you think so, thats why. mmm. have a great day ahead buddy.
Well, if you ask why somebody thinks someone's clothes look bad, how do you expect to get an objective response? You want him to discuss the cuff to inseam ratio? The paradox od buying expensive japanese denim and then refusing to hem? "Different strokes for different folks" as someone said, but that doesn't mean that only positive opinions are appropriate. That means that different opinions are equally appropriate,
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stacks, high water hems, double cuffs, short cuffs, long cuffs, all of these can be done well.

Paul T bringing the HEAT. This is exactly why supertrash is the best.

I do agree about the cuff thing, but that's my taste. You gotta admit though, the jeans look good. At least he's not on the level of this guy:


... and you thought you'd seen it enough.

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i don't understand why the superdenim dudes continually come back to the trash and post. every time a denimbro posts a fit in here, it is always lambasted by the general population of the trash. an argument goes down (well more just everyone bitching at each other about cuff size and making the same old "expensive jeans don't mean style" jokes) and then it subsides. a week later, it happens again. the denim dudes (especially Paul T) know what to expect here, yet he returns week after to week for no clear reason other than to just incite the fiery fashionable tempers of the trash.

it just reminds me of little kids with no social barriers who just keep eating dirt or running around naked (which is awesome as an adult in the right situations)

also really stoked that i got to finally use "lambasted" in a sentence

edit - yeah i don't want to discredit the dudes who do it well, like riff, farmer, etc.

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to be fair, there's some denimbros that do it right. They have good proportions, cohesive pieces, etc. And then there's the rest. All I wanna know, is why is Superdenim so positive all the time?

PaulT, Morse, Riff, all you denim guys:


this can't be real life. It's like superfuture with training wheels in there sometimes (all the time).

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Riff is exempt from most all my denimhate, he's super active in posting in almost every forum, and pulls together a bunch of solid fits. Worthy of the 20k rep range (which still seems insane to me). Morse...I don't get it. Maybe I don't see what's special about denim and a supreme hat, but maybe I don't see his other posts. It's more cause those guys seem to be the most popular of the superdenim crowd. I was blown away when I posted in there and saw most every member has like 5k+ or more rep. Like, 7k is the median. If Dismalfuture isn't at 10k, and sone random denim guy is...that's indicative of a problem.

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PaulT, Morse, Riff, all you denim guys:



Riff and Morse have been nothing but nice and helpful anytime I've ever asked anything. I'm not sure about Paul T though - he did neg me like a year ago when I put that eltopo pic in here (I'm still resentful). If you're into English boots, he's probably the go to guy. Dude's always posting that shit, if that's what your into.

I honestly just like people talking shit in supertrash. It's way more entertaining. That's my main complaint with other areas.... No one will say anything negative.

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i don't understand why the superdenim dudes continually come back to the trash and post. ..the denim dudes (especially Paul T) know what to expect here, yet he returns week after to week ...

Let me count the reasons: ''cos I always have? 'cos I can? Cos it's fun? 'Cos supertrash doesn't belong to you alone?

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I came to superfuture for the denim but stayed for the trash.

I spend most my time lurking in trash though cause I am trying to soak it all in and learn more about different styles than just the standard "workwear". As I learn more I find myself wanting more Junya or White Mountaineering pieces than I do denim. Fits in superdenim are more focused towards the jeans because thats what people go there for, denim. There are some superposters there with style but most posters are just trying to show off their fades or latest denim purchase and aren't really shooting to look up to date with the current trends that is happening here in the trash or supershopper.

I wouldn't mind a more critical superdenim with honest opinions but in reality I don't think most people there even know what a neg rep is.

edit: Most the time I don't even bother post fits in here because I know you guys don't care. I post one back in May got neg raped for my lady's mom jeans (I hate them too). Here is my latest fit for reference, not the best but not the average superdenim? (neg away if so inclined)


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