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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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I like it. I think the backpack is nice but kinda out of place with the outfit. The color fits really well but it wouldn't look so weird if he had a jacket on or something. I think the backpack sort of contradicts the nice shirt and pants some.

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iono man this one just irritates me. I've had a lot of criticism about the way BDUs should fit and even I think that you cinched them up way too high, especially for the size of your calves/height proportion, and didn't sag them right, giving a silhouette reminiscent of some baddie out of Aladdin. Also, the tee layering is straight out of Milspex doctrine, while the backpack seems to be standard issue equipment for the Soundbomber army. I don't think it would be fair at this point to comment on the socks showing, but I genuinely like the shoes (coincidentally I have the same pair), so iono man. i jusono.
k so anyone who layers t-shirts is following "Milspex doctrine".

and i'm not allowed to cinch my BDU's to where its comfortable for me because it creates a bad silohette. sorry my cavs actually have muscle unlike sufu's standard of 4 inch circumfrenche cavs.

branespload I think I usually agree with you, correct me if I'm wrong. ..

HOWEVER .. I think it's FUCKING ridiculous to say that was pioneered by mil specifically, although he does wear his tees like that, and it's integral to his style, trivial a detail as it might be.

not dick riding, but i think milspex pulls off layered tees way better than that. im a fan of layering tees as well but i HATE HATE HATE when the sleeves of the undershirt stick out like that.

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@duck: ogod. That's kinda creepy. But really cool also.

@Soepom: Awesomeee. I love it when loose/relaxed fits look great. Like, not relaxed in a streetwear kinda way, but in a more high fashion oriented way. It just seems so easy to make skinny look fashionable, but another thing to make loose and relaxed look feminine and fashionable.

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It's funny i saw a guy with the exact same shirt this afternoon, his gf was hot. Your shoes are nice, your jean fit fine, you don't deserve neg rep imo.

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I like this but it would look better with jeans that are a lil bit looser.

thats impossible for destructo. he himself would self-destruct if he decided to be anything but a tight pants wearin ass nigga (what) (1.2)

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thats impossible for destructo. he himself would self-destruct if he decided to be anything but a tight pants wearin ass nigga (what) (1.2)

I agree with sayword AND jeep. VEN DIAGRAM.

maybe the boots aren't for yourstyle, destructo? I think like the fit, but it would look 10x better with looser jeans.

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