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mpcec, I have been thinking about a tattoo also. I think i'm going to get one with a really good friend, same concepts just, not the exact same one. I have one that I know I want to get (atom symbol on right shoulder/back) but I want that one to be really special and i'm still not certain if I want it as a tattoo or a brand (more likely the latter).

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Guest jmatsu

yoox's dreambox function is fucked up. just how accurate is shit?

the "alert me when there's like one fuckin unit left" function.

maybe they lyin, or it just so happens that a new shipment comes in exactly after i make a rushed last chance purchase...

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fuckin walk onto the bus

first thing i see is this bish breast feeding her kid

wtf son

and for some reason arnold palmer arizonas are the only arizonas that were 1.50

nigga wut

fuck this town

but i saw a cute girl rockin some librarian stee with a bob cut

made it worth it i guess

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One like this (sans center dot):


It represents a lot of things for me, I have wanted it in some form for a pretty long time.

And yeah, they do require proper care. I would want it to become raised (keloid scar tissue) rather than be flat.

And sorry, I work on Sundays, so Philly is a no-go.

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mpcec, I have been thinking about a tattoo also. I think i'm going to get one with a really good friend, same concepts just, not the exact same one. I have one that I know I want to get (atom symbol on right shoulder/back) but I want that one to be really special and i'm still not certain if I want it as a tattoo or a brand (more likely the latter).

I was thinking of getting this:


text on the inside of my right forearm and corpse on the inside of my left forearm. not sure if i want the corpse yet but im pretty positive i want the text. has a lot of meaning to me, basically the meaning thats inherent in the message and my love for the tropicalia movement...

what does that symbol represent if you dont mind sharing?

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This will probably sound stupid, but I love (to a point of obsession in certain areas, I drift of course) science and math. The definite, factual, the reality (I am also agnostic). It represents the cyclical nature of things (rings have no end of course). In addition, I just think it is a truly beautiful symbol.

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Ugh, having trouble writing something. I have the plot in my head, but I'm trying to figure out how I want to write it. I already started, and have the first part down, but I'm not sure if I want to continue that way. I posted like a long ass block of text of me thinking out loud last night, think I might do it again, to see if anyone can give me suggestions. PM me if you curious, or tell me if I should just post it here.

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I saw a dude throw someone's bike down a 3 story parking structure the other day

I asked him why and he said "he was asking for it since it wasn't locked up"

hahaha, i sort of admire this guys reasoning. It's like kicking someone in the balls for not wearing a protective cup.

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Leon, can you sorta gimme an idea of the writing classes @ New School? I know you're in General Studies, but I'm definitely gonna take advantage of some of them if I end up there and I wanna know what they're like.

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Fuck it, here goes.

I'm writing something. Its first person perspective, but I'm going a bit more abstract. Like instead of "I ate the apple." I would write "Hey, this apple's good." Although this is kinda simplistic. Like everything is all in thought, and you should be able to surmise what is going on in physical space by reading the narrator's thoughts.

This is a more detailed example, it's not what I'm working on, it's something I did really quick for a class exercise a year or so ago, and haven't looked back. But I did it for this and I'm curious about doing it again. I'm still not sure if I make it work, but I think I can. Like trying to act except in words.


“I hate this as much as you do, you know that. But I can’t. I can’t. I’m sorry,” I’m sorry -- I want you so bad, but I can’t. I just want to take you in my arms, throw you down --- oh god, go away.

“I’m going to stay here. Until you do something about us. I’m not going to move.” She stands in front of me. I’m sitting in this bed, in this room, which is a hot, hot oven --- she’s baking, we’re all baking. We’re baking and we need to take our cake and eat, but we can’t because I’m training for a fight -- a fight -- and cake makes you fat or something. It’s a stupid rule, but, damnit. I just can’t. Everything has to be perfect for this fight but, oh, she feels so good on my lips, just, maybe, I’ll kiss her everywhere and there, and there, and -- “No. Don’t do that. I want you. I want you,” she’s telling me and god I want you too, but I need to get out of here, I need to go run, just run. Just put on some clothes and run.

“Please. I can’t. You know this. I can’t fuck this up,” and yes I know it’s stupid, and I’m probably allowed to fuck this up ---

“God damnit! I don’t even know!” and she takes in this gasp of air, and it must taste so bad. “All right. Fine. Fine. Just go. Just go and run or something, I’ll just sit here, alone. Again. Or! Maybe. Maybe I could call Sam. Chris,” she’s grinning, “Leo. James. Or, Tamlin,” and she’s joking, I think, and I hate her for it, and I don’t know these names. I don’t think she does either. She’s a cat lashing out and I should just put her out of her misery.

But-- but she gives up. She’s already sitting. Away from me. I can’t touch her anymore. I’m going to run.


So, not-obtusely, the action is, "My girl wants to fuck, but I can't because I'm training for a fight. So maybe I'll just go down on her, but fuck she just wants to fuck. She gets so fed up that she sits on the other corner of the bed. I'm going to run."

I did different perspectives in this exercise, and this dude is supposed to be a boxer, so I wrote his trainer's perspective, watching him do glovework. When we think, we're reminded of past memories, things are symbols to us. But I think I do a good enough job that the actual actions taken by the characters can be surmised --- maybe its a bit obtuse, I admit. But I think it could be pretty effective.

I think I took it up as a tool to differentiate between perspectives. If I wrote more conventionally, it's harder to make every voice unique, and I think the point of multiple perspectives is lost then.

This is kinda embarassing.

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