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^ya, having internet friends is weird...you try to explain to your irl friends who you're talking to and its like 'oh we talk about clothes and bullshit on this site' and no one gets it and i feel like a loner in the real world and only my online buddies can truly grasp what i mean!!!

......... i dont sign on as much as i used to, but its fun.

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why does my youtube videos stop after 2 seconds !!! ugh

that was happening to me after i downloaded firefox 3.

you need to dl the adobe flash plugin. install it when your firefox is completely closed. the installation file should be in your downloads folder.

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fuckity fuckin fuck.

why is registration still open again?

I know I haven't been on here too long but at least I'm not an annoying ass worthless shithead. I try to help people figure out what genes to buy, talk a little aimless shit here and there, and try to find better clthes to buy. Seems there's one after another idiot new poster asking the same god damn question over and over, filling waywt with the same pathetic bullshit and generally shitting up a perfectly good forum. Fuck.

honestly, if I have to read about flatheads zipper lock one more time I'm going to e-judochop someone in the throat. USE THE FUCKING SEARCH BUTTON IDDIOOOTTTTTS!

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i have had 3 hrs sleep, have to fill gas and then go get my girl from the airport and she already landed. fuck me.

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not having internet sucks. im too stubborn to pay for INternet, it should be free, like some boring tv channels. I mean, yo internet is the future maaaan

and its weird, I feel so tired these days, but not like because of a lack of sleep, more like a state of mind. I also feel like I'm less inspired, I want to make stuff, I think about it a lot, I'm excited to leave work because I can't wait to get home to create, and when I finally get home, aside from taking care of the place, the only thing I can do is just sit and smoke a joint, watch movies, or walkm but nothing that ask me too much intellectual or physical work. it sucks. I think I need vacations...

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not having internet sucks. im too stubborn to pay for INternet, it should be free, like some boring tv channels. I mean, yo internet is the future maaaan

and its weird, I feel so tired these days, but not like because of a lack of sleep, more like a state of mind. I also feel like I'm less inspired, I want to make stuff, I think about it a lot, I'm excited to leave work because I can't wait to get home to create, and when I finally get home, aside from taking care of the place, the only thing I can do is just sit and smoke a joint, watch movies, or walkm but nothing that ask me too much intellectual or physical work. it sucks. I think I need vacations...

you need to quit your job and make a lifestyle out of not working.

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mass, any advice? haha

I don't really like my job, I keep it because it's good money. I'm going back to school and that makes me anxious about money and everything, I don't wanna have to switch to a minimum wage job...

I had four days off in row this weekend and it wasn't enough it seems.

What's the worse is that I feel like it's affecting negatively a lot, if not all, the aspects of my life

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I went bowling and like, strained my wrist. I didn't know there was such as thing as not being "in bowling shape"

I would get a similar injury in my youth from playing too much Smash TV at the arcade.

That said, I went to Nordstrom to pick up a pair of white patent-leather Sperrys. They are made for women, but look just like men's shoes. The SA told me that the largest size they come in is 10 women's; I tried them on and they were just too snug. So I looked for them online, and it seems as if the SA was right....

What have I done to deserve this?

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