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Curious question for anybody who knows..

Im looking to cop some shit from MoM, however im unsure of the quality of their tops ie: Button downs, jackets... Also if anybody has any info about pledge let me know as well..

Planning on doing some summer shopping soon so curious as to how the quality on these brands are

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checked MoM out at bblessing and it seemed pretty good.

Curious question for anybody who knows..

Im looking to cop some shit from MoM, however im unsure of the quality of their tops ie: Button downs, jackets... Also if anybody has any info about pledge let me know as well..

Planning on doing some summer shopping soon so curious as to how the quality on these brands are

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I have some old vintage cameras that don't work anymore (got them from grandparent's attic awhile back). They're pretty cool looking but i was wondering if there was a market for these like photo junkies who like fixing up vintage cameras or something. I like them, but might be too lazy to find a photo/hobby shop to try to get em' fixed and working.

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I have some old vintage cameras that don't work anymore (got them from grandparent's attic awhile back). They're pretty cool looking but i was wondering if there was a market for these like photo junkies who like fixing up vintage cameras or something. I like them, but might be too lazy to find a photo/hobby shop to try to get em' fixed and working.

find a local camera shop (not the photo section of best buy or circuit city) full of photography geeks discussing lenses and boobs or whatever they discuss and just empty them all out of some sort of satchel onto a table. i guarantee you will find someone interested in purchasing a few. i was just in a non-name brand camera retailer the other day checking out some digis and i swear some dudes were about to beat meat over a few classic nikons.

and my random thought: im beginning to think presidential assassination is a thing of the past with modern technology and how it allows for important people to be better protected than ever before. i mean i'd love to see a president get popped like pussy at some point in my life, that shit's exciting. you would think someone would have taken a crack at g-dub. people hated that dude. i guess i'll vote for obama just for the sake of science because if no one even comes close to capping president tyrone mcblackie himself then my question is answered.

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Thanks, i think i'll try to look up online to see what value they may have before doing that. If i was a camera/hobby shop guy, i'd just rip people off that came in not knowing what they have. People used to do that to housewives and their dead husbands' baseball card collections al lthe time. I'll try that link dum gave me. It'd be cool to get one or two of them working again, but probably not worth the time/money/effort

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so i recently inherited, actually im not sure he may make me pay him for it, my dads old car, but it only has an A.M radio. im having trouble finding any type of station on it so ive been listening to ultra conservative talk radio for the last couple of weeks, its awesome hearing people give financial advice based on something said in the bible. god i need to find a way to install at least a cd player.

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Update on camera: I checked ebay for my models as i figured it'd be a good judge of what they're worth and it's pretty much nothing. Like $10-20 for similar models. Fuck it, i'll just leave them on top of my bookcase as a shitty decoration. When bitches come in my room, they normally go ga-ga over shit like that because it looks cool and vintage. I'll let them think they're rare/worth something.

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alvahroe: my mom in the east bay listens to La Doctora Isabel on AM radio in the mornings. this betch gives the absolute BEST advice for jerry springer-level wierdo situations (that seemingly mostly latinos get themselves into).

it's amazing because at the beginning when the caller is describing their situation she'll be all 'AY DIOS MIO!" and be all aghast and shit, then she'll scold the caller for being so stupid, and finally, comes through with the advice.

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i was lookin through youtube for some arabic wedding clips and i found my dad in one of them.

fun fun.

they are passing out red bulls at day1 of weddings now, BAD IDEA.

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god bless god for creating thick girls from the northern part of mainland china

ahh just chillin at the mandarin oriental now with a mille fleur, might go for a swim when i get home, get some thai food for dinner then go home and catch up on DVDs...as Cube said "It was a good day."

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i was talking to these two incredibly hot/cute girls on the late night bus tonight.. it was going great, but this fucking A&F douchebag kept interuppting and creeping them out ... he would just try to brag about his piece of shit job there and how much money him and his friends spent and talking about previous level high school shit..

he totally fucked things up for me and ended up creeping out the girls so much they ran away and hopped in a cab..

i felt i at least coulda got one of their numbers if it was just me talking them

i fucking hate corny white people.

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i was talking to these two incredibly hot/cute girls on the late night bus tonight.. it was going great, but this fucking A&F douchebag kept interuppting and creeping them out ... he would just try to brag about his piece of shit job there and how much money him and his friends spent and talking about previous level high school shit..

he totally fucked things up for me and ended up creeping out the girls so much they ran away and hopped in a cab..

i felt i at least coulda got one of their numbers if it was just me talking them

i fucking hate corny white people.

The fault lies entirely on you. Sorry man, but you let that shit happen. Shoulda marked your territory and defended it. Law of the jungle.

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i am scared to drive my ford crown victoria on the highway.

the brakes suck, i'm not sure if i have anymore gas and i hate that when i put my ipod/tape thingy in, i get static noise from the speakers (that doesn't happen when i have the radio on).

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i am scared to drive my ford crown victoria on the highway.

the brakes suck, i'm not sure if i have anymore gas and i hate that when i put my ipod/tape thingy in, i get static noise from the speakers (that doesn't happen when i have the radio on).

final destination: you're next

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