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re: the recent woman troubles, not to anyone in particular

occam's razor concept

if a girl likes you and wants to be with you, she will make it evident. if she does complicated shit like flirt with other people to make you jealous, or send crazy mixed signals, or "test" how much you like her, then you should ask yourself if this is the kind of person you want to be with.

discard all unnecessary and annoying behavior.

just keep doing your thing and a eventually a cool chick will dig that.

(valid for both sexes)

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Since the advent of feminism, women have incorporated the concept that they are more equal than men in life. As such, men have grown up in an environment where women are worshiped and honored because men are so afraid of making a mistake in their opposite sex relationships. Think of it like a dog/owner relationship. All women, at their core, are filthy whores. This isn't an insult, because it's true. It's science. If someone is a male and finds himself pining over a girl because she is willing to honor his failure of an existence on this earth with an AIM message once a week asking for computer help or to borrow a few hundred bucks so that she and her boyfriend could rent a cherry picker and fuck outside his bedroom window, that person would be only too happy to provide her with said provisions, because in his delusional state of neckbearded virginity, he thinks that somehow it will lead to her loving him. In truth, that virgin is her property.

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uh blackbird i love you but http://helloblackbird.blogspot.com/2010/01/ryutas-welt-part-3.html is kind of insane

from the photo alone – 3-2.jpg

i'm getting a castro ninja cowboy meets john lennon vibe

and then the pretentious text –

I am certain that this realization applies to fashion as well. By overanalyzing the fact that I wear pieces of art created by a bunch of different humans, with different aesthetics in order to express my own creativity and self, I can hardly ascertain the division between my aesthetic and others. However, one thing that I am pleased to mention is that wearing something is always a creative collaboration with the garment's creator. Just like with some multi-media forms of art, you are expressing your aesthetic with materials that contain others aesthetics. Thus, in some way, we are constantly interacting and merging with others so as to fully indicate your "self". On top of that, your aesthetic sometimes does not matter to this entire world, but it inspires somebody as inspirations perpetuate creativity.

No hate, just find it kind of an odd, goofy post. Bring new NdG stuff into stock will you?

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re: the recent woman troubles, not to anyone in particular

occam's razor concept

if a girl likes you and wants to be with you, she will make it evident. if she does complicated shit like flirt with other people to make you jealous, or send crazy mixed signals, or "test" how much you like her, then you should ask yourself if this is the kind of person you want to be with.

discard all unnecessary and annoying behavior.

just keep doing your thing and a eventually a cool chick will dig that.

(valid for both sexes)

I think the issue is most people don't step back and look at that behaviour for what it is. People complain about not wanting the games associated with the opposite sex, which is valid, but ask anybody and they do enjoy the chase. I wonder how much people will put up with if they're validated all the bullshit as part of the chase.

All of this is good discussion; revive the dating thread!

...so happy to have food in the house again. And cinnamon toast crunch was on sale again. Today is good, even though my nose feels like it was broken and reattached last night...

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hoo boy

i love jiu jitsu

you got back pain? aww hell no not after you stacked me so i was eating my knee out of the back of my neck

thanks bruther

I need to go back, always liked when people attempt to stack to get out triangles. amatuers end up tapping or napping.

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tonight I went out with some friends after a few months of not going out and I discovered that 99% of the italian youth are clad in those shiny-ass moncler jackets. last year i t was peuterey and refrigiwear. can we not? It looks like a fucking garbage bag.

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