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I thought bob dylan didn't even play his good songs from the 60s (and blood on the tracks). Something about him not feeling the same way now as when he wrote them so he didn't want to sing them. My friend told me something similar when he saw him a few years ago

leonard- It sucks man. I kinda hope you don't like it. There's no direction or point to the movie except for the director to try and fail to be creative while inserting scenes from bob dylan's life taken from album covers, posters, and commonly told stories.

jeep- what the hell are you going on about? Did kids your age just discover bob dylan and are talking about it non-stop or something? You seem kinda freaked out. I actually like bob dylan interviews and that radioshow he had on xm or sirius or whatever awhile back. You saying that he doesn't sing the songs as good now or that the songs themselves aren't that good now? I mean, i understand the need to be different and go against what most people say, but there are a lot of levels to enjoy bob dylan on. Don't fret over the kiddies around you (if that's what it is)

edit: i'm halfway through this movie, but i don't think i'm gonna be able to finish it. It's so goddamn pretentious. I hope the director dies in a bus fire for wasting an hour of my time so far

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chrono, you may not realize it, but the hipster boom of the 2000's has plastered bob dylan to some sort of icon status, so he pervades every facet of popular culture these days. it was like, the last three years, with the album, the movies, the book, the concerts, the tours... he's just everywhere. honestly, I'm sick of hearing about him. he served his time and place and belongs solely to my parents generation, when he still meant something and created music that really had some sort of intellectual context and social brilliance. now he's become something of a self-parody or a caricature of what he was. I feel like he is using the fact that he is bob dylan to remind the rest of the world that bob dylan did this, or bob dylan did that, and you should be thankful for bob dylan making these things possible.

he's not that special anymore. His first folk albums and his first three electric albums are great. genius material, but truly after that, he becomes this sort of pop-culture bobble head that nods only to himself. I'm just tired of hearing about how great bob dylan is, thats all. my generation can't back it up because we never saw bob dylan as we idolize him, we've gotten a somewhat senile and thoroughly watered down version of what we all want.

and it's not about what kids these days think of him, its the fact that kids these days believe they are entitled to him the way our parents were. we bogart all of the important and real figures of our parents times and reassign them contemporary pop-culture values and deify artists and musicians and what have you that do not deserve to be godheads. its become tiresome.

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Saw Bob Dylan a few years ago. One of the worst shows I've ever seen. Opened up with "Lay Lady Lay" and did other songs from the canon, including "Like a Rolling Stone" (of course). He sang in one note throughout and at times looked completely uninterested. Set myself up for disappointment, though; listened to Dylan's Live 1966 album nonstop the week leading up to the concert. One of the best albums ever made: a perfect prelude to one of the worst concerts I ever attended.

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jeep- you're overthinking this shit man. Also, blood on the tracks deserves to be up there with the genius material even though it was between stretches of non-important albums. But seriously man, fuck the other people. I also don't see bob dylan doing what you're claiming that much. From the interviews and radio show i catch occasionally, he doesn't seem to be trying to rest on his 60s laurels all that much. Yea, he's an eccentric, kind of assholey old guy, but whatever. I also think that a lot of his songs (even the folk ones with social messages) are easily applicable to society and problems of today. I don't think it's as simple as saying "he's last generation leave him be." I think part of the reason bob dylan does get this praise from each generation that appears after he was writing his best stuff in the 60s (and blood on tracks) is that the music can speak to people easily in different times.

It's hard to get a hard on hating a guy just because he stopped making genius albums. I mean, people weren't going on talking about how the stones were a bunch of stupid assholes who belong in the 60s and early 70s and should never be spoken of again in that other thread. If anything, the stones were wildly less interesting than bob dylan after their early hayday. It's not bob dylan's fault he didn't die in 1975

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fair enough. I stick by what I said.

and obviously, musical is entitled to everyone, but there is something about my generation claiming things that they have no ability to contextualize in the full-scope that I find bothersome.

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fair enough. I stick by what I said.

and obviously, musical is entitled to everyone, but there is something about my generation claiming things that they have no ability to contextualize in the full-scope that I find bothersome.

Oh, come on, so people can't watch old movies and think that they're works of art? Or listen to Beethoven or Bach because they're lacking proper context?

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Does the new hipster generation really idolize modern bob dylan though? I miss out on this scene living in florida and don't really know what's going on. I'm kinda intrigued though. Although, i know that if i was in your situation and around the people it seems you're around, i'd be as livid as you.

I know you like older music as well. Where's the line between relating to and enjoying older music but not infringing on someone else's generation? Also, why does simply living during the time of bob dylan automaticall entitle you to his music when a person living in today's day could relate to his 60s (and 75) music and understand it and him better? Same goes for any movie, book, album, work of art from different time periods

I think you're being a bit too reactionary, which i understand given your situation with certain ignorant and irritating hipsters as it seems.

also, the movie keeps getting worse and worse. Blanchett and everyone else playing bob dylan is trying waaayyy too hard. Also, everytime they work a song lyric into the dialogue i want to kill myself

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I just ended that shit and put myself out of my misery. I haven't turned off a movie or walked out of a theater since My Boss' Daughter when some people talked me into going to see it. At least i got my money back for that movie.

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i don't find video games fun anymore.

i just came back from the arcade, $6 wednesdays: $6 unlimited games after 6pm-12am. kinda fun.

anyways, so my brother and our friends were working on his girlfriend's bike in the front yard, when my korean neighbor calls him across the street and gives him a dvd. he comes back and tells us that apparently our neighbor's daughter is married to the founder (one of them?) of MASH SF. fun facts, small world. this lady also hooks it up with some bomb ass kimchi. holla

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I feel half dead inside. After a certain age if you don't have kids, the joy ebbs completely from life. You're like a walking shell.

Nothing looks cool anymore. The way the first hint of fall comes through the air on an August night doesn't even matter anymore.

Chicks still look pretty good, though, but even that shit's not the same.


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god unlimited plays? Arcades would still be alive if more them adopted unlimited play services

Going to Austin Parks & Pizza this Saturday. $20 = unlimited plays, unlimited pizza, unlimited go-karts, unlimited laser tag, unlimited mountain climbing, and unlimited bumper boats. Maybe something else, too.

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what did you think of the fountain? I kinda like movies that are more experiences than anything.

i know this is an old post, but ive been needing to say this for a while.


it was so incredibly self indulgent. like the whole ending sequence with all the trippy ass cgi nebulas and all that bullshit. it was like darren aronofsky was masturbating to a picture of himself masturbating. and surround that with a few hundred mirrors so the whole thing repeats infinitely.

the part where the conquistador drinks from the tree and plants start growing inside of him could have been a badass clear ending worthy of coherent discussion. but having to take all that shit to the next level ending up ultimately bringing it down to the previous level of self indulgent ambiguity,

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Going to Austin Parks & Pizza this Saturday. $20 = unlimited plays, unlimited pizza, unlimited go-karts, unlimited laser tag, unlimited mountain climbing, and unlimited bumper boats. Maybe something else, too.

Fuck. My. Life. I don't think there's an arcade within 400 miles of me (not joking) and not a chance of unlimited play. I don't care if I sound 10, I'd be there once a week for at least a few months. TIME CRISIS 1234. MARVEL VS CAPCOM. EVERYTHING.

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Going to Austin Parks & Pizza this Saturday. $20 = unlimited plays, unlimited pizza, unlimited go-karts, unlimited laser tag, unlimited mountain climbing, and unlimited bumper boats. Maybe something else, too.




level of want is disgustingly high.

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