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yeah you should be outside playing with your friends. that's why
Did you ask them whether you could have a sufu account too?

LOL, they thought i might see some "bad stuff" on facebook

haha, nopes, what goes on in sufu stays in sufu. they think its some weird forum that i always go to, where grown men talk about obscure fashionz and how to get "lines" in their jeans..

sup guys :D

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Gotta suffer for fashunz. I normally just wear light winter gear all year round, even in sub-zero temps. Then again, I'm normally outside no more than 5 mins at a time.

x2, layers and layers are kind of unnecessary unless you're working outside or something

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stupid couples are making me so bitter right now. can i rent a bf for the holidays? i'll return him on december 26th when i flee to las vegas i promise.

ay yo. i'm available and free too! just need like $1200 for a plane ticket...

-_-; i got hit on today by this cute 23 yo viet samsung manager. she told the nurses she wanted to talk to me and i when i looked over she looked down and started blushing in embarrassment. i tried to chat, but damn if i dont speak viet and i couldnt understand her english.

i wonder if djraj can pull a girl without speaking her language.

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ay yo. i'm available and free too! just need like $1200 for a plane ticket...

doesn't do me any good dahling

up hella fucking early, had to drop my mom off at my auntie's place. she wanted to get something to eat so we went to burger king and i want to go back and rip the drive-thru window lady's hair out. stupid, angry, going-no-where-in-life fastfood worker.

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so i sent that picture to my mom as an LOL to myself and she replied, "can you please print out that picture, frame it, and send it to your mom for christmas?" HAHAHAHAHAHA. ewwww.

i want one too

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