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APC denim


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my thighs are not twig thin yet theyre not "hulk" big..............so its something in between as i used to bike a lot.

and i like my jeans a little loose therefore im a 32-33 in levis depending on the cut.

but now im looking for some slimmer jeans for wearing dress shirt or something liek that. so im just wondering if i can pull off the NS nicely or im better off with some straight leg jeans (sven, rescues).

thanks for the input guys!

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Im 6'4 and usually wear a 31 in paper denim and diesel.

So I bought a pair of new standards in 29, and not only are they way to small in the waist they are too short! there about 2 inches shorter than my paper denims!

I was under the impression that they came in 35-36 inseam, this is barley a 34. Im hesitant to reorder because i dont want to get another short inseam.

Edited by jinxjinx on Jan 30, 2006 at 02:37 PM

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so . . . i really wish they would stay consistent with the names of their jeans. i just got the new catalogue and with the exception of the New Standard they are all named differently.

New Standard = New Standard, Standard

Low Rise = Women's Jean

Straight = Rescue

Narrow = Tight (maybe The Cure, i'm not sure if those were the Women's or not)

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so . . . i really wish they would stay consistent with the names of their jeans. i just got the new catalogue and with the exception of the New Standard they are all named differently.

New Standard = New Standard, Standard

Low Rise = Women's Jean

Straight = Rescue

Narrow = Tight (maybe The Cure, i'm not sure if those were the Women's or not)

--- Original message by sbbbjm on Jan 30, 2006 04:15 PM

I just got a pair of the Women's jean today and the inside tag still says hipster, a name they havent used in a while.
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check the back of the tag that says new standard, if it says F it is the female version, every jean under a certain size [i think 29] in the unisex models [i.e- cure, standard...] is marked F these have a shorter inseam. e-mail apc to ask what the inseam will be.

31 should be a good size, diesel and apc sizings are comparable, and i just measured a pair of PDC labeled 33 the waist is 35.


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I have seen APC Rescues with both 34 and 36 inseams. There was no correlation to the waist size as the 29 had the longer inseam while the 30 inch waist had a 34. This is 100% fact

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To any Toronto cats here who have received online orders from APC, did you get hit with duty and how much was it? Seems like some have, and some haven't (after searching).. Anybody sweet talked them into sending as a gift? What about this rumoured UPS carrying fee of $30?

Thanks (in advance) y'all..

it sounds like Nomad may get APC before TNTblu btw

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I have seen APC Rescues with both 34 and 36 inseams. There was no correlation to the waist size as the 29 had the longer inseam while the 30 inch waist had a 34. This is 100% fact

--- Original message by Tarmac on Jan 31, 2006 05:05 PM

that is crazy, looks like more sizing fun from apc.


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yeah this is pissing me off. APC claims:


I'm afraid all our jeans are 34 length.

Best Regards


Its not like the 34s dont fit, but i really want jeans that bunch up a lot around the feet.

Now I dont know if ill reorder them....Anyone wana sell me a pair of unwashed 29 36 rescues?

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because apc are sanforised a cold soak is not needed, the shrinkage not really great enough

to warrant it.

--- Original message by haptronic on Feb 1, 2006 07:38 PM

oh awesome. i was under the impression that the length actually did shrink an inch or so. and i could actually use an inch or two off in length, otherwise imgoing to have to tailor them or cuff them for awhile

another thing--> i just got mine in the mail, size 26. i have levis skinners in 30 but they are a little big around the waist. anyway these APC new standards are SUPER tight, and the waist is tiny, i can only button the top 2 buttons if i pull them way up and sit down and suck in. the third i can do usually but the bottom 2 always.

they are going to stretch a whole bunch right? even in the waist?

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I thought the length will shrink an inch or two, which I could use. Either that or hem them, or just cuff them for awhile.

Also, they are size 26 New Standards, and they are SO tight its insane. I wear 30 in levis skinner but they are a little loose around the waist. I can button them up if i suck in a whole bunch, and i can wear them around with it all buttoned but not comfortably. not to mention they are INSANELY tight around the thighs/crotch/everything else area.

they are going to stretch a lot right? i like my pants to look 'tight' but this is comical. theyll stretch in the waist too right? my friend said that jeans never stretch in the waist and i dunno how true that is...

i can post pics if you want

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^^^ i wouldnt worry. that sz 26 will definitely stretch to at least a size 30 if not more.

i have New Standards marked size 32 which now have a measured waist size of about 37 1/2" and they are now nowhere to be conidered a "tight fitting" jean. they were fucking ridiculously tight when i first got them and stretched out considerably within 2 days. i've never seen denim that stretches this much before but at least now the fit is perfect.

Edited by Meth Huffer on Feb 3, 2006 at 12:16 AM

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Quote: i can post pics if you want

I'd like to see them.

Today my NS arrived. I first ordered a 25 but I changed to a 26.

Well, I should've gone with the 25..... the 26 is tight in the waist but they still are very loose around my thighs... they look like a pair of rescues on me.

I guess I will return them to a 25 probably, because I really like the denim.

abc 123

Edited by Tobe on Feb 3, 2006 at 03:17 AM

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I soaked my overdyed black jeans inside out in warm water for about 10 minutes and then rinsed them with woolite to get rid of the smell. Hung them outside till they stopped dripping and then finished them off in the dryer. The puppies snaped back into shape as they can get very loose and shaggy looking after wearing them for a bit. Didn't loose much color either and they got this nice contrasting fading going on now. They look fuckin great rocking them witha pair of black boots and i have noticed they are a bit fitted at the bottom as well.

And to the dude who went 4 sizes down on his apcs, man that is nuts! I'm usually a 28 and went down to a 26 and those fit pretty snug but not tight (I could most definitely rock a 25 without a problem)and they ended up stretching out so they loosened up quite a bit. What i have noticed is that the apcs will fit differently depending not on your waist size but how thick you legs are and how big your but is. Reading on here from people who have purchased them, seems the shorter thicker folks are the ones who are having trouble slipping them on. I am skinny and lanky so they fit kinda snug not skin tight on me even at 26. APC just put there spring catalog up on the site ,there are a couple of new washes.

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I just got a pair of Cures in a 28. There's an "F" on back of tag meaning Femme. I also tried on a pair of NS in a 28. They were a good 1" longer in the inseam, but fit pretty similiar everywhere else. I guess this means the NS is a 36" inseam which is what I would have preferred. I need to check out to see if the 29's in the Cure are the same length as the 28's in the NS.

Regardless, they're a sick jean!


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Here's a pic of of 3 pairs of new APCs stacked. I have aligned the waist and stacked them on top of each other.

top: English, 29 waist

middle: Rescue 29 waist

bottom: Rescue 30 waist

As you can see the Rescue 29s are clearly longer. I might have kept them if they weren't. Instead I went with the English. The Rescue 30s were too wide at the waist.


Here is a pic of the 2 Rescues. 29 and 30. Now, both of these are supposed to be 34 inches long?


Edited by Tarmac on Feb 3, 2006 at 07:07 PM

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