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zissou, thanks for the shortcut to your OG post. I am about half way through reading the whole thread and am almost at your post but thanks for making it easy on my. Also, thinking about grabbing one of the J. Crew Version in Large as that may be my only option. Any thoughts on the quality compared to the one sold at SESF or MF? I know the lining is different but what else? Anyone purchased the lesser version?

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What akuma said. The coat that is not lined with wool was the original version. As far as I know, the only difference other than the lining is that the Liberty Issue has rainbow stitching under the collar and on the inside, and the mermaid patches on the inside of the plackets.

If you live in a place that regularly hits freezing, then the Liberty Issue coat is good. If you live someplace that rarely or never hits freezing, then the other version should do you good. You can always layer...

I believe technicolor has owned both.

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To follow up on what Zissou said I really don't think you can go wrong with either. I regularly wear an (8oz?) Melton Wool Coat (EG) in Connecticut winters and I'm definitely warm with layers, you'd be set with the first run of Pea Coats as long as you regularly layer anyways.

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^from where, Japan? Not that it matters. Yeah, probably, but you should compare measurements just to be sure. SE has them for the raw Liberty Issue.

Edit: although, who knows. The 38 one wash could have been a 38 raw. If you want the measurements of the 40 raw, then wouldn't you want a 42 one wash? This is all speculation without seeing measurements.

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What's this crap about a "lesser" version?

There's simply the spring/summer version and the fall/winter "liberty issue" version.

Not one is better than the other and especially not because J-Crew happens to be selling the summer version more than a year after MF and SE had it.

The difference between the two is that the liberty issue p-coat is blanket lined, has the rainbow stitching and mermaid patches and I also recently learned that the sleeves on the liberty issue are a bit longer.

Oh and the s/s version is sized in s,m,l. (Possible that the liberty issue is made in Japan while the first one is made in the USA, but I can't check as I'm on my phone)

But that's it...

Finally, there is no such thing as a "J-Crew version", they're simply selling it.

I personally have the s/s version and layered and buttoned all the way it keeps me plenty warm here in Ams until it's so cold I need to switch to a B-3, which is cold!

Can only imagine the liberty issue to be really warm, and one might actually get less wear out of it since with the s/s version you can wear less layers when it's warmer, but you can't take the lining out of the liberty issue version.

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^agreed. Looks great akuma

Cotton, I think you are right about getting more wear out of the early SS peacoat. I can only wear my Liberty Issue when it is particularly cold. Although, I am happy to have it as my coldest weather coat. The signal vest and shore jacket are great SS outerwear for me, although I would like something in between those and the peacoat. Maybe a mid-weight melton wool jacket...

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zissou, thanks for the shortcut to your OG post. I am about half way through reading the whole thread and am almost at your post but thanks for making it easy on my. Also, thinking about grabbing one of the J. Crew Version in Large as that may be my only option. Any thoughts on the quality compared to the one sold at SESF or MF? I know the lining is different but what else? Anyone purchased the lesser version?
What's this crap about a "lesser" version?

There's simply the spring/summer version and the fall/winter "liberty issue" version.

Not one is better than the other and especially not because J-Crew happens to be selling the summer version more than a year after MF and SE had it.

The difference between the two is that the liberty issue p-coat is blanket lined, has the rainbow stitching and mermaid patches and I also recently learned that the sleeves on the liberty issue are a bit longer.

Oh and the s/s version is sized in s,m,l. (Possible that the liberty issue is made in Japan while the first one is made in the USA, but I can't check as I'm on my phone)

But that's it...

Finally, there is no suck thing as a "J-Crew version", they're simply selling it.

I personally have the s/s version and layered and buttoned all the way it keeps me plenty warm here in Ams until it's so cold I need to switch to a B-3, which is cold!

Can only imagine the liberty issue to be really warm, and one might actually get less wear out of it since with the s/s version you can wear less layers when it's warmer, but you can't take the lining out of the liberty issue version.

Cotton, I did not mean lesser as in quality but rather, price. As far as the "J-Crew Version" comment I was merely referring to the one they are selling (spring/summer). I admit, I was a bit confused regarding the two models, but am now all cleared up. Thank you for making the distinctions. Just ordered it...

Akuma, Nice fit, can't wait to see their evolution.

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The grey stripe was in the blanket used to line the coats. It could just be that the area of the blanket used to line yours did not have that stripe.

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Thanks ya'll for the posi comments and such, I'm going totry to document these things at some point to show some of the delicious details such as the red plaid watch pocket and the chambray pocket bags (which have developed a wonderful slubiness, can't wait to have the shirt of that material) also these things are showing wear very quickly, bright blue is peaking out of a lot of spots already and I'm bot quite 3 weeks into them...

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The Mister Freedom Mulholland Master Jacket is finally here...

We've also received a full restock of the Mechanic's Crews and Rider's Dungarees (which have turned out to easily be the best selling MF jeans yet):











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