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@badseed, Jordan just told me! Looks like there might be fewer than six degrees of separation in this small World...

My girl actually wears quite a few of the pieces, and mixes with her own style. The sizing is what makes it work, even if the patterns are not 'adapted' to the female frame . There are just only very few XS being made, so i don't even post that option.

Maybe one day a full collection, but they'll have to make days longer than 24h first ;-)

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christophe: i'm curious do you plan on doing a re-release of the original 7161 or atleast another waist overalls,with the many different colours of denim anytime in the future

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christophe: i'm curious do you plan on doing a re-release of the original 7161 or atleast another waist overalls,with the many different colours of denim anytime in the future

Probably not for a while, as there are so many new things to experiment with...and so little time ;-) We still use that 'trick' (inspired by some vintage pieces that came out of crunch/war time prod, when everything at hand was sut/sewn) with some in-house products in small batches though.

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so i emailed john at mf and got a great, honest response. i'm really trying to convince myself that i could wear those pique pants through a 30 degree winter, but that's wishful thinking, right?

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Probably not for a while, as there are so many new things to experiment with...and so little time ;-) We still use that 'trick' (inspired by some vintage pieces that came out of crunch/war time prod, when everything at hand was sut/sewn) with some in-house products in small batches though.

Man, I sure need to find my way out the the store. and check out some of the in-house custom pieces, and just the store in general, it seems like my kind of place indeed.

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Is anyone able to comment on sizing similarities between the midnight CPO and the Off Duty version. Ive got the XL in Midnight, did a short warm soak and fits good. Looking to get a L in the Off DUty on the basis that (using Selfedge measurement charts) the XL in midnight shrinks down to around the size of the Off Duty which has little shrinkage. Wondered if anyone has the same sizes I am looking at and it worked this way for them.

Thank you.

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Don't normally post...more of a lurker...but just picked up a pair of California lot 44 from Tuckshop here in Singapore and am impressed with the details. Sz 34 X 36. Great shop, great products, knowledgeable people.

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My gunslinger jumper arrived yesterday from Japan. That's 3 days from ordering to the UK!

It is raw, so I should expect some colour transfer christophe?

Edited by Thor
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My gunslinger jumper arrived yesterday from Japan. That's 3 days from ordering to the UK!

It is raw, so I should expect some colour transfer christophe?

Nice buy Thor, how do you like it?

Now that I have one CPO, I'm thinking midnight.

Damn good shirt....a tad long on the tails though.

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The CPO is one shirt that does not mind being worn long

BT, I guess that depends on how tall you are, lol.

I have a denim CPO, already one of my favorite shirts, now I really want to get the midnight as well.

BTW, if you don't get anyone to answer your sizing question, give MF a call directly.

They are awesome folks.

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i've been drooling over shots of the deck jacket for a year or so and keeping an eye on ebay and now they're back in at Self Edge. Very close to pulling the trigger but, seeing that I live in Boston, can't very well try it on first. I'm 6'1" 230lbs and I think, based on the measurements I should be looking at a 44 (i have broad shoulders that normally dictates what size I buy). Any advice or folks looking to be rid of theirs for less than $870?


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BT, I guess that depends on how tall you are, lol.

I have a denim CPO, already one of my favorite shirts, now I really want to get the midnight as well.

BTW, if you don't get anyone to answer your sizing question, give MF a call directly.

They are awesome folks.

Indeed they are, only they are out of Off Duty CPOs in most sizes now.

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