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superconfessional II: the sequel


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one time i movie hopped was for spiderman and minority report (2002).  the spiderman movie broke at the part where spiderman had to choose between saving mary jane or a bus full of kids.  got a free ticket for that.

Edited by wahwho11
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  On 6/10/2014 at 1:32 PM, sarang hae said:



i was esl (surprise surprise) elementary school student. in chorus class this one girl had a really fat butt n one day i pulled the chair on her bc i thought it would cushion her fall. didnt get caught (we were singing rockin robin)


dung funny

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I felt like I was finally done with dealing with bad anxiety/depression but lots of it seems to be coming back.  Spent the past year working with it (and it got better) but I think the consistently "bettering myself" and being positive eventually ran out. Damn.


Should probably try to get back into therapy

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  On 5/24/2014 at 4:40 PM, superBobo said:

met supercute girl while on conference in another country, liked her immediately, did not know if she liked me, we started emailing about professional /research stuff when I got home because she was interested in my work, mails started getting more personal, fun and cute. This goes on for about a week or so, and then she sends a long email about having a boyfriend, that she really got a "crush " on me, and that we had to stop emailing because she is so committed to her relationship, and was afraid that our email conversation would end up  somewhere serious. So fucking bummed about this, feels like I won on lottery and then the someone stole the winnings. Still hoping to hear from her, but dont think it will happen.

Cannot believe you are waiting...

Real men ACT!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't really know what is right and what is wrong anymore. I've tried to look at things through different perspectives, but that only led me to different opinions. I'm coming from an environment surrounded by hypocrites, liars, stuck-ups,and losers. Sorry if this doesn't make any sense I'm talking about drugs,morals, and relationship issues. Sometimes I just feel like I don't know anything anymore and everything is out of my reach. But I hate thinking like this, it's a loser's mentality and I'm not about that.

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  On 3/5/2014 at 4:27 PM, harotron said:

Went to a show last night. It was an awesome one, but I saw someone I used to be good friends with in the crowd and after that I couldn't really stop wondering why we weren't so close anymore. I don't know whether she saw me, or maybe I should have said hi.

I just miss the friendship. :(


lol funny development


Her boyfriend calls me out of nowhere just to tell me that he doesn't like me, and that he'd appreciate if I never contacted her again.


She randomly texted me the other day about a book I once mentioned, and from then on we texted back and fourth for a bit. Turns out she mentioned something about me to her boyfriend, who turns out completely forgot I existed and remembered that he didn't like me, so he felt compelled enough to actually just tell me. He said that he felt bad, but just did not like me because he didn't approve the way I lived my life. He said that we're just different. Apparently this distain has been building up for a while. 


How is this guy, who doesn't even really know me, going to make judgements on how I live my life just because I've smoked pot in front of him. Bullshit. I asked him to tell me how he thought I lived my life, and he refused to answer. I'm guessing that he just see's me as some sort of threat. 


It turns out she was there too while her bf called me so I asked to speak to her. I just told her my goodbyes, and that I wished her the best in life. She gave the same, but was very quiet over the phone. I wonder if it was easy for her to do this but either way I guess this is really what she wants if its happening. 

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girlfriend got my what acct disabled, seriously contemplating changing our aparments lock and posting a letter on the door along the lines of


"This is either due to inactivity or rule violation(s).
To discuss this with staff, come to our IRC network at: irc.what-network.net
And join #what.cd-disabled

And if you want to come home, slide 'The Stark Reality Discovers Hoagy Carmichael's Music Shop' under the door"

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  On 7/29/2014 at 7:01 AM, harotron said:

It turns out she was there too while her bf called me so I asked to speak to her. I just told her my goodbyes, and that I wished her the best in life. She gave the same, but was very quiet over the phone. 



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