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i confess ive had more fun today doing errands by myself than ive had hanging out with my friends recently.

im becoming a loner.

i dont know if this is good or bad or im going into a mindset that i can cut ppl off with ease when i need to.

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i secretly thought i could bone some korean supermodels when i was in seoul, didnt happen. although i did meet daul kim, she clearly didnt want my meat and two.

next time ill vow to bag a wondergirl, ill put more effort into my ball.

What? You told 'er about Ham & Whores® though right??!!

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i confess ive had more fun today doing errands by myself than ive had hanging out with my friends recently.

im becoming a loner.

i dont know if this is good or bad or im going into a mindset that i can cut ppl off with ease when i need to.

Seriously. I see myself slowly getting rid of almost everyone from my life. Friends, family, exes. I still see my friends and (rarely) my family, but i just feel like it's just because i have to. With the exception of the past week or two with that one girl, i just feel like i'm living in this isolated bubble. Despite going to grad program every day with the same people and seeing my roomate, and others, i'm not really mentally there.

It's comforting and lonely at the same time. Not sure either if this is all good or bad. Good luck with that.

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I totally bombed a midterm today that was worth 25% of my grade. I tried really hard to study and learn everything but everything I really focused on wasn't even on the test...

It's just so stupid because I literally spent many evenings making flashcards, memorizing terms and looking at definitions for things that I wasn't even tested on...

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I totally bombed a midterm today that was worth 25% of my grade. I tried really hard to study and learn everything but everything I really focused on wasn't even on the test...

It's just so stupid because I literally spent many evenings making flashcards, memorizing terms and looking at definitions for things that I wasn't even tested on...


does not bode well. i just spent 40 mins copying out my roughly scribbled down lecture notes onto a proper writing pad.

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