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So I'm about to get off a shitty day of work and I get a text from her that totally perks me up..she asks to meet and I'm so fucking giddy it's not funny..we so we decide to meet and I'm waiting..and waiting..and more waiting..and I don't mind waiting for her not at all..but she takes over an hour and doesn't even call or say sorry so I'm a little pissed..then she finally texts and she's at a diner nearby with a girlfriend..

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So I'm about to get off a shitty day of work and I get a text from her that totally perks me up..she asks to meet and I'm so fucking giddy it's not funny..we so we decide to meet and I'm waiting..and waiting..and more waiting..and I don't mind waiting for her not at all..but she takes over an hour and doesn't even call or say sorry so I'm a little pissed..then she finally texts and she's at a diner nearby with a girlfriend..

Yo, shut the fuck up

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I show up and her friend tells me I look nice..SHE doesn't even say sorry..

We eat and she tells me she has a few brews..her friend needs to go home so we get on the train..eventually it's just us two and I purposelly get on the train she needs and it's about to be the stop for her and she asks if I want to get off with her to finish the drinks..at this point my spirits are so lifted..we go to a little park and have the drinks and smokes and the best conversation..fireworks man..ducking fireworks..I can't stop looking at her the whole time..and she's so damn cute and pretty in her drunken state I just wanna keep her safe in my arms..siiigh

She invited me out to a couple of parties tomorrow..I can't fucking wait.. shell be the only thing I'll be concentrated on the whole party..ahhhhhh

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lib, your narrated stories are super adorable though are quickly turning into films that would star michael cera

you mean how hes being too nice to her and seems like shes gna step all over his heart?

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Good luck Liberation, sounds like you two make quite the pair.

I got stuff to make butternut squash risotto yesterday and I forgot the bacon in the grocery bag of things that don't go in the fridge, so it sat out all night. I suppose my confession is that I still want to use it. I probably won't, as I bought just a few slices from the butcher and it only cost $2, but I hate wasting food/money...

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^ ive been getting hammered alot too. i just stay in my pjs all day, then when drinking time comes around i finally shower and dress up. stay up shitfaced till like 4, then repeat the next day.... it also doesnt help that i live right above an irish bar.

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