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she says you're too much or shes too much? if shes saying she is its just an attack of conscience which will change when she feels like shes not getting any attention. Meaning "let me stop fking around with him im being a bitch." If shes saying that about you shes just reminding you its only a joke i might be saying i want to meet your parents but dont get ahead of yourself.

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I really don't give a fuck.

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I feel sad. Jeans that I got don't fit. I have water stuck in my ear, feels permanent. It's not just for a while, it's been in there for a couple hours. Tried everything. It's not the first time either. I'm afraid I might go deaf in my left ear.

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Knugget, your ear could be infected. Go check with your doctor.


And exchange your fucking jeans.

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Knugget, your ear could be infected. Go check with your doctor.


I'm hoping it's not. Trying to wait it out. I feel no pain yet...it's more like blockage. I tend to get swimmer's ear a lot.

And exchange your fucking jeans.

Can't. Was shooting for the order and hope they fit.

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Every chick that has broken up with me and come back ive banged once them dumped the very next day with every intention of doing so. I really enjoy that feeling of returning the pain. Its almost worth being on the other end of it.

I may have issues.

thats the plan, breaks my heart though

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i'm farting in the store when customers aren't in... smells so bad

at the restaurant i used to work at, we/i would fart as we walked by anothers table or a table that had been camping for a excessive amount of time or were just anoying. we called it "crop dusting" it might have affected thier enjoyment of food or wine at times.i was always pissed off when i didnt have any good farts stored up at the right moment. at bars i used to burp in peoples faces when my stomach contained something especially raunchy. only douches and cwg usually. they never knew where it came from. i have since reformed in my old age and have not cropdusted for some time, on purpose.

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Guest jmatsu
yep... because he was a fucking pop singer who was out of touch with what was going on in reggae beyond 71. fuck bob marley.

me say: i never liked that jah island-nigga cause he always seemd so soft. i never like his ska either. (i think) he ain't even nver said "botty-boi killa" or "boombaklad!" either.

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at the restaurant i used to work at, we/i would fart as we walked by anothers table or a table that had been camping for a excessive amount of time or were just anoying. we called it "crop dusting" it might have affected thier enjoyment of food or wine at times.i was always pissed off when i didnt have any good farts stored up at the right moment. at bars i used to burp in peoples faces when my stomach contained something especially raunchy. only douches and cwg usually. they never knew where it came from. i have since reformed in my old age and have not cropdusted for some time, on purpose.

you are the corniest of corny white, I bet you were also that guy who had to piss/vomit in the communal bathroom sink at your freshman year dorms too?

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